Friday, February 27, 2015

Q&A baby #4

Were you trying? Yes, We hoped to have our last baby have the same age difference that Oliver and Trent have. I got pregnant with Trent in May 2013 when Oliver turned one so we were lucky enough to be able to do that this time too.
Are you finding out the sex? Um, YES! I am a planner and I need to be able to prepare for our last baby. If it was up to Matt though we wouldn't find out. 
Which would you rather have a boy or girl? Of course most important is we want the baby to be healthy, that’s a given. But, I have always dreamed of having a daughter and would love to compete our family with a little girl. At the same time we have THREE boys I know what to expect and we would save a lot of money not buying clothes and bows! Ha ha! I love having all of the same sex right now and would be over the moon if we are having another boy.
What do you think you’re having? Hmmm, this is a hard one. Everytime I talking about the baby I call them a "him" I don't know if it is a sign or out of habit. For the first few days of me finding out I am pregnant I had the most VIVID dreams and the only recurring thing in all my dreams was my bright PINK hair... Ha ha! We will see for now I will say BOY though it may change tomorrow.


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