Thursday, August 27, 2015

34 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 34 week doctor appointment. According to their scale my weight is 111.9lbs, up two pounds since my last appointment 10 days ago (which is just what my doctor wanted me to gain!) My blood pressure was 108/69 which is great.

Rose is currently still head down and will likely remain that way until birth. The ultrasound tech didn't weigh her this time, but next week they will. We were able to see Rose practicing her breathing and we watched her suck and swallow! Her heart rate was 142BPM. I will be going weekly to the doctors for the remainder of my pregnancy. The nurse checked my cervix which has changed from being long and closed to "very soft" and "a good fingertip dilated." We all hope Rose stays put for another two weeks if not longer! Here are a few pictures from our ultrasound (those lips!!!):


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