Friday, October 24, 2014

Nine Month

Trent is NINE months old! He weighed 19lbs., 13oz. today, but we will get his official weight on Monday at his 9 month check up.

Breastfeeding: Trent is still breastfed, he eats around 6 times a day. I also nurse him once at night around 2am, but only if he wakes up. 

Solids: I tried freezing his purees in our popsicle maker and for a few weeks he really enjoyed them! This month though, he seems to have gone backwards in the "solids" department. I give him puffs once a day, yogi drops or mum mums and he likes bread and graham crackers, but besides that he doesn't eat much. The one thing Trent continues to enjoy are smoothies in the straw sippy cup! It is hard to eat certain foods when you have no teeth. Then again Landon and Oliver both didn't get teeth until they were over a year and would eat things like chicken!!!

Naps: Morning nap time is usually around 8am two hours after he wakes up for the day. His afternoon nap is around 12pm which is when his big brothers nap as well. Trent's first nap is usually an hour and his second nap is two to three hours. He has dropped his late afternoon nap this month. However, if we are out around 4pm Trent may fall asleep in the car. Bedtime is around 645/7pm and he sleeps until 2 or 3am then goes back to sleep until 6am. 

New This Month with Trent:

Trent is still army crawling extremely fast. I thought he might be on all fours by now, but he doesn't seem interested. He can stand alone for a few seconds and has even started cruising. Trent is still working on pulling himself up on everything-- he is very curious. 

Personality: Trent loves being on the floor and he loves to get into everything. Like I said he is very curious! He loves his big brothers and they love him, they all light up when they see each other in the morning and after nap time. Trent's stranger anxtiey has gotten a lot better this month too!

Side Facts for Nine Months:

  • Loves: the air vents on the floor, crawling into small spaces that he knows he shouldn't be in, puffs, MAM paci, standing (with help), walks in the stroller, playing with his brothers on the floor, being held, peek-a-boo
  • Dislikes: Getting his face wiped, getting dressed, getting diaper changes, 
  • Teeth: Still none
Trent's hair is blonde. His eyes are blue/green. He wears 12-18 month clothes.