Tuesday, June 30, 2015

baby #4||week 26

What I look like this week:

What Rose looks like this week: 
This week, according to BabyCenter Rose is continuing to put on baby fat. She now weighs about 1 2/3 pounds and measures 14 inches about the size of a scallion from head to heel. We will hear her estimated weight at my ultrasound later this morning! 

Weight gain: 104lbs. same as last week-- a total of 10lbs this pregnancy. 

Sleep: The usual waking up once a night to go to the bathroom as well as hands and knees falling asleep. Also, waking up really early to Rose having a dance parties every morning

Eating: This week I ate better than last week, which wasn't hard to do considering how badly I ate. here are some of this weeks eats in pictures: 

Top left: Basically it is oatmeal mixed with egg whites topped with peanut butter. I used this recipe. I was pretty good and very filling!

Top right: This was my first time going to Which Wich. I got a small toasted turkey sandwich with swiss cheese, avocado, black olives and lettuce. Not pictured was the peanut butter cookie I got (they warmed it up!) I was in heaven. 

Bottom: I made a turkey wrap with cheese, lettuce and tomato warmed with a side of apples. 

Lots of turkey sandwiches this week though I am still loving peanut butter! Recently, I have loooved cinnamon toast crunch cereal I enjoy a bowl at least once a day!! 

Movement: Big kicks and rolls!

What I'm loving: Being so close to my last trimester ever! Obviously I will miss my belly and the kicks, but I really can not wait to hold our baby girl in my arms.

Symptoms: Still having vivid dreams, strange body parts falling asleep, dry skin, heartburn and braxton hicks, randomly. 

Exercise: Exercise continues to be on average, 2 or 3 mile walks about 5 days each week-- some days more miles, some days less. 

What I'm looking forward to: Our doctors appointment later this morning!

Fun comparison between June 30th (three months until my c-section) and May 30th (four months until my c-section):

Days until our next appointment: TODAY!
Days until we go to the beach: 4 days
Days until the third trimester: 15 days
Days until C-Section date: 92 days 


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