This month flew by just as fast as the first!
I still have not exercised since getting the OK at my postpartum OB appt with the exception of a few family walks in the neighborhood. I might start going on morning runs when it warms up some. That wouldn't be to loose those 3 or 4 pounds I haven't lost yet, but to gain muscle. My current weight is 100.4.
At Trent's one month appt we talked to his doctor about how he is more gassy than his brothers were and he seems to be in pain because of it. She asked me to cut out dairy from my diet to see if that helps. It takes about a week and a half to two weeks for dairy to leave your system. So far going "dairy-free" has helped him so much! It has been pretty hard for me though and the first few days I felt like I couldn't eat anything. I love cheese, milk, and pretty much anything with butter, so this has been a big change for me but very worth it to see my little boy more happy.
This is a typical day:
Breakfast: Dairy-free waffles or pancakes (thanks to my friend Natalie for recommending them :)) with vegan butter and a banana with coffee (soy milk and sugar) and water
Snack: NuGo bar or two lactation cookies the recipe I use was found here the only changes I made were to use vegan butter and dairy free chocolate chips.
Lunch: Non dairy bread, turkey with avocado
Snack: Apples with Trader Joes cookie butter, lactation cookies or a rice cake
Breastfeeding is still going very well as you can tell by his baby rolls! Trent eats about every two hours during the day and about every 4 hours at night.
Trent still goes right back to sleep at night thank goodness! Usually, his last feeding is around 9pm then Trent gets up to eat in the middle of the night at 1am, 4am, then is up for the day at 6am. Sometimes, if he comes in bed at 6am, Trent will go back to sleep until 7am.
As I mentioned in Trent's one month post, he seems to be a mama's boy. He loves to cuddle and usually will fall right asleep in my arms or on my chest. Matt and I were talking the other night about how much fun it will be when Trent can interact more with his older bothers. I am sure he will find them hilarious!
Landon is not as fascinated with Trent as he was when he first came home. Although, he is still extremely loving and jumps at any chance he can help mommy with his baby brother. Every morning that Trent sleeps in, Landon asks where he is and when he does see him he always wants to hug him and say good morning. I have noticed since Trent has been born, Oliver seems to cling to Landon a little more than usual and copy him. Oliver does hold and kiss Trent too, just not as much as Landon.
Two Month Facts:
Weight: 12lbs 4oz (65th percentile)
Weight: 12lbs 4oz (65th percentile)
Height: 22 inches (17th percentile)
Clothing Size: 0-3 month, 3 month
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Thinning, light brown and stick straight
Dislikes: Being changed, being hungry for more than 0.5 seconds, being woken up by his brothers screaming, tummy time, getting out of the bath
Likes: Sleeping on chests, eating, warm baths, boppy lounger pillow, swinging, being smiled at by daddy and kissed all over
Hair: Thinning, light brown and stick straight
Dislikes: Being changed, being hungry for more than 0.5 seconds, being woken up by his brothers screaming, tummy time, getting out of the bath
Likes: Sleeping on chests, eating, warm baths, boppy lounger pillow, swinging, being smiled at by daddy and kissed all over
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