Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Day in a Life (of a mom of three boys and a girl!)

My last "A Day In a Life" was back in July, when was 7 months pregnant with Rose. A lot has changed since then and I can't wait to share it with you!

Today is Friday, October 23, 2015

Landon is 4 and a half years old
Oliver is 3 years old, 5 months old
Trent is 21 months old
Rose is 7 weeks old

12:03am-- This is Roses first wake up since going to bed at 9pm. I nurse her-- she only breastfed from one side before falling into a deep sleep. This is frustrating because usually means she will be up in an hour or two wanting to eat again because she didn't eat enough last time. I change her diaper in hopes of waking her up some, but she's out cold.

2:49am-- Yup, up again because she didn't eat enough at 12am.

4:45am-- My alarm goes off for my Pure Barre class that starts at 5:30am. We live like 5 minutes from the studio, which is awesome. I get up and change and while I'm in the bathroom I ask myself, "should I wake Rose to feed her or should I just pump?" Leaning toward feeding her since she does not take a bottle well, I hear her grunting and moving around. I guess that answers that question. I change her diaper and feed her once again--she only eats one side, ugh! I now have to pump too, in case she gets hungry while I am gone...

After a quick pump session, I quickly head downstairs to turn on the coffee maker. While it's brewing, I clean my pump stuff. Once the coffee is done I add some creamer and sugar, eat half a banana, grab my water and I am out the door. 

5:27am-- I arrive at class!

6:32am-- Class is over and I hurry back home.

6:39am--Everyone is awake and fed (thanks Matt!) Landon drew me a heart on the chalkboard which made my morning that much better!  Matt tells me he is going to be working from home today, that means I can leave Trent during his nap and just take Rose to pick up the boys from school!

Matt was in the middle of feeding Rose, but she was struggling to take the bottle and only had about half and ounce. I put the rest in a storage bag and nurse her instead, but she wasn't too interested, so I go eat my breakfast.

 6:56am-- Trash truck is here! Of course with a house full of boys, they always want to run out and watch it (pants or no pants.)

7:11am-- For breakfast I had my favorite oatmeal, egg whites, with peanut butter and chia seeds. After quickly eating Rose, decided she was ready to eat, but of course I was in the middle of getting the boys clothes together for school. So what do I do? Walk around nursing her, of course. Ha Ha! You got to do what you got to do! I take their clothes down the stairs so they can get dressed. Once Rose is done breastfeeding, I change her, rinse off and get myself dressed for the day. The boys are staying at school an extra hour for lunch. Since Matt is home,  I can leave Trent during his nap. This means I have to pack them both lunch!

8:16am-- Leave to take the boys to school and grab an apple for myself. There is no carpool at their school, so I have to take all four kids inside. I'm dreading this winter with the cold and having to bundle them! Trent has a melt down in front of Oliver's class because he doesn't want to leave.

9:09am-- I finally get Trent and Rose back in the car and we head home.

9:27am-- We get home! Rose is hungry again, so I feed her before my friend Amy comes to meet Rose which I was so excited about!

Around 11am-- I make Trent his lunch and sit his at the table then I nurse Rose and she falls right asleep on me after being awake a good part of Amy's visit.

Around 12-- Once Trent is done eating, I change his diaper, put him in pjs and put him down for his nap.

12:14pm-- I pick up from Trent's lunch --he is the messiest eater! After that I leave to get Landon and Oliver from school with Rose.

12:43pm-- Since I got there early, I was able to see the boys playing together on the playground.

1:05-- It is such a nice day out and since Trent is still napping, I decide to walk with Landon, Oliver and Rose to Starbucks for some hot chocolate! My mom was in the area so she joined us which was a nice surprise!

Around 2pm-- Get back home! Of course the hot chocolate sloshed and got all over my pants! This is also my second outfit  today because earlier Trent touched me with his dirty lunch hands. We all go through multiple outfits in a day. #boymamaproblems

2:23pm-- Trent is up! I get him from his crib and change him.

I let Trent play with Landon and Oliver in their room while Rose continues her nap in her crib. During these few minutes I have while they are all distracted, I fold a disturbing amount of laundry. 

2:45pm-- I change Trent out of his pjs that I put him in for nap time. I ask the older boys to go potty because I need to get them all in the car to go to Wegmans. Their classes are having Halloween parties next week and I need to get a few things I signed up for. Before leaving, I feed Rose again.

Once we arrived, I spent a few minutes deciding the best way to bring them all in. I knew for sure Trent would need to be contained because he does not listen very well unlike Landon and Oliver. Rose was sleeping well in her carseat, so I decided on using the double stroller since I was planning on only getting a few small things, I just used the basket underneath to put them until we got to check out.

4:16pm-- We get home and Matt unloads the groceries for me since he just finished his work and is done for the day.

4:45pm-- I preheat the oven to bake the salmon I defrosted earlier in the day. I like this meal because I can just pop both the salmon and the asparagus in the cold oven for 20-25 minutes while it preheats. Matt and I don't really care for pasta or rice, so it makes it really easy for me to cook. While our food is baking, the boys start to eat their dinner, which was chicken nuggets and fruit.

5:13pm-- Matt and I eat dinner while Rose eats too.

6pm-- Once everyone is done with dinner, the boys play in their play area for a little. When I am done cleaning up from dinner, I go upstairs to get pjs for everyone and change Rose. She fits perfectly in these pjs, but I am sure once I publish this post she will already be too big for them-- she is growing too fast!! Everything was going really well while the boys were entertaining themselves, until I hear Oliver crying. I knew right away Trent had bitten him. Landon went through the same teething phase where he would bite Oliver too, poor guy! After Matt had a talk with Trent that I don't think sank in, they kissed and made up.

6:32pm-- Finally everyone is calming down, their teeth are brushed and their night time show is on.

7pm-- Once their show (Little Einsteins) is over, I kiss them goodnight and Matt takes them up to bed. Rose is eating before I try to get her down for bed too. This is when Matt and I can watch a show and talk about our day.  It took some walking around and swaying, but I finally got Rose to sleep. It feels so nice to have the house quite after a busy day.

8:37pm-- I head upstairs to put Rose in her rock and play chair, brush my teeth and get in bed. I fall asleep right away.

10:32pm-- Rose is up again to eat, I wait a few minutes in hopes that she will go back to sleep. But she doesn't, so I feed her and forget to change her diaper out of pure exhaustion.

Throw in a few "Mommy I need a drink, snack or I can't reach something." lots of kisses and hugs and that is our day! The days are busy, I don't have much time for myself and usually if I am lucky enough to have everyone happy for a few minutes, I spend it doing laundry or dishes. But I wouldn't change it for the world-- I love staying home with my babies and taking care of their needs. I never knew pure joy, until I became a mommy!


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