Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Five Months Old

Growing Boy: 

Trent is officially FIVE months old-- I cannot believe it! I forgot to make a four month post, so we are just going to jump right into his fifth month. As for weight, Trent weighs about 15lbs, 10oz according to our baby scale at home. I am not sure what percentile that is, he wont have his next check up until he is six months old. One thing I do want to add is that at his four month appointment, Trent had to get two shots just like at his two month appointment. He did NOT handle them well at all. He slept so much for a few days, hardly would eat and had a fever. I really hope he doesn't have to get any more shots at his 6 month appointment.

Nursing: Trent is still exclusively breastfeeding. I am hoping to make it to a year, but at this rate I could probably stop somewhere around 10 months because I have a HUUUGE freezer stash. If I keep adding 4-5oz a day like I have been for the past few months, I will most likely stop sooner rather than later. Last month I slowly started adding dairy back into my diet and we haven't had any problems!

Trent's nursing/sleep schedule looks roughly like this:

5:30/6am-Wake up for the day and nurse (I sometimes pump depending on how he slept the night before)
7:30/8am-9am- Nap #1(sometimes nurses to sleep)
9am- Nurse
10/1030-1030/11- 30min catnap
11am- Nurse
12/1-230/3pm- Nap #2
3pm- Nurse
4/430-5/530- Nap #3 (sometimes nurses to sleep)
5pm-7pm- Cluster feed
7pm- Bedtime
9pm- Dream feed (I pump and feed him a bottle whatever he doesn't eat I freeze)
2am- Nurse 

We by no means have a set schedule for Trent. I still just feed him on demand but most days look something like this. A few days ago, I used the breastfeeding app on my phone to see how many time in a day Trent eats and it ended up being NINE times! He pretty much snacks all day ...The two times I can count on Trent everyday to do the same thing is nap around 7:30am for an hour to an hour and a half and then nap again with his brothers around 12pm for an hour and a half to two hours. I LOVE those two naps because I use the first one to get things ready for the day like get the boys dressed, load or unload the dishwasher, make Matt's lunch for work and get myself showered/dressed. The second nap when they all three nap is when I can rest, eat, clean the house and plan dinner.

New this month: Trent tried solids! We gave him his first taste of baby oatmeal  mixed with breastmilk when he was two days shy of five months and he didn't seem too into it. With Oliver, we did baby lead weaning which is basically just cutting up food really small and letting them eat it as is and skipping the whole puree baby food. I am hoping to do that again this time with Trent, since it worked so well with Oliver.

One other new thing this month is Trent is sitting up! He has been able to roll front to back since about 3 maybe 3 and a half months. Since he really hate his tummy time he has yet to roll back to front. I am glad he likes sitting up though, I think its because he can really keep an eye on his brothers!

While on the subject of brothers, Landon and Oliver are getting more and more excited about Trent growing bigger. Landon absolutely loves holding and kissing his youngest brother any chance he gets. Oliver is still more distant, but will help put Trent's paci in or throw away a dirty diaper because he loves to feel like a big helper.

As you can see above Trent is still waking up at night to eat. He has slept through the night before, but he usually has at least one wake up per night.  I don't totally mind it since I keep him swaddled and he always eats for 5 minutes and goes right back to sleep.


ALL my boys were very smiley babies but Trent he is the smiliest of them all! He will smile at anyone and look into your eyes like you're the only one he sees. Its so precious! The only time Trent is fussy is when he is sleepy or in his carseat! Neither Landon or Oliver had any issue with their carseat (Trent is in the same one they were in.) He hates it! I can't go anywhere without him screaming and this just started about a month ago, before that he did what Landon and Oliver always did in the car... slept.

Side facts:

  • Loves the bath, being held, the swing at the park, nursing, MAM paci, having his hand in his mouth, watching his brothers, tickles from daddy, solly wrap
  • Dislikes: Carseat, anything to do with the carseat, the car, being hungry, tummy time
Trent's hair is falling out and coming in blonde. His eyes are still blue.



  1. Way to go making it to 5 months!!! I'm blogging about breastfeeding right now and I'd love for you to comment with any additional advice you have!

  2. Hey, mama, I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you as one of my favorite bloggers for the Liebster Award! It's a way for smaller, growing blogs to branch out and connect with each other! The rules are in my post; I hope you'll play along! :) http://beautyandthebinky.wordpress.com/2014/09/03/the-liebster-award-for-my-nearest-dearest/
