Friday, August 7, 2015

Third Trimester Eats

It has already been TEN weeks since my second trimester eats and TWENTY weeks since my first trimester eats! My stomach is squished this pregnancy! If I eat too much I feel sick for hours so because of that I try to eat smaller meals 5 or so times a day. 

31 weeks, 1 day pregnant 


Old denim button down- Anthropologie
White maternity shorts- A Pea in a Pod

On an average day here is what I eat:

Breakfast (6am)-- 

Oatmeal, egg whites, chia seeds topped with a tablespoon of peanut butter (I have been eating this almost every morning for the past few weeks.) 

To drink I had a cup of coffee (I only drank half) and 16oz. of water. 

Not pictured were my prenatal vitamins, calcium, and baby aspirin

630am 2+mile walk/jog-- Depending on what time my boys wake up/Matt has to go to work I will eat breakfast before or after my daily exercise. 

Snack (9am)-- 
Two handfuls of red seedless grapes, the laughing cow creamy swiss light with blue diamond nut thins and 16oz. of water.

Lunch (11am)--

Deli turkey (warmed up) on a croissant with lettuce and a pink lady apple cut up and 16 oz. of water. 

Snack #2 (1pm)--

Lowfat vanilla yogurt with cinnamon oat clusters and to drink 16 oz. of water.

Dinner (5pm)-- 

I baked salmon from Whole Foods, over brown rice with asparagus and carrots. 

Dessert-- Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich-- I only ate half of it because I really wanted chocolate, but we didn't have any. Sadddd. 

I will be updating Tuesday for week 32 of my pregnancy! Until then here is a look back at 32 weeks pregnant with Trent! Have a great weekend! 

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