Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rose||Two Weeks Old

Trent's 2 weeks update can be found here.

Breastfeeding- To be honest when Rose was sent to the NICU I really doubted we would be able to breastfeed because of nipple confusion (she was given bottles of breastmilk) when I could be there for her feeding time I would obviously nurse her and she would do pretty well, but she would get tired really fast. When Rose was first born she latched perfectly, but then fell asleep from all the excitement I guess she remembered that because hasn't had any confusion and is nursing so well! She seems to have her days and nights mixed up though and eats every 1.5-2 hours during the night and 3 hours during the day. Hopefully we can fix this ASAP! 

Lots of firsts this week:

First time nursing the car 
First time being held by Papa
First time being held by Grandma
First time in the Solly Wrap

First time at the doctor
First time taking a bath

First time in the Mamaroo

Two Week Facts-

Weight: 5lbs 4oz
Height: 18.5 inches
Clothing Size: preemie/newborn
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Stick straight, dark brown, thickest in the the back
Dislikes: Being changed diaper and clothes, pacifier
Likes: Sleeping, baths, MamaRoo, being wrapped in my solly wrap

My Postpartum Update-


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rose's Birth Story: Part Two

If you missed it you can find the first part of Rose's birth story here.

After finally making it up to our room, we were welcomed by a nurse who immediately said "your baby is grunting." Without asking, she then took Rose out of my hands and said she needed to be looked at in the nursery. Matt looked at me and asked if he should leave me to go with her and of course I said "yes!" I was left in the hallway with a man from transport alone and I went from the highest high to the lowest low all in about two minutes. The nurse returned without Matt and Rose and asked me to move myself (3 hours after my c- section) from my recovery bed to the bed I would be staying in the remainder of our time in the hospital. I was shocked she even asked me, but I did it. I slowly used my arms to move myself from one bed to the other as she just stood there and watched me. Each move gave a burning sting in my fresh incision. After enduring what felt like a marathon, both the nurse and man from transport left.

I was alone in the room without my phone (Matt had it) and with out my baby girl. Just alone. I started to cry knowing she was going to be taken to the NICU. The nurse came back in what felt like hours later and said what I already knew she would say from the moment she took Rose "Dad and baby are going to make a trip down to the NICU to monitor her a little longer." I burst into tears and she asked if I wanted to be alone and to be honest I didn't, but I would have rather been alone then been with her. So I said yes, within ten minutes I called the nurses station to ask for a breast pump since I knew even if Rose was going to be staying in the NICU I wanted to breastfeed her. They said they will be right in. Fifteen minutes pass I am still alone without my pump. I call again they said they are now doing a shift change so I needed to wait. So I sat there alone waiting not knowing if Rose was okay was ripping me up inside. How could everything go from being so perfect to so horrible so fast? How could I go from feeling so full to so unbelievably empty?

Matt finally came back to me after about an hour of me being alone and terrified out of my mind. He said that they have Rose under an oxygen hood just to give her a little more oxygen until her breathing slows down. At this point in time I STILL didn't have a pump, my eyes were swollen from crying so hard, and I was in a lot of pain from my c-section. Matt was very upset that the nurses had been ignoring me and he went out to find one and demand we be helped. He was also shocked I was asked to literally move myself from one bed to another with NO help hours after getting a c-section. The pump arrived finally and I did all I could do at that point and pumped. After a little while I asked Matt to wheel me down to see our girl and it was hard to see her there the one place I didn't want her to go my whole pregnancy, but I knew she was in the best hands and I was glad she was doing well.

That night in the hospital was lonely. I woke up every few hours to pump and Matt would wake up to help me and to clean the parts for me then hold me after. I would lay there in the dark thinking about Rose and how she was doing. I would call the NICU and check on her status. I missed her incredibly, it didn't help to be there listening to all the new babies crying for their mommies when all I wanted was to be back in recovery holding my little girl. The one I dreamed of since I myself was a little girl.

