Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Day in a Life (of a mom of three boys with a girl on the way!)

It has been over a year since my last "Day in a Life" blog post. Before Rose gets here, I figured I need to document an average day with just our boys before it completely changes!

Today is Monday, July 27 2015.
Landon is 4 years old
Oliver is 3 years old
Trent is a year and a half
I am 7 months pregnant with Rose

12:07am-- First time waking up since going to bed at 9pm to use the bathroom. Once I get back in bed, Rose kicks around to get comfortable again.

5:15am-- I am woken up by Rose literally making my whole body move with her kicks and twists. I lay there for a few minutes just watching my tummy move all around.

5:23am-- Out of bed to use the bathroom again. Like every other Monday morning, I jump on the scale to weigh myself for my weekly pregnancy blog post (no weight gain this week.)  A little surprised, but figure I go tomorrow for a checkup so I am not going to worry. I brush my teeth, put my hair up and change to my work out clothes.

5:33am-- I wake Matt up. On nights we go to bed at the same time, he asks me to wake him up before I go exercise so he doesn't "oversleep" and feel groggy. I then head downstairs and turn on the coffee maker!

5:40am-- Off to do my morning wog (waddle/jog.) It is pretty humid this morning, but there is still a good amount of people out running and walking their dogs.

6:21am-- I open the door to find all the boys in their seats eating Mickey Mouse pancakes that Matt made special for them. While they are watching one of their favorite show Super Why!

6:38am-- I make my favorite organic oatmeal, mixed with egg whites and flax seed, topped with peanut butter. Along with my amazing coffee, water (not pictured are my prenatal vitamin, baby aspirin, and calcium pill.)

6:51am-- Go upstairs while the boys are still eating their breakfast to throw in a load of laundry. I love that the laundry room is upstairs in our new house so I am not having to carry loads up and down the stairs. But, it also really limits the times I can do the laundry (not when anyone is sleeping!)

6:56am-- Back downstairs to load the dirty dishes from breakfast!

7:02am-- Trent has had enough of breakfast time and demands out of his seat. I get him and he right away won't let me put him down. I lay on the couch and soak up the cuddles and talk to him about his baby sister. He wasn't having it and decided he would rather look outside for "woof woofs."

7:18am-- Landon and Oliver are done eating (they eat so, so, so slowly.) Everyone goes to their favorite places, Landon runs to the legos, Oliver asks to write letters on the chalkboard and Trent is repeatedly kissing his choo choos. I check out instagram and timehop app on my phone (Baby Oliver!)

7:55am-- Everyone upstairs for bath time!

8:21am-- All the boys are clean and dressed and they jump at the opportunity to help me move the wash to the dryer! Then they watch it for a good five minutes ha ha! Matt helped bathe the boys and I dried them off. Landon and Oliver got themselves dressed for the most part and I dressed Trent. Then Matt got dressed for work!

8:36am-- Snack time! Oliver asked for goldfish and banana, Landon asked for fruit snack and banana, and Trent threw his banana and inhaled his fruit snack! Matt is done getting dressed and now its my turn! I quickly rinse off (I had washed my hair the night before) and throw on some clothes.

8:49am-- I am being attacked as soon as I step downstairs. "MAAAAMEEEEE!"

9am-- My little mamas boy comes with me to the kitchen for my snack.

9:20am-- Matt and I ask Landon and Oliver to go potty and then to put their shoes on because we have to take Trent to his 18 month checkup!

9:31am-- I have the boys sit on the step to the garage while Matt puts their car seats back in the mini van. He took them out for a Home Depot run he had made the day before. Matt has been working on lots of projects around the house since we moved!

9:54am-- We arrive at the doctors! Trent insisted on walking and of course right away wanted to hold "brothers" hands.

10:02am-- Daddy arrives! Matt drove separately so he could leave for work after. We were all a little surprised that Trent is in the 71st percentile for height considering his brothers are in like the 20th! Ha ha! He also got a second half of a shot and took it like a champ.

10:32am-- We leave the doctors and get lunch in a shopping center around the corner. I had told Matt that I was going to grab lunch with them before heading home and he decided to join us for a quick bite!

11:20am-- I drive the boys home after they say bye to Daddy.

