Thursday, March 26, 2015

Old Wives Tales

I did this same post for fun last pregnancy you can find it here. I figured even though we won't be finding out the gender this time why not guess? Just like last time we do not have a preference with the gender it is most important to us that the baby be healthy.  

Here are my results:
  • Heartbeat above or below 140bpm --- Above at my last ultrasound his/her heartbeat was 182bpm (side note: Trent's heartbeat was 180 at this same ultrasound and he is very much so a BOY)

  • Craving sweet or salty --- Sweet
  • Morning sickness yes or no --- Sadly YES
  • Carrying high or low --- I am going to say boy even though this baby isn't as low as Landon or Oliver my belly looks the same as Trent's did to me. 
From the left Landon, Oliver, Trent, baby #4

  • Moody or happy --- Moody (sorry Matt)
  • Chinese chart boy or girl --- Boy (this test was wrong for both Landon and Oliver and was right with Trent)

  • Mother's age at conception and the year even or one is even and one is odd --- One is even and one is odd (barely though I am 24 and got pregnant a few days into 2015)
  • Intelligender --- Boy result  (this test was wrong with Trent right with Landon and Oliver)

  • Necklace over belly test side to side or circles --- It did both
  • Ramzi Theory--- I just heard about this theory this pregnancy, but from what I have read it is very accurate. --- Girl I emailed my first ultrasound to the woman that wrote the blog post I linked to for a second opinion and she confirmed she believes this baby is a girl.
  • Beauty--- supposedly if its a girl she "steals" your beauty (your skin breaks out) and if it is a boy you have a glow-- Girl (my skin has been horrible since right around when I found out I am pregnant)
  • Dry hands boy or soft hands girl--- Girl
  • Sleep on your left or your right-- Girl (confirmed with Matt I always sleep my right)


Boy: 4 Girl: 8


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

First Trimester Eats

My all day nausea has luckily turned a corner to just evening nausea and I am starting to (finally) feel a little more like my old self. 

On an average day this is what I eat: 

11 weeks 3 days pregnant

6am Breakfast: 

I usually feel a little nauseous first thing in the morning before I get food in my stomach. I quickly go downstairs and heat up some vans frozen pancakes, make some egg whites, with a side of strawberries. Every morning I drink some blue powerade or water, I have not been able to stomach coffee since about 5 weeks pregnant.  I also take my prenatal vitamin, calcium, and baby aspirin at this time. 

*I was able to eat one pancake, half the egg whites and all the strawberries. 

9am Morning Snack: Clif Kid Zbar with some water.

11am Lunch: Turkey (from the deli at Whole Foods) and cheese on whole wheat bread with some lemonade. 

1pm Snack: 

Half a chocolate chip cookie before feeling sick 

5pm Dinner: Chipotle I had a craving for it! No meat (though I would usually get their chicken), brown rice, black beans, corn, a little cheese, a lot of lettuce and a lot of guacamole  YUM! I was only able to eat half at 5pm, but ate a little more a few hours later with some water when I felt a little better.


Monday, March 23, 2015

NT Scan

This afternoon we had our NT Scan my weight was 95.9lbs and my blood pressure was 118/70.  The baby's heart rate was 183bpm (a little higher than Trent's 180bpm at his 12 week scan) and still measuring 12 weeks 2 days. My due date has ranged from Oct.5th to Oct. 8th today we finally set it to Oct.7th and it won't change again! I will now be doing my weekly updates every Wednesday when my weeks turn. We were able to get our results from our scan right away and everything came back in the normal range! We feel so blessed! 

 What is nuchal translucency?

  • Nuchal translucency is a collection of fluid under the skin at the back of a baby's neck. The nuchal translucency scan measures the thickness of this fluid to assess the risk of Down's syndrome. 
  • The nuchal translucency scan is usually advised in first time pregnancies, high-risk pregnancies and in pregnant women who are over 35 years of age.

Trent 12 weeks
11 weeks 5 days baby #4

Oliver 11 weeks 5 days 

baby #4||week 12

Weight gain/loss: 94.4lbs same as last week. Hoping to gain a pound a week now that I am feeling a little bit better. 

Sleep: I haven't been napping everyday like I was which feels great because I would usually wake up groggy. Stilling going to bed early around 8 or 9pm though. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Still absolutely no coffee, not much meat either. Yesterday was the first day in FORVER that I didn't throw up. I felt pretty good all day and I really hope it continues!

Movement: Not yet, but I started feeling kicks around 14 weeks with Trent and Oliver.

What I'm loving: Feeling more like myself having a little more energy.

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, nausea especially at night (after 7pm), exhaustion, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad at is was, and emotional.

What I'm looking forward to: Our appointment this afternoon!

Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged from 174 to 178bpm


Days until our next appointment: TODAY
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 14 days
Days until due date: 197 days 

*Look out later today for an update after my NT scan this afternoon. I will also be posting about what I eat during an average day this first trimester. Later this week ill do an old wives tale post that I did with Trent you can find it here!

Monday, March 16, 2015

baby#4||week 11

Weight gain/loss: 94.4lbs lost a little weight this week from my horrible morning sickness. Even though I lost weight I feel like I am showing a little this week! 

