Tuesday, January 21, 2014

36 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 36 week doctor appointment. According to their scale my weight is 116lbs, up one pound since my last appointment one week ago, with a total of 18 pounds gained since I started going to the doctor. My blood pressure was good, they didn't tell me what it was though. The ultrasound tech that usually does them was not in due to the snow. My doctor gave me a fast ultrasound to check the fluid level which was good and his heartbeat which was 136bpm. She thinks he is really starting to run out of room in there because of how curled up he was (what she thought was his hand on his face was actually his foot!) If she had to guess his weight it would be around 6 pounds which is average for how many weeks I am. She also checked my cervix which was the same as last week soft, closed and short. Our next appointment is in one week on Tuesday

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