Tuesday, May 5, 2015

baby #4||week 18

This week Rose is the size of a sweet potato.

Weight gain/loss: 98.0lbs up one pound from last week! A total of 4 pounds this pregnancy. 

Sleep: Still going great, but I am waking up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom. 

Eating: Craving avocado still, chocolate, everything bagels, donuts, apples, turkey sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, egg whites on toast.

Movement: Matt felt her kick for the first time last week! I was complaining to him how I never feel kicks and then she kicked so I grabbed his hand and he felt two soft kicks. 

What I'm loving: I am loving this weather, it's not humid or too hot.

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreamsemotional, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad as it was, weird taste in my mouth, strange body parts are falling asleep like my knees. 

Exercise: Family walks (one or two miles)

What I'm looking forward to: Our son Oliver's third birthday is this Saturday and Matt scheduled me a HD live ultrasound this weekend as a Mother's day gift and I am so excited! If you don't know what that is here is a link: Youtube  

If you are wondering where I got my dress for my weekly pictures you can find it here. This is what it looks like full length.


Days until our next appointment: 8 days
Days until due date: less than 154 days

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