Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week 36

3 weeks to go...

36 weeks pregnant with Oliver
36 weeks pregnant with baby #3

Side Note: Oliver came the next week at 37 weeks to the day, naturally. I started having contractions the night before continuously all throughout the night, but when I woke up they had stopped. In the morning I went on a walk with my mom and Landon and thats when the contractions started up again. 

What is baby up to at 36 weeks?
  • He is currently the size of a honeydew!
  • He's still in the 17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to chub up.
  • His skin is getting smooth and soft and his gums are rigid.

How is mama doing?  

Weight Gain: +0 lbs this week, weighing 114.4lbs for a total of 18 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Resting as much as I can with two little boy running around! 
Craving: Nothing really this week, I had a lot of popsicles
Eating: Cinnamon buns, cereal, soup, shrimp, at least 24 popsicles... I haven't really been into red meat this pregnancy, but we went to Ruths Chris this weekend, I had to get a filet mignon. It was pretty amazing! 


  • Movement: I can tell he is running out of room. A few times a day he will stretch really hard by pushing up into my stomach with his legs and press down on my cervix. He also has the hiccups multiple times a day down low on my right side. 
  • Sleep: Most nights when I lay down, baby boy has to move around to get comfortable too. Usually this is preceded by hiccups which can last up to 20 minutes. 
  • Out of breath: When talking or going up the stairs
  • Braxton Hicks 
  • Backaches  
  • Crazy Dreams

By the Number:

  • Days until our next appointment: We have one in a few hours and then one in 7 days
  • Days until c-section: 22
  • Total pounds gained: 18

What I love: Being 9 months pregnant
Looking Forward To: Meeting our third son so soon!!! 

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