Tuesday, April 28, 2015

baby #4||week 17

This week Rose is the size of a turnip.

Weight gain/loss: 97.4lbs up one pound from last week!

Sleep: Still going great, but I am waking up once a night to go to the bathroom. 

Eating: Craving avocado still, fries (I wish I didn't though because they give me heartburn), egg whites, bagels and sandwiches. I am trying to up my carbs to help with my weight gain. 

Movement: I felt her kick a few times this week! Not nearly as much movement this pregnancy because  my placenta is in front of her.

What I'm loving: Everything pink! 

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreamsemotional, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad as it was, weird taste in my mouth, strange body parts are falling asleep like my knees. 

Exercise: Family walks 

What I'm looking forward to: The month of May! We have so many big celebrations this month our second son will be three on the 9th, Mother's day, our big 20 week ultrasound in 2 weeks and moving into our first house we bought and last but not least my husband Matt's 26th birthday!

Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged in the 150s bpm.


Days until our next appointment: 15 days
Days until due date: less than 161 days

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Her Name Will Be...

Coming up with your baby's name is never an easy thing to do... but when you already have three babies of the same gender it makes it even harder!  Going in to our ultrasound to find out if we were completing our family with a boy or girl Matt and I had zero boys names and (I thought) a girls name, Autumn. 

Once we did find out we are having a little girl Matt mentioned to me that he actually does not want to name her Autumn. Mostly, this was because of my history of going into labor naturally around 36/37 weeks pregnant. Putting her birthday in early/mid September which is more like Summer rather than Autumn. We liked the name Summer too, but I liked Autumn more and I didn't like the idea of not having a name picked out until we knew her date of birth. One of the main reasons I decided I really wanted to find out the gender of our baby was because I wanted/needed these months to bond and talk to the baby and refer to them by their name which I couldn't do with out her name set. Another name that had always been on our radar was Sophie. If Trent was going to be a girl his name would have been Violet or Sophie. Sophie has just become too popular for me I don't want her being called Sophie W. all through school because there are three or four Sophie's in her grade. 

After crossing Summer, Autumn and Sophie off our list I felt like we were back to square one with no names. That is when Matt said he has always loved the name Rose. At first I was very put back just because I hadn't thought of it and it wasn't on my list! Haha! The more I said Rose Worthington the more perfect it sounded. I love how girly it is, how my husband thought of it, and how uncommon of a first name it is. I also think it fits beautifully with her brother's names Landon, Oliver, Trent and Rose. We will be completing our family with a little girl her name will be: 

 Rose Marie Worthington

Friday, April 24, 2015

OOTD||Second Trimester

Outfit of the Day: April 24, 2015

Shirt: A Pea in the Pod
Leggings: Splendid I live in these. 
Flats: Tory Burch  These are the closest I could find. Matt bought them for me two years ago! 

16w 2d pregnant


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

baby #4||week 16

Weight gain/loss: 96.0lbs I know this isn't up from last week and that is because I got a stomach bug from my boys the day of my last appointment. I spent the rest of the week trying to gain back the 3lbs I lost. 

Sleep: Still going great, but I am waking up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Craving avocado still, peanut butter, chocolate, fries, a lot of unhealthy food.  Since my doctors appointment last week, I have been really trying to eat more and it is exhausting. I remember feeling like this when I was breastfeeding. To keep up my milk supply up, I ate an insane amount all day. 

Movement: I felt her kick once maybe the whole week. Having my placenta be posterior really makes a big difference in feeling kicks early. I know the bigger she gets the more I will feel which is exciting.  

What I'm loving: My baby belly that is really starting to show. Last week, I had someone ask me when I am due which usually doesn't happen until I am over 20 weeks so I was very surprised that they noticed.

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreamsemotional, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad as it was, weird taste in my mouth.

Exercise: Family walks and a few 20 minute exercises.

What I'm looking forward to: More kicks and our big 20 week (halfway) ultrasound in 3 weeks and 1 day!

Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged in the 150s bpm.


Days until our next appointment: 22 days
Days until due date: less than 168 days

Thursday, April 16, 2015

16 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was my 16 week doctor appointment. Since Landon's 4th birthday is right around the corner I thought he might enjoy seeing his baby sister for the first time so he tagged along with me and my Mom (it was her first time seeing her too!) 

My weight was 95.8lbs so down a little from our last appointment three weeks ago and my blood pressure was good it was 116/69. The doctor did seem a little concerned about my lack of weight gain and wants me to up my calorie intake and to gain at least 4lbs by our next appointment in 4 weeks. I haven't felt that sick at all since around 12 weeks so I am not sure why I haven't gained more, but I will be adding in more snack to my day. 

Everything looked great with baby girl who is indeed still a GIRL. She is measuring 15 weeks and 4 days so 3 days ahead and is in the 57% for weight a whole 4oz! She was on her tummy and we weren't able to get a good picture this time sadly. I mentioned she must be calmer than her brothers to the ultrasound tech because I don't feel her as much as I did the boys. That is when she mentioned my placenta is anterior which basically means baby girl is behind it and that is why I don't feel her as much as the boys. She sure was wiggling and kicking around during the ultrasound though! 

Thank you Matt for watching Oliver who was sick and T :)


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

baby #4||week 15

15 weeks pregnant with Trent

Weight gain/loss: 96.0lbs this morning I have gained two pounds this pregnancy.

Sleep: Sleep has been great! I haven't needed to nap and I am going to sleep around 9pm. I usually wake up once at night to use the bathroom. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Slowly I have been drinking coffee again, but not everyday it does not make me sick like it used to. For me this has been great because I love coffee, being a mom of three active boys I need the caffeine! Meat has been my other aversion since around 5 weeks and it has also pretty much gone away. I am by no means craving either coffee or meat, but I will have some and it won't make me sick the rest of the day like it used to. As for cravings, I love, love, love avocado! I have loved it this whole pregnancy, but now its become an addiction. I love it on everything especially eggs whites, on toast and wrapped in cheese or even with just a little sea salt.Yum!

