CIO--At Trent's six month appointment we talked to his pediatrician about possibly doing Cry It Out (CIO). CIO, for us is when you put your baby down in their crib tired but not asleep and let them sooth themselves back to sleep when they wake up at night. Unless, of course, it is time for them to eat or have a diaper change. It was important for us to do this with Trent because his sleeping (or lack there of) had become so bad. He also needed to establish a healthy sleeping habit.
Trent would cat nap and snack all day and then wake up 2 or 3 times a night and at six months old and 17+ pounds I knew it was not just because he was hungry, it was more out habit. I felt he really did not need to eat that many times. After getting the advise to try CIO with Trent from his doctor, Matt and I went ahead and started sleep training him in his nursery in his crib. Before this, Trent would sleep in a rock and play chair swaddled next to Matt's side of the bed. After his second wake up though, he would usually end up in the bed with us co-sleeping which is something we didn't really want to happen, but happened anyway.
The first night of CIO, we bathed Trent and I nursed him in his rocking chair in his nursery. He fell right asleep in my arms, it was basically cheating because I was able to put him down in his crib already asleep. Trent woke up after about an hour and cried and cried for about 40 minutes and then eventually was so exhausted that he fell back asleep. Trent has never had to cry for more than 5 minutes, so 40 minutes is a very long time for him. I was an emotional wreck and had to leave Matt to watch the monitor while I went for a drive.
Each night Trent cried less and less and now one week in he goes right to sleep for bedtime and nap times.
Our schedule for Trent now looks like this:
2AM (around) - Nurse and diaper change
6AM- Wake up for the day, nurse and diaper change
6:30AM- Attempt to feed him solids (breakfast)
8AM- First Nap
9AM(around)- Wake up, nurse, diaper change
1130AM- Nurse and second attempt at solids (lunch)
12PM- Second nap, diaper change
2PM- Wake up, nurse, diaper change, play
4PM(around)- Cat nap (car or on me)
5PM- Nurse, diaper change and third attempt at solids (dinner)
7PM- Bedtime routine and nurse
9PM (around)- Dream feed a bottle
Trent's 4PM cat nap (15 to 20 minutes long) is one I would like to get rid of but he seems to still need it for now. If he doesn't nap then, he is a fussy wreck until bedtime which is no fun for anyone! I am so happy we did CIO, it was not easy and I knew it was not going to be, but since we also did it with Landon I knew what to expect and that it was successful. As I said it was totally worth it because not only am I getting the sleep I need to chase after my three busy boys all day, but Trent is getting the quality sleep he needs as well to grow. His behavior in the carseat has changed a lot too!
New This Month with Trent:
Trent said his first word at his six month doctor appointment. Matt was holding him before the doctor was going to examine him and Trent said "mama" so clearly! It was the cutest! He has only said it a few other times since then, but when Trent does it so precious.
He is just starting to crawl. Trent can move forward a good foot or so, but his favorite thing to do is to roll around to get to where he wants to be. After putting Trent down for his first night of CIO on his back, he quickly rolled onto his tummy knowing it would be more comfortable sleeping that way.
Nursing: I am still exclusively breastfeeding Trent, he eats anywhere from 7 to 9 times a day. I have noticed new this month how much more Trent seems to be getting distracted while eating. I now have to give the boys something to do so they sit still and be more quiet.
Solids: I am still giving solids in baby led weaning (BLW) and puree pouches, but Trent still refuses them for the most part. The worst is spoon feeding him purees or oatmeal. He just cries and clenches his jaw shut! My best bet is to give him one of the poaches to suck on. I really feel if he would eat solids better, he would sleep better and I could possibly stop nursing him at night.
Landon and Oliver had no problem with solids. Landon didn't even get teeth until he was a year and half and still ate pieces of chicken. I am not used to having a baby that hates solids-- it is definitely a challenge. One thing I have tried new with Trent this month that he seems to love are breastmilk popsicles, ha ha! He grabs for it every time I pull one out.
Personality: After the first few nights of CIO, Matt and I felt like Trent was mad at us because he was not smiling as much as he used to... it was most likely in our heads ha ha! Trent loves his Mommy and Daddy, there is no denying it! I watch him looking at Matt while he is talking to Landon and Oliver-- its so sweet! Trent also loves for me to carry him around on my hip which is getting harder and harder the bigger he gets! Whenever anyone else is holding him, he leans for me and my heart melts. Though, more than Mommy and Daddy, Trent adores his big brothers! He is always beaming at them and I can't help but laugh a little that every time one of his brother goes to time out he just stares and smiles and laughs while they are sitting there. Trent can't wait to chase after them, I just see it in his eyes he wants to be big so badly.
Side Facts for Seven Months:
- Loves the bath, being held, the Ergo carrier, MAM paci, grabbing Mommys hair, rolling, watching his brothers, favorite toy, kisses on his tummy and nursing
- Dislikes: Still does not love the carseat, but since doing CIO he has been MUCH better about it.