11:40am-- We arrive home! I love having a garage-- I don't have to worry about one of them (Trent) running into the street. Once inside, Landon asks to go potty so he runs to the bathroom while Oliver and Trent put away their shoes. We have a really good routine where they always put away their shoes right when we get home. Trent loves doing it!

11:49am-- Trent goes down for his nap. He was struggling keeping his eyes open on the way home so I know he will go right to sleep though he usually does-- he is an amazing sleeper! While the older boys are being good looking at books in their "play area" I stay upstairs and fold the laundry from this morning then put it away. I then go downstairs to unload the dish washer and put the dishes away and prep the coffee maker for tomorrow.

12:07pm-- I ask Landon and Oliver to wash the chalkboard (they love to do it.) Then I set them up on the couch with chocolate milk and a movie while I sit down and work on this post and relax!

1:48pm-- Trent is awake! I asked Landon and Oliver to try to go potty and then to put their shoes on while I change Trents diaper and bring him down so we can go out. I originally planned for us to go to the pool, but the weather didn't look as nice as I originally thought so we are going to the mall instead!

2:12pm-- We arrive at the mall. I don't even have to ask half the time for Landon and Oliver to hold hands and one holds the stroller while we are in the parking lot. Usually it continues into the mall for a little while anyway.

2:32pm-- Somehow this very pregnant mom with three little boys (and a huge stroller) got put in the smallest dressing room on this planet! Trent kept trying to eat the hangers, Oliver is kissing himself in the mirror and Landon was going through my purse on the floor! Ha ha! At least this shirt worked out!

3:31pm-- After walking around and getting an Auntie Annes pretzel, the boys were ready to head home! Thank goodness we didn't go to the pool because right when we got in the car there was lightning, but not raining!

3:48pm-- Home finally! Landon requests dance music (even though they just run around and not actually dance.) I put it on and watch from the couch as they go nuts!

5:04pm-- Matt saw the weather and decided to come home and just finish his work once the boys are in bed! The boys jump all over him and he sneak attacks them with kisses all over their faces and they belly laugh so loud-- its the cutest!

5:16pm-- Dinner time! We all have the left overs from the night before. It was a sausage and ricotta pasta dishes, that I made double of because its very fulling and they all enjoy it usually!

I was just breaking it up before popping it in the oven. 

5:59pm-- Matt asked if I was up for Home Depot because he forgot a few things yesterday. Of course the boys jumped up and said "Yes!" Ha ha, so off we went.

6:15pm-- We arrive at Home Depot and grabbed two carts. Matt originally put Landon and Oliver in the carts with the wheels for kids to play with, but Trent got so jealous and wouldn't stop crying. Landon was so sweet and said " I will switch with T.T. I love him and I want him to be happy because that is what big brothers do." Needless to say, Matt and I melted.

6:50pm-- Back home for the last time today. We ask the boys to go potty one last time before bed. I rest on the couch while Matt runs upstairs to get PJs and make all three boys chocolate milk. I change Trent's diaper and clothes and the big boys get themselves dressed.

Trent seems to want nothing to do with his milk. I ask him if he wants to go sleepy and he touches his face with his palm which means he's ready for bed (usually he brushes his teeth, but I forgot tonight.)

Landon and Oliver watch an episode of Paw Patrol while I bring Trent upstairs. I hear Matt turn the TV off and start reading them their two books they picked out. I close Trents door after a million kisses to his face.

As I am changing into my PJs, Trent bursts into tears (this happens about once a week.) I go in and pick him up not say anything, with the lights are off still and I take him to his rocking chair and rock him. After about five minutes, I put him back into his crib and he goes right to sleep. I hear the boys finishing brushing their teeth. I wait in their room to kiss them good night with Matt and we close their door. They go right to sleep.

7:22pm-- I go downstairs to work on this post some more. Matt gets his work together and calls his Mom back.

7:52pm-- Matt's work friend comes over to do some work with him for an upcoming meeting. I head upstairs to continue working on this post.

8:54pm-- I brush my teeth and get into bed I am beyond exhausted and fall right asleep knowing tomorrow is another busy day with our sweet little boys. I feel so blessed.


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