Sleep: Still having trouble falling asleep, but once I am asleep I stay asleep. I have noticed I am not waking up at night to use the bathroom which reading back I know I did with Trent. I assume this is because I am dehydrated. One other difference is my gums haven't bled at all which they did with all three of my past pregnancies not sure what that means.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Still absolutely no coffee or much meat, but I was able to eat a five guys cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce this week! I wouldn't say I am craving it though.. I did really enjoy a mango smoothie and have been thinking about it ever since I finished it and pancakes I am craving pancakes! Mornings have gotten so much better I can actually get breakfast for everyone and get the boys all ready for the day easily. Usually around nap time (12pm) I start feeling sick and it lasts until I go to bed around 9. 

Movement: Not yet, but I started feeling kicks around 14 weeks with Trent and Oliver.

What I'm loving: This warmer weather!!! 

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, waves of all day nausea especially at night (throwing up almost everyday this week ugh), exhaustion, skin is breaking out, emotional.

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling better.

home doppler: This morning the doppler ranged from 170 to 174bpm


Days until our next appointment: 7 days! 
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 21 days
Days until due date: 204 days 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Gender for Baby #4

Matt and I bought our first house! We move in mid May, which I brought up the other night this would be perfect timing for a house warming/gender reveal party. Since the beginning Matt has mentioned he doesn't want to find out the gender of this baby. I just shook it off and didn't take him seriously mostly because I knew I would NEVER be able to wait until then. Well Matt was very serious and proceeded to try his best to convince me we should do it differently this last time. Bringing up good points about how very few things can truly be surprises these days and it will make delivery day all the more exciting etc. With a lot of back and forth, he convinced me... 

We’re not finding out if this baby is a boy or a girl until their grand entrance!

We're so excited about it!!! After we made the decision I can't believe how OK I feel with waiting maybe that will change the further along I get, but I already feel like this pregnancy is flying by.  Since I am due the first week in October we will probably have a c section end of September/October 1st. We are really hoping I keep the baby in until then, but with my history of going into labor naturally around 36 weeks I might not. Landon and Oliver both will be starting preschool in early September and I would be so disappointed if I missed their first few days. Anyway, the thrill of waiting has me even more excited about this pregnancy! 

I will be updating for week 11 on Monday! Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

First Doctor Appointment

This afternoon was our first doctor appointment my weight was 96.0lbs and my blood pressure was 98/52.

We were very lucky to see our sweet baby again! I am 10 weeks, but our little one was measuring 10 weeks and 2 days. With a strong heartbeat of 178bpm very close to Trent's heart rate at his 10 week ultrasound (180bpm!) We are so happy to see how much they have grown and we couldn't stop smiling at their little legs kicking around. We are so in love!

Look at that foot and little hands rubbing their eyes! So precious!

Here is my post on Trent's first doctor appointment: 
pregnancy #3 10 weeks


baby #4|| week 10

How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a prune.

Weight gain/loss: 95.0 no weight gain yet this pregnancy.

Sleep: I've recently been having a lot of trouble falling asleep whether it is just a nap or going to bed at night it takes forever. Once I am asleep though I sleep well. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Still absolutely no coffee or red meat! Occasionally I will be able to eat chicken. No real cravings yet. 

Movement: Not yet

What I'm loving: Announcing on social media! It has been hard to keep such a big secret.  

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, waves of all day nausea, exhaustion, skin is breaking out, emotional still crying at random times. 

What I'm looking forward to: Our appointment today!


Days until our next appointment: Today! 
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 29 days
Days until due date: 211 days 

I have always known I am very blessed to be married to Matt. I want to remember the little things he has done that have made a big difference during this rough first trimester. 

1. Running to fill my water bottle when he hears me throwing up. 
2. Leaving work early to surprise me with my random cravings (even if they are 20 minutes out of his way home.)
3. Putting our three boys to bed while I lay on the couch miserable (this one has happened at least 20 times.)
4. Making us all the dinner I asked for then once it is in front of me I can't eat it.. so he happily makes a whole different meal just for me. 
5. Cleaning our bathrooms so I don't have to breathe in any of the chemicals.
6. Cleaning the house in general because I am too tired to do the laundry or too sick to clean up the mess in the kitchen. 
7. Unlimited foot massages
8. Not taking offense to my EXTREME moodiness this pregnancy.
9. Making me take time out of the house alone even when I use every excuse not to go. 
10. Telling me I look the most beautiful I have ever looked. Even when I know for a fact I need to brush my teeth, shower, and put on real clothes. 

He is the best husband and most caring father. I love you so much Matt. Thank you for all you do.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Pregnancy Announcement

We are so very thrilled to be sharing our special news with everyone! Matt and I are expecting our fourth (and last!) baby this October. I have been doing weekly pregnancy updates behind the scenes while we were planning how to share our special news. Please feel free to see how my pregnancy has progressed below! Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

baby #4||week 9

9 weeks with Trent

How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a green olive.

Weight gain/loss: 94.8lbs down one pound from last week. It's been a rough week with my morning sickness.

Sleep: Still falling asleep around 8pm every night and napping during the day waking up pretty groggy and sick. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Can't drink coffee since about 5 weeks, this week meat has been pretty gross to me. I have been extra into avocado and fruit especially grapes. 

Movement: Not yet

What I'm loving: My home doppler! I was able to find the baby's heartbeat at the end of last week it ranged from 171-177 bpm. We only heard it for a minute, but Matt and I couldn't stop smiling. 

Symptoms: Weird dreams, waves of all day nausea, exhaustion, skin is breaking out, emotional still crying at random commercials.  

What I'm looking forward to: My appointment next week! 


Days until our next appointment: 7 days! 
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 36 days
Days until due date: 218 days 