Friday, February 27, 2015

baby #4||week 8

8 weeks with Trent

How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a raspberry.

Weight gain/loss: 95.6lbs up one pound from last week.

Sleep: Since I am still very exhausted I can't help but fall asleep by 830/9pm every night even though I take a nap during the day.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Coffee is my only aversion which was never a problem with Trent. I would always look forward to my one morning cup of coffee now I can't stand the sight of it! This week I have been craving Mexican food especially spicy rice and salsa. 

Movement: Nope.

What I'm loving: Spicy food! 

Symptoms: Still having waves of nausea throughout the day and still occasionally throwing up. I am still exhausted all the time like I mentioned earlier. I cried during an ABC mouse commercial on the sprout channel... my emotions are everywhere! Every night I have the craziest dreams which started happening a few days before I found out we were expecting this baby.

What I'm looking forward to: Being able to use our doppler! We bought one for Trent's pregnancy and found his heartbeat very early on at 8 weeks 3 days so I am hoping soon we can find this baby's. I got it out around 7 weeks and a few days and found their heartbeat for a second, but it didn't register the beats per minute. 


Days until our next appointment: 13 days! 
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 42 days
Days until due date: 224 days 

baby #4|1st ultrasound

This afternoon Matt and I went (alone!) to our first ultrasound for baby #4! I couldn't stop smiling from the minute I picked him up from work. We got there and went straight back and at my high risk doctor office that NEVER happens. Right away the ultrasound tech found our little baby. Their heart was beating away at 153 bpm which is very close to Trent's 150 bpm at his 7 week ultrasound. Our baby was measuring one day behind what I thought  they would be measuring moving my due date to October 8th, 2015. I ovulated late the cycle we conceived so I was a little unsure of my exact due date, but was temping so I had an idea. My next appointment/ultrasound is March 13th I will be 10 and a half weeks. 

UPDATE: My doctors office called and moved up my appt. to March 11th! 

baby #4|week 7

How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a blueberry!

Weight gain/loss: 94.8lbs

Sleep: Still sleeping okay. Some nights I wake up in the middle of the night and am very nauseous I have trouble falling back asleep. Also, I am still take naps everyday.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Coffee still smells and tastes horrible to me. I'm hungry, but noting sounds good. 

Movement: Nope.

What I'm loving: Even though I feel sick 90% of the day, I am still "loving" being pregnant! 

Symptoms: My biggest symptom besides my all day nausea is fatigue! A new symptom this week is feeling light headed right when I stand stand up, walk up stair, or stand for a long period of time. I'm assuming this is because of low blood sugar from not eating enough. I have been so emotional this pregnancy. I feel so bad for Matt, one minute I am happy, the next, I am crying. If I am watching TV and a commercial or a show comes on where anyone cries I immediately start crying.. Its out of my control!! Also my skin is still breaking out! Ugh!

What I'm looking forward to: Having our first last ultrasound today! We are so excited :)


Days until our next appointment: TODAY
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 42 days
Days until baby #4 is here: 230 days though they will come before my due date because I'm getting my last csection

Q&A baby #4

Were you trying? Yes, We hoped to have our last baby have the same age difference that Oliver and Trent have. I got pregnant with Trent in May 2013 when Oliver turned one so we were lucky enough to be able to do that this time too.
Are you finding out the sex? Um, YES! I am a planner and I need to be able to prepare for our last baby. If it was up to Matt though we wouldn't find out. 
Which would you rather have a boy or girl? Of course most important is we want the baby to be healthy, that’s a given. But, I have always dreamed of having a daughter and would love to compete our family with a little girl. At the same time we have THREE boys I know what to expect and we would save a lot of money not buying clothes and bows! Ha ha! I love having all of the same sex right now and would be over the moon if we are having another boy.
What do you think you’re having? Hmmm, this is a hard one. Everytime I talking about the baby I call them a "him" I don't know if it is a sign or out of habit. For the first few days of me finding out I am pregnant I had the most VIVID dreams and the only recurring thing in all my dreams was my bright PINK hair... Ha ha! We will see for now I will say BOY though it may change tomorrow.


baby #4|week 6

(6 weeks with Trent)

How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a sweetpea!

Weight gain/loss: Up one pound 95lbs

Sleep: Still sleeping well. I usually can't stay up past 8:30/9pm and I nap during the boys nap everyday. I feel groggy when I wake up, but it goes away pretty fast. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Coffee still smells and tastes horrible to me. I'm hungry, but noting sounds good.

Movement: No

What I'm loving: Still loving telling my parents and other close family and friends.

Symptoms: Fatigue from when I wake up to when I go to bed, I threw up for the first time this pregnancy a few times this week. Nausea comes in waves throughout the day and sore breasts. Also, my skin has been breaking out bad which is very unusual for me. 

What I'm looking forward to: Valentine's day and of course our first doctors appointment in one week!!! 


Days until our next appointment: 7 days
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 49 days
Days until baby #4 is here: 237 days though they will come before my due date because I'm getting my last csection


baby #4|week 5

How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a appleseed!

Weight gain/loss: Since I stopped breastfeeding two months ago I have had trouble gaining weight. Starting this pregnancy I am 94.2lbs. I am really hoping not to have horrible morning sickness like I did with Trent because I can't afford to loose anymore weight. 

Sleep: Sleeping well! I've been so exhausted I fall right asleep at 8/9pm. Some days I nap when all three boys are nap at 12pm, but when I do I always wake up feeling sick. I recall this happening with Trent as well. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: My one morning cup of coffee isn't tasting as good recently. I can't afford to not have my coffee, I will get a migraine and be crabby all morning.  I just gulp as much as I can before tossing it. 

Movement: No, but looking back at Trent's pregnancy I started feeling flutters around 14 weeks. That is my favorite part of pregnancy for sure!

What I'm loving: Telling my parents and other close family and friends.

Symptoms: Fatigue from when I wake up to when I go to bed. Stuffy nose in the morning especially doesn't help that I caught the boys colds. I have also been very thirsty.

What I'm looking forward to: Our first doctors appointment which is scheduled for February 18th I will be 7 weeks then. I can't wait to see/hear that little heartbeating. 

Estimated due date: October 7, 2015

Matt and I tested Friday January 23rd I was 3 weeks 2 days. I used a clearblue digital so there was no mistaking and right away it popped up "pregnant 1-2 weeks." I knew I was pregnant before even testing, but it didn't change how special and exciting it was seeing those words! 

I told my mom and dad by giving them a little box with mini pumpkins in it from etsy and a card that said " Our sweet little pumpkin is arriving October 2015. They were ecstatic! 