Movement: definitely felt our baby kick a few times this week. Once, while I was driving and another time while I was in bed in the middle of the night after I got up to use the bathroom and was trying to fall back asleep. So amazing! 

What I'm loving: Starting to feel baby kicks! As I said when I was pregnant with Trent, this is my favorite part of pregnancy. Since this is my last pregnancy, I am loving these little kicks even more than ever before and I am really trying to cherish each one!

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreamsemotional, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad as it was.

Exercise: Family walks and a few 20 minute exercises.

What I'm looking forward to: Seeing our sweet baby girl tomorrow!

Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged in the 160s bpm.


Days until our next appointment: 1 day!
Days until due date: less than 175 

*With my history of naturally going into labor around 36/37 weeks pregnant, I am pretty sure we will have her in September. I really don't mind though, I have a September birthday and would love to share having birthdays in the same month with my daughter! I just hope she stays in long enough for Landon and Oliver to get settled into school before her arrival. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

baby #4||week 14

I feel like I am already showing differently than I did with my boys

Weight gain/loss: 95.4lbs this morning I have gained one pound this pregnancy.

Sleep: I have been having a lot of trouble falling asleep at night and then I wake up ridiculously early and can't seem to fall back asleep.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Still not loving coffee or meat. I have been craving cheese, fruit, donuts and pancakes this week. 

Movement: I haven't felt much of anything recently which I am kind of bummed about because last week I swore I felt a few flutters. Looking back at Trent's post I was feeling "definite jabs" already. Well soon enough she will be kicking my ribs full force!

What I'm loving: Knowing what we are having!!! I had a little too much fun with this whole girl thing this week. I was a little disappointed in myself for not sticking to what I had said about waiting to find out. But now that we know it gets me so excited to prepare for her and I wouldn't have truly been able to do that before. Matt and I plan to have a small baby shower this summer with close family and friends since we don't have many girl clothes or bows yet!

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, random nausea (it has been so much better though)emotional, exhaustion, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad as it was.

Exercise: Trying to stick to working out three days a week. It wasn't easy to do that being sick with a cold these past few days. 

What I'm looking forward to: More flutters and to see our sweet baby girl again next week! 

Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged in the 160s bpm.


Days until our next appointment: 8 days
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 0 days we made it to the second trimester! 
Days until due date: 183 days 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Thank You Note

I want to thank everyone who congratulated us on our big news! It still feels like it's dream... I cannot believe we are going to have a daughter! Matt and I literally both cried when we found out and pretty much smiled the rest of the day (and haven't stopped.) I don't think it will ever get old being able to say "it's a girl!" every time I am out and people ask me what I am having. This week starts the second trimester which is so exciting! I am welcoming Spring and this baby bump with wide open arms. 

Here are some pictures from our ultrasound: 

My weekly update will be posted Wednesday. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Our Big Gender Reveal

We feel so blessed and excited that after three beautiful boys we are completing our family with a baby girl!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

He or She|| Gender for Baby #4

I know, I know we decided to wait until birth to find out... Well during our 12 week ultrasound the tech said she knew what we were having and even though we told her please don't tell us, it still got us (me) very excited to find out! Some of you may think 12 weeks is too early to find out the gender. But we actually found out Trent was a boy at 12 weeks and my mom found out I was a girl at 13 weeks (and that was 25 years ago!)

Basically, I explained to Matt that it was stressing me out not knowing and he didn't want me to be anymore stressed than I already am (being a stay at home mom to 3 energetic boys.) Matt said I should call to see if the tech can tell me over the phone what her guess is. When I called her she said even though she is 90% sure she just wants to double check. So we went in today a week and a half after our 12 week NT scan for a quick ultrasound and right away she said "yup, I was right with my guess... it's a ..."

Check back tomorrow to find out!!! 

OOTD||First Trimester

Outfit of the Day: April 2, 2015

Shirt: American Apparel V-neck
Shorts: A Pea in the Pod
Sandels: Tory Burch

I find myself not really wearing maternity tops as much as I am bottoms. The tops are just so baggy on me though I know they won't be for long! 

13w 1d pregnant


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

baby #4||week 13

I feel like I had a MAJOR growth spurt this week.
I still take all my bump pictures first thing in the morning each week before eating so I know it is not bloat. 

Weight gain/loss: 95.8lbs +1lb from last week (pretty much exactly where I was last pregnancy)

Sleep: Napping only once or so this week now that I have more energy I haven't needed them. I have been waking up a few times a night and having trouble falling back to sleep.  

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: For the first time since about 5 weeks pregnant I had some coffee and it didn't taste nearly as bad as it had. But half way through my cup I started feeling sick so I stopped drinking it. Red meat still makes me nauseous and I have been craving chipotle and peanut butter haha random. 

Movement: I think I felt flutters once this week when I was moving around in bed trying to get comfortable!

What I'm loving: Feeling more like myself having more energy.

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, random nauseaemotional, exhaustion, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad at is was.

Exercise: I have finally started excising again! My goal is three days a week and now that it is getting warmer out I plan to go on walks like I did when I was pregnant with Trent.

What I'm looking forward to: More flutters!! 

Differences from Trent's pregnancy: This time last pregnancy I was not wearing maternity clothes, this time I have been wearing maternity leggings since like 6 weeks pregnant. They are just so comfortable! I also was having heartburn luckily I haven't had much or headaches this time. 

Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged from 170 to 174bpm


Days until our next appointment: 15 days
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 7 days (though some say 13 weeks)
Days until due date: 190 days 