Friday, February 27, 2015

baby #4||week 8

8 weeks with Trent

How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a raspberry.

Weight gain/loss: 95.6lbs up one pound from last week.

Sleep: Since I am still very exhausted I can't help but fall asleep by 830/9pm every night even though I take a nap during the day.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Coffee is my only aversion which was never a problem with Trent. I would always look forward to my one morning cup of coffee now I can't stand the sight of it! This week I have been craving Mexican food especially spicy rice and salsa. 

Movement: Nope.

What I'm loving: Spicy food! 

Symptoms: Still having waves of nausea throughout the day and still occasionally throwing up. I am still exhausted all the time like I mentioned earlier. I cried during an ABC mouse commercial on the sprout channel... my emotions are everywhere! Every night I have the craziest dreams which started happening a few days before I found out we were expecting this baby.

What I'm looking forward to: Being able to use our doppler! We bought one for Trent's pregnancy and found his heartbeat very early on at 8 weeks 3 days so I am hoping soon we can find this baby's. I got it out around 7 weeks and a few days and found their heartbeat for a second, but it didn't register the beats per minute. 


Days until our next appointment: 13 days! 
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 42 days
Days until due date: 224 days 

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