I am officially six months pregnant this week! 24 weeks is a big milestone, it is when the baby is considered to be viable, which means that if Rose is born at this time, she has a reasonable chance for survival. We know how hard having a premature baby is, since our first born (Landon) was born at 28 weeks due to severe preeclampsia. This is why I am still considered high risk which also makes us that much more thankful to be having a healthy pregnancy thus far. Keep on growing sweet girl!
My weekly pictures so far:
What I look like this week:
What Rose looks like this week:
This week Rose the size of a cantaloupe or over 12 inches long and weighs around a pound and a half.
Weight gain: 102lbs. up 1lb this week, a total of 8lbs this pregnancy.
Sleep: I have been pretty tired this week. Most days I could definitely nap while my younger two nap, but I just rest on the couch because I need to watch Landon. He has given up his nap since we moved. Landon turned four in April, so it was about time anyway.
Eating: I have been so hungry this past week instead of three big meals a day, I usually will have five or six small meals. One of my biggest cravings for a while now has been peanut butter, I eat it a few times a day. Some of my favorite snacks this week:
Movement: Still kicking away! Especially after eating or rubbing bio oil on my belly. Since my placenta is in the front, I still only feel her kicks on my sides or up top, but rarely in the front.
What I'm loving: Being six months pregnant and still feeling pretty great besides my occasional backaches.
Symptoms: Still having vivid dreams, strange body parts falling asleep, dry skin, heartburn and braxton hicks, randomly.
Exercise: Exercise continues to be on average, 2 or 3 mile walks about 5 days each week-- some days more miles, some days less.
What I'm looking forward to: Father's Day this weekend! I love celebrating what amazing Dads my Husband and my Dad are.
Days until our next appointment: 13 days
Days until we go to the beach:17 days
Days until C-Section date: 105 days
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