Wednesday, March 4, 2015

baby #4||week 9

9 weeks with Trent

How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a green olive.

Weight gain/loss: 94.8lbs down one pound from last week. It's been a rough week with my morning sickness.

Sleep: Still falling asleep around 8pm every night and napping during the day waking up pretty groggy and sick. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Can't drink coffee since about 5 weeks, this week meat has been pretty gross to me. I have been extra into avocado and fruit especially grapes. 

Movement: Not yet

What I'm loving: My home doppler! I was able to find the baby's heartbeat at the end of last week it ranged from 171-177 bpm. We only heard it for a minute, but Matt and I couldn't stop smiling. 

Symptoms: Weird dreams, waves of all day nausea, exhaustion, skin is breaking out, emotional still crying at random commercials.  

What I'm looking forward to: My appointment next week! 


Days until our next appointment: 7 days! 
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 36 days
Days until due date: 218 days 

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