Saturday, May 30, 2015

Second Trimester Eats

It has already been TEN weeks since my first trimester eats

On an average day here is what I eat:

21 weeks 2 days pregnant 

Breakfast (6am)-- 
Trader Joes Cinnamon Bun (always a favorite in our house) with half a cup of coffee and some water.

(Not pictured were my prenatal vitamins, calcium, and baby aspirin)

Snack (9am)-- 
Small glass of fruit, a handful of sourdough pretzels with a spoonful of peanut butter and 12oz. of water. My boys stole half of my snack even though they had their own!

Lunch (11am)--

We were out with my Mom during lunch time so we just went to one of our favorite places, Panera. I got a tuna sandwich it was delicious, but I could only eat half of it because it was so filling. I again had water maybe 6oz. and a few kettle chips.

Snack #2 (1pm)--

A handful of blue diamond roasted almonds. When I am not at the table I just use Rose (sorry girl!)

Dinner (5pm)-- 

I made chicken tacos, I have not been into red meat this pregnancy I can usually tolerate chicken though. On my lettuce wrap I have shredded chicken, diced tomatoes, lots of avocado, green peppers and some cheese. Also, I had a side of strawberries and water with dinner. 

Dessert-- Right after dinner

I had a scoop and then went back for seconds! If you haven't already tried it and you like fudge and/or peanut butter (major craving of mine) you must go find this ice cream, it's amazing!

I will be updating Wednesday for week 22 of my pregnancy! Here is a look back at 22 weeks pregnant with Trent: LINK


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

baby#4||week 21

I am not sure if it is just because my camera was more zoomed in the week or if I had a major grow spurt but my belly looks big! 

This week Rose is about the size of a pomegranate or about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 12.7 ounces!

I got some sun this weekend at the pool! I don't know if my boys will let a day pass the next three months without going to the pool. 

Weight gain: 101lbs up two pounds this week! Making up for no weight gain last week. 

Sleep: Sleeping a lot better this past week I have been able to stay up later and sleep later.

Eating: Loving peanut butter, watermelon, strawberries, brownies, donuts and candy. I haven't felt full this week and have eaten what feels like non stop! Rose must be going through a growth spurt!

Movement: Mostly in the morning after breakfast and in the evening when I can truly focus on them. There have been a few times this week where I have been walking down an aisle while running errands and she kicks so hard that I can't help but stop what I am doing and smile.

What I'm loving: Our new house! It is starting to come together the more we decorate. I also love being so close to the neighborhood pool (2 minute walk) and some of our favorite restaurants (5 minute walk.)

Symptoms: Vivid dreams, feeling extra emotional, strange body parts are falling asleep like my knees, dry skin, and braxton hicks started this week. 

Exercise: I think being a mom of three little boys should definitely be considered exercise they never let me sit down.

What I'm looking forward to: 


Days until our next appointment: 13 days
Days until due date: less than 133 days

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

baby #4||week 20

We moved last weekend, now the wall for the rest of my pregnancy will be green!

This week Rose is about the size of a banana, about 6.5 inches long and weighs about 10.6 ounces

Weight gain: No weight gain this week, still 99lbs.,which was surprising to me because I ate horribly. We had takeout for every meal (bagels, donuts, pizza, ice cream, mac and cheese, etc.) Since we moved Friday and were unpacking all weekend, it was just easier than digging out all of our pots and pans. Total weight gain at the half way point is 5lbs. same as 20 weeks pregnant with Trent. 

Sleep: Still waking up really early around 430/5am and can't fall back asleep. 

Eating: My craving for pancakes are back and on Sunday I literally teared up when Matt changed his mind about going out to eat at a pancake restaurant. Thank you, pregnancy hormones!

Movement: Yes! This week has been the most movement this pregnancy. Rose was very active at our anatomy scan and ever since I have noticed her movements more. I sat down this weekend  and she would kick not her soft gentle taps that I am used to, these were full blown kicks! One morning, over the weekend, I took off our comforter before getting up and looked down at my belly and saw a big kick on my left side! 

What I'm loving: Being at the "halfway" point of my pregnancy. Let the countDOWN begin (though I am 20 weeks, I will be having a c-section in 19 or less weeks.)

Symptoms: Vivid dreams, feeling extra emotional, strange body parts are falling asleep like my knees. I had this one very vivid, weird dream where I was having an ultrasound and the tech told me not only am I pregnant with a baby girl, I am pregnant with two healthy boys as well! Haha, it terrified me, I think four kids four and under will be plenty to take care of! 