The next day we went to visit Rose, her doctors in the NICU said she needed to stay for a while to be monitored and to have her lungs mature some more. They wouldn't give us a length of time that she would be staying there. I told Matt "I can't stay here another night. I just want to go home to our boys. I want to sleep in our bed. I want to leave." So I got discharged just over 24 hours after my c-section which may seem crazy, but I needed to get out of there. The hospital I delivered at is 45 minutes away from our house so I knew leaving Rose was going to be one of the hardest decisions of my life. But that was just it, it wasn't a decision I got to make. Rose was staying and I was going.

We got home and my parents had put the boys to bed which worked out well because I didn't know what we were going to tell them yet. They knew we were at the hospital to give birth to Rose but coming home with out her was going to be very confusing to them. Luckily, they handled it pretty well the next day and pretty much forgot about the fact that Rose wasn't physically there when we gave them the presents Rose had for them!

Landon and Oliver had their first day of school where Landon drew Rose still in my tummy. I knew he didn't understand completely, but seeing her as this little blob he drew in my tummy reminded me so much of the first time we saw Rose at our ultrasound just a little blob, with a fast little flicker that was her beating heart. I fought back the tears.

The days kept rolling by and she was still there. I was still pumping away and Matt and I would bring my milk in every evening after putting the boys to bed when my mom would come and watch the monitor. The drive was long and dark and sad.

I didn't keep this information from anyone for any other reason than because I wasn't ready to talk about it. I hope you can understand that this was a very hard time for us.

We are blessed beyond words to have brought our daughter home she's healthy, beautiful and more perfect than I ever imagined. Sure, my last birth didn't go as I had hoped or dreamed it would these past nine months. But most importantly she's home, she's healthy, she beautiful and more perfect than I could have ever imagined.


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Rose's Birth Story: Part One

September 3rd, 2015

Matt and I walked into my 35 week doctor appointment at 8:40am like we had all of our appointments before. Little did we know this would be my last appointment pregnant ever. We were excited to see our little girl on the big ultrasound screen and eager to find out how much she's grown since the last time we saw her. During my ultrasound I had had a few contractions our ultrasound tech would stop and watch as my stomach would go lopsided and hard for a few seconds and then back and few minutes later it would start again. Rose was estimated to weigh 5lbs 3oz via the ultrasound.

The tech told my doctor who knows my history of preterm labor and she decided it would be best to have me do a non stress test. They hooked me up to the monitors and right away Matt and I saw contraction after contraction they weren't painful at that point, but they were uncomfortable. They were coming every 2 to 4 minutes. My doctor came back in after 20 minutes and said  "I am going to have to give you a shot of Terbutaline." I had to get two of these shots on Monday when we went to the hospital because of contractions. I absolutely hated the feeling of this shot. The best way to describe it that its like taking speed according to my doctor. My heart started racing, my body started shaking (especially my hands) and I got really hot. My doctor needed me to have this shot as a precaution so my uterus wouldn't rupture on the 45 minute car ride to the hospital. Before we left she checked me and my cervix was short, soft and a fingertip dilated my doctor said "her head is very low, she has dropped."

Matt and I left the doctors with me shaking mostly from the Terbutaline, but also because I was terrified. We went right home where my parents were watching our boys to grab a few last minute things and to kiss them all over. The drive to the hospital felt like hours. Not knowing if this is it, if we were going to be meeting her today and being scared out of my mind. There were a million questions running through my head. I wanted to be happy like Matt was, but I was too scared to be.

Once we got up to labor and delivery to be monitored my contractions were coming again after they had slowed down for the past hour in the car. From that moment on I realized Rose was coming whether or not I was ready mentally or physically so I needed to enjoy these last few hours of being pregnant. I had Matt snap a few last belly pictures and he talked to her for the last time ever in my tummy telling her how excited he was to meet her and how much she is loved already. One of the doctors from my practice came in to check me and I was 2cm. She decided today is the day Rose would be born!

