Whoops, sorry I was MIA the past two months-- been busy! Trent weighs about 21lbs., but we will get his official weight next week at his 12 month check up.
Breastfeeding: I stopped breastfeeding Trent when he reached 10 months. It was time for both of us. I felt a little guilty because he was nursing well 90% of the time and I never had any supply issues like a lot of nursing mamas have. Trent adjusted to formula right away. I was lucky that he drank well from the bottle, so that wasn't a problem either. Since weaning, he now eats solids 100% better and takes much less formula than he did breast milk. He was on the chubby side to begin with, so his pediatrician wasn't concerned about his slow weight gain the past two months. Currently Trent will eat three meals a day at the table with us and two snacks.
To wean Trent, I dropped one nursing session a day and replaced it with breastmilk from my stash. It took about a month to fully stop.
Sleep: Morning nap is around 830/9am and then he has an afternoon nap with his brothers at noon to 2pm(ish). Bed time is at 7pm and he sleeps until 530/6am with no wake ups!
New This Month with Trent: His walking is improving every day. He took his first steps in mid December (10 months) and Trent is still working on keeping his balance. He likes to have the security of holding on to fingers or a walker though! If Trent does crawl, he does a mix of army crawling and crawling on all fours.
Have I mentioned he loves his brothers??? Any attention he gets from them, Trent BEAMS!!! It is the sweetest-- not sure how he will feel when they both start preschool this Fall!
Trent has fit so perfectly into our family. He happily tags along and just goes with the flow with our busy everyday life. Constantly "talking" about dada while he is at work, but is a true "mamas boy." Matt and I are thankful every day for the constant joy, laughter and love he has brought to our family this past year and we can't wait to watch him continue to grow and thrive.
We are spending Trent's first birthday with his Grandparents at the Baltimore Aquarium!
Have I mentioned he loves his brothers??? Any attention he gets from them, Trent BEAMS!!! It is the sweetest-- not sure how he will feel when they both start preschool this Fall!
Trent has fit so perfectly into our family. He happily tags along and just goes with the flow with our busy everyday life. Constantly "talking" about dada while he is at work, but is a true "mamas boy." Matt and I are thankful every day for the constant joy, laughter and love he has brought to our family this past year and we can't wait to watch him continue to grow and thrive.
We are spending Trent's first birthday with his Grandparents at the Baltimore Aquarium!
Side Facts for 12 Months:
- Loves baths, mac and cheese, yogurt, MAM paci, peek-a-boo, pointing out clocks whenever he comes into a new room, giving open mouth kisses, blowing kisses, clapping, "dancing"
- Dislikes: Waiting for anything, getting dressed, his face being wiped, being strapped into his carseat and bibs!
- First steps happened in mid December along with his first tooth! Well teeth... he got his bottom front two teeth at the same time.
- Can say: Mama, Dada, Papa, BAAA (paci), BABA (bottle), BUH BUH (bye bye)
Trent's hair is blonde. His eyes are blue/green. He wears 12-18 month clothing.