Thursday, April 16, 2015

16 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was my 16 week doctor appointment. Since Landon's 4th birthday is right around the corner I thought he might enjoy seeing his baby sister for the first time so he tagged along with me and my Mom (it was her first time seeing her too!) 

My weight was 95.8lbs so down a little from our last appointment three weeks ago and my blood pressure was good it was 116/69. The doctor did seem a little concerned about my lack of weight gain and wants me to up my calorie intake and to gain at least 4lbs by our next appointment in 4 weeks. I haven't felt that sick at all since around 12 weeks so I am not sure why I haven't gained more, but I will be adding in more snack to my day. 

Everything looked great with baby girl who is indeed still a GIRL. She is measuring 15 weeks and 4 days so 3 days ahead and is in the 57% for weight a whole 4oz! She was on her tummy and we weren't able to get a good picture this time sadly. I mentioned she must be calmer than her brothers to the ultrasound tech because I don't feel her as much as I did the boys. That is when she mentioned my placenta is anterior which basically means baby girl is behind it and that is why I don't feel her as much as the boys. She sure was wiggling and kicking around during the ultrasound though! 

Thank you Matt for watching Oliver who was sick and T :)


1 comment:

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