Friday, February 27, 2015

baby #4|1st ultrasound

This afternoon Matt and I went (alone!) to our first ultrasound for baby #4! I couldn't stop smiling from the minute I picked him up from work. We got there and went straight back and at my high risk doctor office that NEVER happens. Right away the ultrasound tech found our little baby. Their heart was beating away at 153 bpm which is very close to Trent's 150 bpm at his 7 week ultrasound. Our baby was measuring one day behind what I thought  they would be measuring moving my due date to October 8th, 2015. I ovulated late the cycle we conceived so I was a little unsure of my exact due date, but was temping so I had an idea. My next appointment/ultrasound is March 13th I will be 10 and a half weeks. 

UPDATE: My doctors office called and moved up my appt. to March 11th! 

1 comment:

  1. First ultrasounds are super exciting! It's that moment when you get left with so many questions about your pregnancy, yet your certain that answers will come at exactly the right time, just not now. Anyway, here's to a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery, Melissa! Congratulations on baby number four! :)

    Ron King @ Medgen