Around 2:40pm I walked down the hall with a nurse to the OR where Matt would meet me after I got my spinal. The OR was freezing, I was still a little shaky from my Terbutaline the nurses gave me a pillow and told me to hold on to it and hunch over and stay as still as I could. I felt the pinch in my spine and a little burn within seconds I was reminded of the awful feeling of going numb. First my toes got warm, then my feet, my legs they told me to quickly lay down before I go totally numb. Once laying down they gave me oxygen. One nurse next to me asked if she could undo my gown at the top so I can cuddle my girl when she comes out and a nurse to rudely replied "I doubt she will be allowed to she's only 35 weeks." I didn't let her comment bother me, but that is when they must have noticed Rose wasn't moving or something because they put a monitor on my stomach to check her heart rate which I don't remember them doing with any of my other c-sections. What happened next was one of the scariest things to ever happen to me. I heard a nurse say "baby's heart rate is dropping 90bpm... 80... 70... we have to get her out! Where is the doctor?!" Matt all of the sudden appears at my side and I whispered "her heart rate, they have to hurry." I felt the tears welled up in my eyes and a knot in my throat and then so much pressure on my stomach.

Just like that at 3:04pm the most beautiful sound in the world my baby, my baby girl crying! I will never forget the sound of her girly, high pitched, sweet cry. She was taken over to be examined by the NICU there must have been 10 nurses surrounding her I told Matt "go to her!" he too was tearing up.  He turned around and said "she's beautiful! she's perfect! 8/8 on her Apgar, 4lbs, 15oz!" And then she stopped crying. I repeatedly asked "is she okay?" he kept replying "Yes, yes she's just happy, she's just looking around." One by one the nurses trickled out of the operating room. Matt brought her over to me to hold and she just looked at me wide eyed listening to me tell her how I have been waiting my whole life for her. A few minutes later Matt left with our perfect bundle to meet me in recovery. It felt like forever while I laid there on the cold operating table getting stitched up. The doctor that delivered our first baby, Landon was able to be there to help deliver our last baby and I couldn't have been happier about it. My surgery went the best it could have, I had minimal blood loss and they were able to find both my tubes to tie.

Once in recovery, I nursed Rose for a few minutes, but she was pretty exhausted, so I didn't push her. Matt said she hadn't cried the whole time he was with her she just stared at him with her big beautiful brown eyes. She was perfect in every way and I just wanted to hold her and watch her. I must have kissed her a million times. Transport took a long time to get there we didn't get upstairs to our room until 5:40pm.

To be continued...

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Baby #4|| Week 35

UPDATE: Matt and I packed our hospital bag this past weekend! Good thing too because we ending up there to get monitored Monday night. I was having contractions 8-12 minutes apart for a few hours my doctor was able to finally stop them after two rounds of some medicine. Fingers crossed Rose stays put for at least a few more weeks!

 Either way we will meeting our daughter THIS month! Which is so exciting!!

What I look like this week:

What Rose looks like this week: 
This week, according to BabyCenter, Rose weighs around 5 1/4 pounds (about the size of a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in my womb, she isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Weight gain: 112lbs, one pound weight gain this week-- a total of 17lbs this pregnancy.

Sleep: Sleeping is horrible! I still wake up once to use the bathroom and then like 5 or more other times either because of braxton hicks or Rose kicking around. I am having a really hard time getting comfortable recently.

Eating: I am still eating as much as I can. Small frequent meals seem to work best for me not to feel nauseous. No matter what I have for dinner most evenings I have heartburn.

Movement: Lots of kicks, rolls and hiccups mostly at night or in the morning.

What I'm loving: That we have only 4 weeks or less before we are holding Rose!

Symptoms: Still having vivid dreams, strange body parts falling asleep, dry skin, lower back pain, heartburn. 


Monday, August 31th: Morning Pure Barre 60 minute class
Tuesday, August 25th: Morning Pure Barre 60 minute class
Wednesday, August 26th: 20 minute treadmill incline walk (about a mile)
Thursday, August 27th: Morning Pure Barre 60 minute class
Friday, August 28th:  Morning Pure Barre 60 minute class
Saturday, August 29th: 20 minute treadmill incline walk (1.26miles)
Sunday, August 30th:  OFF

*With being dilated and having preterm labor I (and my doctor) think it is best to take it easy as much as possible so this will be my last week of exercise this pregnancy.

What I'm looking forward to: Our doctors appointment on Thursday and my 25th birthday on Monday! 

Comparison pictures:

Oliver on the left, Trent in the middle and Rose on the right

Trent on the left and Rose on the right


Days until our next appointment: 1 day
Days until the boys first day of school: 7 days
Days until C-Section date: 28 days