Tuesday, June 30, 2015

26 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 26 week doctors appointment. According to their scale my weight was 104.5lbs, up 3 pounds since my last appointment weeks ago. My blood pressure was 104/55. Rose was kicking away the tech was laughing the whole time because she kept  getting poked while giving the ultrasound. Her was heart beating away at 155BPM and she weighed a healthy 2lbs on the dot, which puts her in the 53 percentile! Rose is still head down and her face is still pressed into my placenta so it was hard to see her face, but these are the few pictures we did get:

side of her nose, lips and chin

top of her nose, lips and chin

side of her face 
Also, our tech said Rose has hair already! I am not too surprised though because all three of our boys came out with full heads of hair. Landon, who was born at 28 weeks even had a good amount for how early he was!! I can't wait to put bows in her hair come September.

We go back to the doctors in 4 weeks! 

**UPDATE** Forgot to add I passed my Glucose Test!!! (Luckily!!)


baby #4||week 26

What I look like this week:

What Rose looks like this week: 
This week, according to BabyCenter Rose is continuing to put on baby fat. She now weighs about 1 2/3 pounds and measures 14 inches about the size of a scallion from head to heel. We will hear her estimated weight at my ultrasound later this morning! 

Weight gain: 104lbs. same as last week-- a total of 10lbs this pregnancy. 

Sleep: The usual waking up once a night to go to the bathroom as well as hands and knees falling asleep. Also, waking up really early to Rose having a dance parties every morning

Eating: This week I ate better than last week, which wasn't hard to do considering how badly I ate. here are some of this weeks eats in pictures: 

Top left: Basically it is oatmeal mixed with egg whites topped with peanut butter. I used this recipe. I was pretty good and very filling!

Top right: This was my first time going to Which Wich. I got a small toasted turkey sandwich with swiss cheese, avocado, black olives and lettuce. Not pictured was the peanut butter cookie I got (they warmed it up!) I was in heaven. 

Bottom: I made a turkey wrap with cheese, lettuce and tomato warmed with a side of apples. 

Lots of turkey sandwiches this week though I am still loving peanut butter! Recently, I have loooved cinnamon toast crunch cereal I enjoy a bowl at least once a day!! 

Movement: Big kicks and rolls!

What I'm loving: Being so close to my last trimester ever! Obviously I will miss my belly and the kicks, but I really can not wait to hold our baby girl in my arms.

Symptoms: Still having vivid dreams, strange body parts falling asleep, dry skin, heartburn and braxton hicks, randomly. 

Exercise: Exercise continues to be on average, 2 or 3 mile walks about 5 days each week-- some days more miles, some days less. 

What I'm looking forward to: Our doctors appointment later this morning!

Fun comparison between June 30th (three months until my c-section) and May 30th (four months until my c-section):

Days until our next appointment: TODAY!
Days until we go to the beach: 4 days
Days until the third trimester: 15 days
Days until C-Section date: 92 days 


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Baby Shower: 26 Weeks Pregnant with Rose

 Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate our daughter this afternoon!! Matt and I feel so blessed to have so many great family and friends! 

*Look out for my pregnancy update on Tuesday as well as my 26 week doctors appointment.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

baby #4||week 25

I started off this week with the dreaded glucose test which tests for gestational diabetes. I will be getting my results next Tuesday at my 26 weeks appointment! 

What I look like this week:

What Rose looks like this week: 

This week, according to BabyCenter Rose is the size of a rutabaga or over 13 1/2 inches long and weighs around 1 1/2lbs. She's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

After reading that Rose has hair, it makes me wonder what color it will be? Will her hair be dark brown like mine or lighter brown like Matt's, as well as Landon's and Oliver's? Maybe she will even be blonde like our youngest boy, Trent!

Weight gain: 104lbs. up 2lb-- a total of 10lbs this pregnancy. I'm shocked it wasn't more than 2lbs after how I ate this past week (more on that further down.)

Sleep: The usual waking up once a night to go to the bathroom as well as hands and knees falling asleep. 

Eating: This week I ate pretty badly. I just craved junk and desserts and of course yesterday was my glucose test. I hope I passed because I really don't have time for the three hour one! Here are some pictures from this weeks bad (but so good!) eats:

On Father's Day we went to a new restaurant with my parents called Tuscarora Mill even though we had a bit of a wait (with having a reservation) it was made up for by the amazing food! 

Movement: Yes! I love feeling her big kicks and watching them on the outside. Rose is a very active little girl! Every night Matt feels her kick and roll around too, which is so special. 

What I'm loving: Feeling how Rose's movements have changed from taps to kicks to rolls. I love it so much! 

Symptoms: Still having vivid dreams, strange body parts falling asleep, dry skin, heartburn and braxton hicks, randomly. 

Exercise: Exercise continues to be on average, 2 or 3 mile walks about 5 days each week-- some days more miles, some days less. 

What I'm looking forward to: Our baby shower is this weekend! I can't wait to celebrate our baby girl with our close friends and family. 

Days until our next appointment: 7 days
Days until we go to the beach: 11 days
Days until the third trimester: 21 days
Days until C-Section date: 99 days 

Happy birthday Mom! We love you!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

baby #4||week 24

I am officially six months pregnant this week! 24 weeks is a big milestone, it is when the baby is considered to be viable, which means that if Rose is born at this time, she has a reasonable chance for survival. We know how hard having a premature baby is, since our first born (Landon) was born at 28 weeks due to severe preeclampsia. This is why I am still considered high risk which also makes us that much more thankful to be having a healthy pregnancy thus far. Keep on growing sweet girl! 

