How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a appleseed!
Weight gain/loss: Since I stopped breastfeeding two months ago I have had trouble gaining weight. Starting this pregnancy I am 94.2lbs. I am really hoping not to have horrible morning sickness like I did with Trent because I can't afford to loose anymore weight.
Sleep: Sleeping well! I've been so exhausted I fall right asleep at 8/9pm. Some days I nap when all three boys are nap at 12pm, but when I do I always wake up feeling sick. I recall this happening with Trent as well.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: My one morning cup of coffee isn't tasting as good recently. I can't afford to not have my coffee, I will get a migraine and be crabby all morning. I just gulp as much as I can before tossing it.
Movement: No, but looking back at Trent's pregnancy I started feeling flutters around 14 weeks. That is my favorite part of pregnancy for sure!
What I'm loving: Telling my parents and other close family and friends.
Symptoms: Fatigue from when I wake up to when I go to bed. Stuffy nose in the morning especially doesn't help that I caught the boys colds. I have also been very thirsty.
What I'm looking forward to: Our first doctors appointment which is scheduled for February 18th I will be 7 weeks then. I can't wait to see/hear that little heartbeating.
Estimated due date: October 7, 2015
Matt and I tested Friday January 23rd I was 3 weeks 2 days. I used a clearblue digital so there was no mistaking and right away it popped up "pregnant 1-2 weeks." I knew I was pregnant before even testing, but it didn't change how special and exciting it was seeing those words!
I told my mom and dad by giving them a little box with mini pumpkins in it from etsy and a card that said " Our sweet little pumpkin is arriving October 2015. They were ecstatic!
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