Tuesday, July 28, 2015

30 Week Doctors Appointment

This morning was our 30 week doctors appointment. According to their scale my weight was 107.4lbs, up 3 pounds since my last appointment weeks ago. My blood pressure was 106/75. During the ultrasound I was talking to the tech about how I have braxton hicks contractions a lot and then mid sentence I started to have one! The tech notice right away. My stomach went rock hard, she decided to do a vaginal ultrasound to check my cervix to make sure I am not dilated and luckily I was not! 

Rose is still head down not that it really matters since I am getting a repeat csection. She weighs a healthy 3lbs, 5 oz putting her in the 48 percentile. Once again, we got comments about how long and full her hair is for being only 30 weeks! I can't wait to see her in my arms! Also, Rose's heart rate was 144bpm! We didn't get any good pictures, but I did mention my sharp pain on the lower left side I have been having when I walk at times. Not only is it her elbow, but her knee as well right where my pain is! At the end of my appointment my doctor said he would like to see me gain 10 more pounds by my csection on September 30th and mentioned since going to them (at 7 weeks) I have gained only 11 pounds. Rose is growing well so he is not worried so neither am I! We go back in three weeks to check my cervix again. 

*I recorded "a day in the life" yesterday that I will hopefully have up by tomorrow! 

Have a wonderful Tuesday!!! 

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