Monday, October 5, 2015

Rose||One Month Old

Rose's two week update can be found here
Trent's one month update can be found here

Breastfeeding- Breastfeeding Rose has been going very well. I always forget how much work it is. Obviously, I can't get any help with feedings and in the middle of the night when she wakes up for the fourth time and I want to cry from exhaustion, but I just look down at her little face and soak up this special bond we have. I know there will be a time when I think back to this busy time in my life and miss it. Rose eats about every two hours around the clock, sometimes I get lucky and she will go three hours!

Personality- Rose is still very young --her actual due date still hasn't passed (October 7th.) She sleeps most of the day and has usually two awake periods that last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours-- one being in the morning around breakfast time and one being later in the day around dinner time. I can't wait for her to be more awake so we can get to know her personality a little better. But for now, I will just continue to enjoy this sleepy newborn phase and all the cuddles that come with it!

Brothers- Landon and Oliver (4 years old and 3 years old) love Rose so much they are constantly (especially Landon) asking to hold Rose. It is no secret that Landon is a lover of all babies! The sweet things I hear him whispering to her melt my heart. Trent has shocked us all and has taken his new big brother title very seriously. He is very protective and gentle toward his little sister. When Landon or Oliver are holding Rose, he gets very jealous and cries and points at them until I take Rose back. When it is his turn, he is all smiles and gently strokes her fuzzy brown hair and softly kisses her little curled up fingers --it is the cutest thing ever! Matt and I both thought he might be distant towards her, like Oliver was toward him when he came home, but he is the totally opposite.  Trent can't get enough of his new best friend!

One Month Facts-

Weight: 7lbs 6oz
Height: 20 inches
Clothing Size: Newborn, 0-3 Month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Stick straight, dark brown, thickest in the the back
Dislikes: Being changed, both diaper and clothes, pacifier
Likes: Sleeping, showers with mommy, MamaRoo, being wrapped in my Solly wrap

My Postpartum Update-

Today, at one month postpartum, I weigh 101lbs. While breastfeeding, my body likes to hold on to a few pounds. I am in no rush to lose them anyway. I haven't started exercising, but plan to after my 6 week postpartum check up in two weeks!


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