Friday, July 25, 2014

Six Months Old

Growing Boy: 

Trent is SIX months old today-- half a year! As for weight, Trent weighs about 16lbs, 13oz according to our baby scale at home. He will be having his six month check up on August 1st, so we will find out his official weight and height then along with what percentiles he falls into. 

Nursing: Trent is still exclusively breastfed. I am hoping to make it to a year. As I said in my last monthly update about Trent, I have a very big freezer stash (around 500 ounces.) I add to it almost every day and rarely take from it. I will most likely stop breastfeeding around 10 or 11 months and just take from the frozen milk I have been storing. By then, he will be on mostly table food anyway. 

Solids: As I said last month, Trent tried solids for the first time and he was not the biggest fan of the oatmeal or rice cereal. He does seem to like fruits and he has not had any type of bad reaction. I don't give him food very often, maybe once a week because honestly he doesn't seem all that interested yet. We are doing baby led weaning.

Sleep: Trent has been waking up anywhere from 2-3 times a night for the past month plus like he did when he was a newborn. At six months old, I really feel this is more out of habit than he actually is hungry. I really wouldn't mind just one wake up if he went right back to sleep, but it has gotten a little too exhausting for me. I am planning on talking to his doctor about it when we go for his appt next week. 

Milestones: Trent is getting sturdier by the day. He can sit up unassisted for a few minutes. Usually, he will see something he wants and lean forward for it and then roll onto his side. Trent really recognizes the faces he sees regularly. This month, I noticed he whips his head around if he hears his name. I have seen him wiggle his legs trying to reach for something, but thats about it. I don't think he will start crawling soon, but you never know... Oliver crawled around 7 months.

Personality: Trent, like his brothers, is a bit of a flirt. He beams at everyone around him, but usually if you ask to hold him, he screams! He is a giggly, cuddly, sweetheart. 

Brothers: Oliver does everything Landon does these days. He also watches how much Landon interacts with Trent. Oliver is really warming up to him, not that he was ever mean to Trent, he just didn't show the love that Landon constantly shows him. We really hope Landon never looses interest in Trent because since we brought him home, he has been the sweetest big brother-- we love it!

Side facts:

  • Loves the bath, being held and walked around with, grabbing everything in front of him, his jumper, MAM paci, the swing, solly wrap, and sophie (baby toy)
  • Dislikes: Carseat, anything to do with the carseat, the car, being hungry, stroller, strangers
Firsts: Trent was in his Aunts wedding, carried down the aisle by his Grandma this month. He went on his first trip to the petting zoo. Also road in the front of the cart at the grocery store for the first time! 

Trent's hair is blonde. His eyes are blue. He nows wears 9-12 month clothing.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Day In The Life (of a mom with three boys)

I always love reading these posts on other mom blogs and I have yet to write one myself. So much changes month to month with the boys being so young. I know I will enjoy looking back and reading the little details in our everyday life that I know I will completely forget about one day.  

Tuesday July 8th, 2014 
Landon is 3 years old, 3 months
Oliver is 2 years old, 2 months
Trent is 5 months old
1:15 a.m. – Trent is moving around, I know he is starting to get hungry because he has not eaten since he went to bed at 7:30 p.m. I ask Matt to get him, I nurse Trent for 6 minutes still swaddled and he goes right back to sleep in the sling next to Matt's side of our bed.
5:10 a.m. – Trent is stirring around again. I ask Matt to get him for me and I nurse him half asleep while laying down this time. Luckily, I am able to get him back to sleep though this time in our bed. He takes over my side, so I decide just to get up and go downstairs to pump after I brush my teeth and put my hair up.
5:17 a.m.– I make myself a piece of toast with peanut butter, banana slices and chia seeds and fill my water bottle (16oz.) with my prenatal vitamin.

5:26 a.m. – I pump for about 20 minutes (burning calories while eating calories!) 

5:50 a.m. I put the milk I made into the refrigerator in case Matt needs to feed it to Trent when I go on my run. I empty the dishes from the dishwasher and hear Landon and Oliver on the monitor. 

6:02 a.m. - I get the boys from their beds. Landon runs to the closet to get a pair of undies for the day and Oliver gets a diaper out of their nightstand for me to change him. After they are both changed, they insist on waking up Daddy and Trent. Matt changes Trent's diaper that is soaked, while I take Landon and Oliver downstairs for breakfast.

6:10 a.m.- The boys sit down at their "little table" and I ask them what they want for breakfast they both say at the same time "eggies peeeaaass" which seems to be their favorite these days. Once Matt comes downstairs, I get my sneakers on and head out for my run. 