Exercise: Unpacking a million boxes

What I'm looking forward to: Matt's 26th birthday tomorrow and our neighborhood pool is opening this weekend (though I am not sure my bathing suits will fit, haha)


Days until our next appointment: 20 days
Days until due date: less than 140 days

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Anatomy Scan (19 weeks 1 day)

This morning was our 20 week scan. According to their scale my weight was 98.7lbs., up 3 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago (my doctor had no comment on my weight which I take as a good sign.) My blood pressure was 100/57 which is also good! Rose was in there kicking away, probably the most active any of our children have ever been during an ultrasound we watched her yawn and touch her face a bunch. Her heart rate was 157bpm and she weighed a healthy 10 ounces according to our doctor she is in the 57% for weight. Trent weighed 13 ounces at his 20 week scan Overall Rose measured one day ahead at 19 weeks 2 days for her measurements.  Sadly, the doctor we saw today said it was "too early" to schedule our c-section date, but at my next appt. on June 9th we can and it will most likely be September 30th! Also, we didn't have our normal ultrasound tech the one we had today was nice, but she didn't seem to be as knowledgeable of the ultrasound machine and wasn't able to give us any good pictures. Luckily, I just had an elective ultrasound on Mother's day (thanks again Matt) so we just saw Rose and got some great pictures or else I would have been pretty disappointed.

Here is one of Rose's profile:

All four of our babies at their 20 weeks scans:

Not sure why she is the opposite way of her brothers

and thumbs up near the end!

I will be updating next week in our new house! Have a wonderful weekend! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

baby #4||week 19

This is my last bump picture at this house!

This week Rose is the size of a mango.

Weight gain: 99.0lbs up another pound this week!

Sleep: I fall asleep pretty easily most nights, but wake up really early around 5am and can't get back to sleep. 

Eating: My craving for pancakes are back along with my craving for chipotle. I had a mini return of morning sickness yesterday I think I have been over doing it and will try to slow down. 

Movement: A few gentle kicks here and there everyday. I smile ever time!

What I'm loving: The excitement of moving in to our first house! 

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreamsemotional, strange body parts are falling asleep like my knees. 

Exercise: Family walks (one or two miles)

What I'm looking forward to: My Anatomy scan tomorrow! I am hoping to schedule my csection date since this was the appt. we were able to schedule Oliver's and Trent's csections (not like they made it to them, but its still exciting!)


Days until our next appointment: 1 days
Days until due date: less than 147 days

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Matt makes me feel loved everyday and today was no exception! We started the morning off by a surprise visit to our new house so we could enjoy it for the first time together as a family. After getting to walk around to each room and talking about where we imagined our furniture we headed to our "old home" as the boys call it.

The handmade card Matt made

I can't wait to cook in this kitchen (not pictured is my new double oven!)

Once the boys were dressed we went out to breakfast with my parents and sister to The Cheesecake Factory for a delicious brunch, I highly recommend their french toast!

Later on, my Mom watched the monitor during nap time so that Matt and I could enjoy a special elective ultrasound alone. Rose was so stubborn and decided to be "face planted" in my placenta. After bouncing around and a few pokes we were able to get a few really cute pictures of her face. She was so graceful and moved so gently (unlike her brothers were.) At one point she was softly touching her face and started sucking on her fingers. The best part was Matt picked the package where we come back around 29 weeks to see her again with my whole family.

video from ultrasound

On our way home we got one of my cravings.. Chipotle!

I feel so lucky to have been able to see all four of my babies this Mother's Day! Thank you Matt and to my parents for making it such a fun day. I will be doing my weekly update on Wednesday followed by a post about my Anatomy scan on Thursday.

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and to all my fellow Moms!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

baby #4||week 18

This week Rose is the size of a sweet potato.

Weight gain/loss: 98.0lbs up one pound from last week! A total of 4 pounds this pregnancy. 

Sleep: Still going great, but I am waking up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom. 

Eating: Craving avocado still, chocolate, everything bagels, donuts, apples, turkey sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, egg whites on toast.

Movement: Matt felt her kick for the first time last week! I was complaining to him how I never feel kicks and then she kicked so I grabbed his hand and he felt two soft kicks. 

What I'm loving: I am loving this weather, it's not humid or too hot.

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreamsemotional, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad as it was, weird taste in my mouth, strange body parts are falling asleep like my knees. 

Exercise: Family walks (one or two miles)

What I'm looking forward to: Our son Oliver's third birthday is this Saturday and Matt scheduled me a HD live ultrasound this weekend as a Mother's day gift and I am so excited! If you don't know what that is here is a link: Youtube  

If you are wondering where I got my dress for my weekly pictures you can find it here. This is what it looks like full length.


Days until our next appointment: 8 days
Days until due date: less than 154 days