This week Rose is the size of a turnip.
Weight gain/loss: 97.4lbs up one pound from last week!
Sleep: Still going great, but I am waking up once a night to go to the bathroom.
Eating: Craving avocado still, fries (I wish I didn't though because they give me heartburn), egg whites, bagels and sandwiches. I am trying to up my carbs to help with my weight gain.
Movement: I felt her kick a few times this week! Not nearly as much movement this pregnancy because my placenta is in front of her.
What I'm loving: Everything pink!
Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, emotional, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad as it was, weird taste in my mouth, strange body parts are falling asleep like my knees.
What I'm looking forward to: The month of May! We have so many big celebrations this month our second son will be three on the 9th, Mother's day, our big 20 week ultrasound in 2 weeks and moving into our first house we bought and last but not least my husband Matt's 26th birthday!
Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged in the 150s bpm.
Days until our next appointment: 15 days
Days until due date: less than 161 days
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