Wednesday, May 20, 2015

baby #4||week 20

We moved last weekend, now the wall for the rest of my pregnancy will be green!

This week Rose is about the size of a banana, about 6.5 inches long and weighs about 10.6 ounces

Weight gain: No weight gain this week, still 99lbs.,which was surprising to me because I ate horribly. We had takeout for every meal (bagels, donuts, pizza, ice cream, mac and cheese, etc.) Since we moved Friday and were unpacking all weekend, it was just easier than digging out all of our pots and pans. Total weight gain at the half way point is 5lbs. same as 20 weeks pregnant with Trent. 

Sleep: Still waking up really early around 430/5am and can't fall back asleep. 

Eating: My craving for pancakes are back and on Sunday I literally teared up when Matt changed his mind about going out to eat at a pancake restaurant. Thank you, pregnancy hormones!

Movement: Yes! This week has been the most movement this pregnancy. Rose was very active at our anatomy scan and ever since I have noticed her movements more. I sat down this weekend  and she would kick not her soft gentle taps that I am used to, these were full blown kicks! One morning, over the weekend, I took off our comforter before getting up and looked down at my belly and saw a big kick on my left side! 

What I'm loving: Being at the "halfway" point of my pregnancy. Let the countDOWN begin (though I am 20 weeks, I will be having a c-section in 19 or less weeks.)

Symptoms: Vivid dreams, feeling extra emotional, strange body parts are falling asleep like my knees. I had this one very vivid, weird dream where I was having an ultrasound and the tech told me not only am I pregnant with a baby girl, I am pregnant with two healthy boys as well! Haha, it terrified me, I think four kids four and under will be plenty to take care of! 

Exercise: Unpacking a million boxes

What I'm looking forward to: Matt's 26th birthday tomorrow and our neighborhood pool is opening this weekend (though I am not sure my bathing suits will fit, haha)


Days until our next appointment: 20 days
Days until due date: less than 140 days

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