My weekly pictures so far:

What I look like this week:

What Rose looks like this week: 

This week Rose the size of a cantaloupe or over 12 inches long and weighs around a pound and a half.

Weight gain: 102lbs. up 1lb this week, a total of 8lbs this pregnancy. 

Sleep: I have been pretty tired this week. Most days I could definitely nap while my younger two nap, but I just rest on the couch because I need to watch Landon. He has given up his nap since we moved. Landon turned four in April, so it was about time anyway.

Eating: I have been so hungry this past week instead of three big meals a day, I usually will have five or six small meals. One of my biggest cravings for a while now has been peanut butter, I eat it a few times a day. Some of my favorite snacks this week: 

Edamame with sea salt, fruit and toast with crunchy peanut butter, laughing cow swiss cheese with TJs roasted gorgonzola crackers. I know soft cheeses aren't recommended during pregnancy, but these are just flavored like gorgonzola! 

Movement: Still kicking away! Especially after eating or rubbing bio oil on my belly. Since my placenta is in the front, I still only feel her kicks on my sides or up top, but rarely in the front.

What I'm loving: Being six months pregnant and still feeling pretty great besides my occasional backaches.  

Symptoms: Still having vivid dreams, strange body parts falling asleep, dry skin, heartburn and braxton hicks, randomly. 

Exercise: Exercise continues to be on average, 2 or 3 mile walks about 5 days each week-- some days more miles, some days less. 

What I'm looking forward to: Father's Day this weekend! I love celebrating what amazing Dads my Husband and my Dad are. 


Days until our next appointment: 13 days 
Days until we go to the beach:17 days
Days until C-Section date: 105 days


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

24 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 24 week doctors appointment (although I am only 23 weeks.) According to their scale my weight is 101lbs, up 3 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago. The new doctor we saw was so nice he was very pleased that Rose is growing so well and didn't mention my weight gain (or lack of.) My blood pressure was 123/77 which was a little high, but I figured that was because we had just walked there. Rose was kicking away, heart beating at 148bpm and weighing a healthy 1 pound 4 ounces (55%.) Some other exciting news is we officially scheduled my C-section for September 30, 2015!  

Fun fact: Trent weighed 1 pound 7 ounces and Oliver weighed 1 pound 5 ounces at 24 weeks. 

Here are all 4 of our babies around 24 weeks:

Top left is Landon, top right is Oliver, bottom left is Trent and bottom right is Rose.

Cutest little ear and arm! 

According to our ultrasound tech today Rose still has her face buried into my placenta and she is currently still head down. She also said our baby girl looks a lot like Daddy can't wait to see if she is right in September!!! 
Have a great rest of your week :)


Baby #4||week 23

One more week until I am 6 months pregnant?! I cannot believe it. 

What I look like this week:

What Rose looks like this week: 

This week Rose the size of a grapefruit or around 12 inches and weighs just over 1lb.

Weight gain: 101.4lbs, lost 1lb this week. Luckily, I am going to the doctor this morning. I probably just need to add another snack to my day! 

Sleep: I have been sleeping really well this week. I wake up once around 11 or 12pm every night to go to the bathroom, I then go back to sleep until around 530am when Rose decides to go crazy kicking and I can't sleep through them. I actually really enjoy this time alone to have my breakfast and coffee in peace with the news on in the background and Rose kicking away before the boys wake up. It's a really special time and probably my favorite part of the day before all the madness starts. 

Eating: I added a picture of some of my favorite snacks and meals from this past week. I made some Trader Joe's banana bread with some peanut butter on it (top left.) Turkey sandwich and cheese with a lot of lettuce and an amazing pickle with a side of my other big craving, strawberries (top right.) Unshelled pistachios are so good when I need to grab quick filling snack (bottom left.) This one has been my absolute favorite this week-- it is one tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter and half a banana mixed together (I used a fork) in a cup spread onto a graham cracker with more strawberries on the side(bottom right.) 

Movement: I have been feeling Rose move a lot more this past week-- even Landon and Oliver felt a few big kicks! Their faces were priceless like "She is actually in there Mommy!" Complete shock.

What I'm loving: Being so close to SIX months pregnant. 

Symptoms: Still having vivid dreams, strange body parts falling asleep. One night this week, I even woke up to just my thumb asleep. Other symptoms continue to be dry skin, heartburn and braxton hicks randomly. 

Exercise: On average, I go on 2 or 3 mile walks about 5 days each week-- somedays more miles somedays less. On Saturday, I walked over 9 miles throughout the day, needless to say I was exhausted that evening. 

What I'm looking forward to: Our OB appt. later this morning! We are seeing a doctor I have never met which is exciting! 


Days until our next appointment: Today!
Days until C-Section date: 113 days

Just for a fun comparison, I put on the same shirt I wore for my 23 weeks pictures with Oliver and Trent

Oliver, Trent and Rose

And bare belly:

Trent on the Left Rose on the right

I can't tell if I am carrying smaller with Rose or just differently like more oval shaped. 

*Look out later today for an update on my OB appt., hopefully we will get some good ultrasound pictures! It should be fun-- we are bringing all of Rose's big brothers this time!!! 