6:50 a.m. - I get home and nurse a hungry/screaming Trent right away and fill my water bottle again. The boys are playing together nicely with their legos, so I take this opportunity to run upstairs and shower but first I make a cup of coffee.

7:40 a.m.- Trent is rubbing his eyes meaning he is ready for his nap. 

7:47-9:04 a.m.- Trent naps. I enjoy my warm coffee while Matt and I play with Landon and Oliver with an episode of The Good Wife on our TV in the background. We also change the boys into their daytime clothes at this time. I clean up from breakfast (eggs everywhere), load the dishwasher and get myself dressed for the day. I then spend time doing workbooks with the Landon and Oliver until I hear Trent on the monitor...

9:10 a.m.- Snacks for everyone!  Landon is obsessed with anything Lightening McQueen and Oliver is currently in love with Dora the Explorer so when my mom brought over fruit snacks of their favorite characters last week that is all they ask for! I quickly pick up a little more before our playdate at 10 a.m.

9:30- Daddy leaves for work! I run into the kitchen and have some Trader Joe's trail mix because I'm starving. 

9:57- Our friends arrive ...Playdate! It is pretty hot outside today so we just play in our cool basement.

11:02- Our friends leave and I nurse Trent again and he immediately falls asleep. We all then have lunch, Landon wants turkey with black olives, organic string cheese, apple slices and milk. Oliver asks for half a peanut butter sandwich with black olives, string cheese and apple slices and milk. I know it is odd but both the boys have an obsession with black olives!!! I have a yogurt, apple slices and a teaspoon of peanut butter with a few chocolate chips and I refill my water bottle. 
I love when he plays with my hair while he nurses.

11:38 a.m.- Landon goes to the bathroom before nap time and I change Oliver's diaper during his diaper change he demands to go on the potty like "Landy." Oliver surprises me and actually went potty on the potty! Landon stays in undies and Oliver goes back in a diaper. Both go right to sleep, I empty the dishes from the dishwasher and then hear Trent on the monitor (ughhh) It takes a while and he snacks but I finally got him back to sleep. 

12:30ish p.m. - 1:24 p.m.- I finish picking up, talk to Matt on the phone and work on this blog post. 

1:24 p.m.- Landons awake, I bring him downstairs and he asks for goldfish with juice (watered-down gatorade.)

1:41 p.m.- Oliver wakes up, I give him the same snack Landon had. They watch an episode of some elephant show on disney junior. 

1:54 p.m.- Trent's awake! Landon and Oliver play together, while I have a snack and Trent rolls around on the floor. 

2:31 p.m.- Grandma comes over! She holds Trent and helps me entertain the boys. 

3:18 p.m.- I nurse and change Trent then soon after we leave to have an early dinner out. 

I had a BLT with no mayo and the boys ate chicken tenders with milkshakes

5:02 p.m.- We get home (Trent screamed the whole way) and Papa then arrives! I nurse Trent again and the boys all enjoy playing around with Papa.

6:12 p.m.- Trent skipped his late afternoon nap and is exhausted also extremely fussy. I give him the bottle of the milk I had pumped this morning and he falls into a deep sleep. I fill my water bottle again. 

6:43 p.m.- Trent wakes up because of a storm going on outside. I bring him downstairs with me. He shows no signs of going back to bed anytime in the near future. 

7 p.m.- Things start calming down, I change the boys for bed and I put on an episode of Elmo on for the boys to watch before bed with a cup of milk each and Papa goes home.

7:24 p.m.- Daddy's home and he brought me dessert from his dinner meeting because he is amazing. I fill my water bottle.
Landon clearly still can't stop loving on his littlest brother 
The dessert Matt brought me home

7:27 p.m.- It is bedtime for Landon and Oliver! Matt takes them up to their room to brush their teeth and tuck them in. Oliver's newest thing is asking for Matt or I to put his "tweet tweet" (his stuffed animal owl) under his shirt on his back and he falls asleep like that until the morning! Haha! He is so silly. Landon and Oliver talk to each other while Matt and I laugh listening over the monitor. By 8 p.m. they have fallen asleep.

8:00 p.m.- Matt and I put on Pretty Little Liars. We talk about our day while Trent is clearly overly tired but that doesn't stop us from talking about how adorable and in love we are with him.

8:35 p.m.- I pump and use 3 ounces to feed to Trent and I freeze the rest. I fill my water bottle for the last time before bed.

There are three jumbo ziplock bags in each drawer stuffed with mini freezer bags  of milk. 

9:05 p.m.- I change, brush my teeth and check my UP band to see how many steps I did today then I fall asleep right away.  
