Thursday, April 2, 2015

He or She|| Gender for Baby #4

I know, I know we decided to wait until birth to find out... Well during our 12 week ultrasound the tech said she knew what we were having and even though we told her please don't tell us, it still got us (me) very excited to find out! Some of you may think 12 weeks is too early to find out the gender. But we actually found out Trent was a boy at 12 weeks and my mom found out I was a girl at 13 weeks (and that was 25 years ago!)

Basically, I explained to Matt that it was stressing me out not knowing and he didn't want me to be anymore stressed than I already am (being a stay at home mom to 3 energetic boys.) Matt said I should call to see if the tech can tell me over the phone what her guess is. When I called her she said even though she is 90% sure she just wants to double check. So we went in today a week and a half after our 12 week NT scan for a quick ultrasound and right away she said "yup, I was right with my guess... it's a ..."

Check back tomorrow to find out!!! 

1 comment:

  1. My first child is a baby boy. For perfect family balancing, me & my husband wanted our second child a girl. With the help of and God now we are going to have our baby with our expected gender.It's such a blessing!
