Monday, October 19, 2015

Update: Postpartum Exercising

Last Wednesday at my five week postpartum appointment, I got the go ahead to start working out from my doctor. The second I got home, I signed up for a Pure Barre class for the very next morning! I was so excited for the "shake" that Pure Barre brings. When I was 34 weeks pregnant, I signed up for my first Pure Barre class and quickly became addicted to the extremely challenging way of working out. It really works wonders for relieving stress too and I have plenty of that being a mama of three very active little boys! I felt pretty awesome walking out after my first postpartum class, but by the afternoon I was already feeling it! 

Friday, I went on a mile and a half run. It was slow and hard, but I didn't walk at all which I was proud of! It was really windy and cold that day too so by the evening my throat was sore and my muscles were aching all over. Saturday, I went on a quick one mile walk around the neighborhood I was able to get out by myself while my lovely husband watched the kids. Sunday, I took a rest day which was much needed because Saturday night Rose was up pretty much all night.  

This morning, I am starting the week on the right foot with a 5:30am Pure Barre class! I plan to go MWF and on my off days try to walk or run on the treadmill, but only if I have the energy to though. Rose is still waking up every 2-3 hours at night, so I am not getting much sleep over here. As for keeping up my milk supply while working out, I have been just listening to my body and eating when I am hungry and sometimes that means snacking literally all day. I try to make healthy choices.I eat apples with peanut butter, oatmeal, cereal, grapes, carrots, yogurt, chocolate milk etc. I drink water, occasionally powerade, and always start my morning with coffee because I. need. it. I used this website to calculate what my calorie intake should be everyday. I am 5 feet 2 inches and 100lbs, so it says I need to consume 1733 calories. 

If you haven't already tried a Pure Barre class, I highly recommend it! 

Have a fabulous week! 



  1. Way to go on getting back to exercising!! I have three little boys (three year old twins and a 1.5 year old). Can you share any tips on getting up early?

    1. Thank you! What gets me out of bed is knowing that 530am is my only chance that day to get it done if I don't get going then it won't happen! Also knowing how much better I will feel the entire day gets me out of bed. I tend to eat better and have more energy when I exercise and to me that is worth losing that time I could be sleeping. Hope that helps!
