Since my last update, I started doing 10-15 minute workouts in the morning while the boys had breakfast. After about a week of doing that, my c-section scar started to burn/pinch on the left side. It does not seem to be infected, but I did decide to stop the morning work out videos. This past week, I started walking in the morning either with the double stroller and Trent wrapped on me with Matt or a run by myself usually a mile to two miles. I am not sure how often I will be able to do this though, it is very hard to find time during the morning. I still weigh the same this month as last month 101lbs.
I am still eating a dairy free/peanut free diet. I tested by eating a granola bar that contained peanuts and a few hours later Trent was screaming in pain. It was horrible so I won't be trying that again anytime soon. I really don't think he is allergic to dairy or peanuts though, I just think his stomach can't quite handle them yet. I will be trying to slowly add dairy back when he turns 4 months. Wish us luck!
This is a typical day:
Breakfast: Dairy-free waffles, pancakes, or bagels with vegan butter and a side of fruit. To drink I will have coffee with soy milk, sugar and a water.
Snack: Two to four lactation cookies or some type of health bar
Lunch: Avocado slices wrapped in turkey, apple slices with Trader Joes cookie butter (it is addicting)
Snack: Trader Joe's organic brown rice marshmallow treats (yum)
Dinner: We tend to only have red meat once a week because honestly the boys don't really eat it. They do on the other hand love fish, so we stick to mostly have seafood like tilapia or salmon and they like chicken with usually brown rice and a veggie.
average water intake: two liters
Growing Boy:
Breastfeeding is still going strong! Trent isn't on much of a schedule still with the exception of mornings where usually he wakes up around 6am for the day eats and is extremely happy and smiley and then is very tired by 7:45am and naps for about an hour/an hour and a half. After that, I don't know what to expect for the day and I just feed him on demand. As far as sleep, we try to feed and swaddle him at 7:30/8pm every night and then he will fall asleep. Right before I go to bed, I usually pump, where I am making between 5.5 to 7/7.5 ounces depending on how Trent ate before he went to sleep. Matt will feed that to Trent via a MAM bottle. He will only take an ounce or two at this feeding and then I freeze the leftovers. I just do this so I am emptied out for the long stretch (930/10pm-2/2:30am) Trent usually does or else I will wake up engorged which is very uncomfortable. After his long stretch, he will have one more stretch from 2:30 to 5:30/6am and be up for the morning . I would say most nights we are down to one feeding if he does wake up twice it will be around 1am and 4 am. I definitely prefer the one wake up though!
Trent is just as sweet and happy as his two older brothers are. He absolutely loves to be talked to and smiled at. I think I have spoiled him too much with holding him because sometimes during the day that is the only way he will be happy is if I walk around with him. It has made me really good at doing things with one hand! Trent loves being cuddled and take chest naps. I have caught him smiling at his brothers quite a few times this month!
Talking about brothers, Landon and Oliver have become even more attached at the hip than they were previously. Landon still is more interested in Trent and is over the moon when he can get him to smile at him. Oliver is the same as the previous month where he is not jealous of Trent but also is not nearly as excited about him as Landon.
First Easter:
This month Trent celebrated his first Easter. We went into DC and ate brunch with the boys grandparents!
Three Month Facts:
Weight: 13lbs 6oz
Weight: 13lbs 6oz
Height: Unknown
Clothing Size: 3-6 month, 6 month
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: FIrst haircut this month and it is coming in thicker and light brown
Dislikes: Being changed, being hungry for more than 0.5 seconds, tummy time
Likes: Being talked to, smiled at, kissed all over, MAM paci, being swaddled, sleeping on his tummy during the day.
Hair: FIrst haircut this month and it is coming in thicker and light brown
Dislikes: Being changed, being hungry for more than 0.5 seconds, tummy time
Likes: Being talked to, smiled at, kissed all over, MAM paci, being swaddled, sleeping on his tummy during the day.