Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Two Weeks Old

Today was Trent's two week doctors appointment. He weighed 7lbs. 3oz. which is a whole pound up from his birth weight! Usually by the babies two week appointment the doctor wants them to be back up to their birth weight.

It was big relief for us to know breastfeeding is going so well since he has been gaining weight so nicely! Also, this week, I got hit with a pretty horrible case of mastitis. Battling that while taking care of three boys has been challenging, though the medicine is starting to kick in thank goodness! I have tried to add in one pump session a day depending on how Trent's been nursing, which means I have started a good freezer stash. Maybe soon, we will introduce the bottle and Matt can feed him it at night before bed.

As for feedings, I pretty much just feed Trent on demand which kind of makes it hard to get out of the house. Feedings seem to range from every 1 1/2 to 2 hours during the day and every 2 to 4 hours at night. Trent has started having more awake periods during the day, usually lasting for 30-45 minutes three or so times when he coos and looks around wide eyed. Now that he has some alert moments its nice to see his personality show.

Landon and Oliver are still very much in love with their little brother though they seem to be getting a little less interested in him. Which is good because for the first week or so they hovered over him and smothered him a little too much with kisses and hugs.

Trent is quickly filling in his newborn clothes that two weeks ago were huge on him. Whenever we do get out, I always get comments about how much hair our little boy has! I knew he would have some but not quite this much.

Matt went back to work last week. Of course he had to go back to work eventually, but that still doesn't make it easy. We miss him all day and I know he misses us too.

Daddy getting in his cuddle time

Side Note: 
Today was going to be Trent's birthday! We feel blessed to have been able to spend these two extra weeks with our little boy.

Two Week Facts:

Weight: 7lbs 3 oz
Height: 20 inches
Clothing Size: Newborn
Eye Color: Blue/Grey
Hair: Thick, light brown and stick straight
Dislikes: Being changed, being hungry for more than a minute, being woken up by his brothers screaming
Likes: Sleeping on chests, swaddle (sometimes), MAM pacifiers (sometimes), warm bath, eating


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