Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Trent's Birth Story

     On Saturday January 25th, 2014, Matt and I took the boys to see the movie Frozen. We were excited to take them out and do something fun with them since we knew it was one of our last weekends as a family of four. The movie was so cute and we had a great time eating too much popcorn! During the movie, I had a few Braxton hicks contractions but they were sporadic. And at this point in my pregnancy (36 weeks, 4 days) I knew it was common to have a lot of them. After we got lunch, we came home, it was around 12:30pm when Matt and I put Landon and Oliver down for their afternoon nap.  I decided to take a shower and lay down. Once I was laying down, I realized my practice contractions (braxton hicks) were a little more painful than usual.That is when I realized the contractions were coming every 15 to 20 minutes I timed them for an hour before calling my OBGYN. The doctor on call was one I had never met but she knew from my file that with my last pregnancy I went into labor naturally early. Because of this, she wanted me to come to the hospital to get checked and monitored. I called my Mom and asked her to come over with my dad to watch the boys until we get home. I was convinced I was just being overly cautious and we would be back home in a few hours. Matt still insisted on us packing everything in the car, just in case.

       My Mom arrived around 3:10pm and by then I was contracting every 10-15 minutes and I also noticed Trent had dropped. The whole top half of my belly was empty and I was full on waddling around. We said bye to the boys and told them they might be staying at Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight, but we will see them tomorrow and off we went! I was starting to be in a lot of pain in the car and kept asking Matt to just get us there and don't talk to me. Poor Matt rushed us to the hospital in a speedy 18 minutes, when usually it would take us 25-30 minutes. We parked and quickly went up to the 3rd floor to register and get hooked up to the monitor. Once hooked up the contractions started showing up right away and that is when I knew today was going to be the day we welcomed our third son. By the time we met our Doctor they were coming every 3 to 4 minutes. She checked my cervix (which was closed but soft and short on Tuesday) and now was 4 centimeters. Our doctor said today is the day and he is ready to come. I was very scared he would be going to the NICU, like our last two did because he was so early. She reassured me that just because Oliver went at 37 weeks (because he inhaled fluid during delivery) does not mean Trent will. She could not have been more caring or reassuring! Over the next hour we were signing forms and meeting all the friendly nurses and doctors that would be in the room during the surgery. At 5:30pm while talking to one of the nurses my water broke! I had always wondered what that would feel like just a few minutes before it happened I was actually telling Matt I was disappointed that I was not going to experience it.

     After my water broke I said bye to Matt and was wheeled to the OR. I got my spinal and a few minutes later Matt showed up by my side. I remembered the feeling from my last two csections... the tingling and warmth slowly going up your legs then your stomach, it never gets less scary. It felt like it took a while for the doctor to reach Trent because of all the scar tissue. But when she finally reached him at 6:11pm the nurses said he was screaming before the Doctor had even gotten him out all the way and he kept crying the whole time he got examined and scored an awesome 9/9 on his Apgar Score! Being only 36 weeks and 4 days they had to keep a close eye on him while I got stitched up but he was perfect and didn't have to go to the NICU and went with us to recovery and stayed with Matt and I in our room the whole day and half we stayed at the hospital. It was the best experience I could have asked for even though it wasn't with the doctor I had originally wanted or the date I expected, it was one of the best days of my life and we couldn't be happier that he is here already and so healthy. Trent is the sweetest, most patient, content baby and he is the perfect addition to our family! Now we are just adjusting to having a newborn again and focusing on recovering. Thank you for all the congratulations!  I will do a postpartum update soon.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Birth Announcement... Coming Soon!

Mommy and Baby are happy and healthy recovering in the hospital.  Baby Trent Parker was born last night at 6:11 PM and weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces.  The details of our journey and how we got there will be posted as my weekly Wednesday update!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

36 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 36 week doctor appointment. According to their scale my weight is 116lbs, up one pound since my last appointment one week ago, with a total of 18 pounds gained since I started going to the doctor. My blood pressure was good, they didn't tell me what it was though. The ultrasound tech that usually does them was not in due to the snow. My doctor gave me a fast ultrasound to check the fluid level which was good and his heartbeat which was 136bpm. She thinks he is really starting to run out of room in there because of how curled up he was (what she thought was his hand on his face was actually his foot!) If she had to guess his weight it would be around 6 pounds which is average for how many weeks I am. She also checked my cervix which was the same as last week soft, closed and short. Our next appointment is in one week on Tuesday

Week 36

3 weeks to go...

36 weeks pregnant with Oliver
36 weeks pregnant with baby #3

Side Note: Oliver came the next week at 37 weeks to the day, naturally. I started having contractions the night before continuously all throughout the night, but when I woke up they had stopped. In the morning I went on a walk with my mom and Landon and thats when the contractions started up again. 

What is baby up to at 36 weeks?
  • He is currently the size of a honeydew!
  • He's still in the 17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to chub up.
  • His skin is getting smooth and soft and his gums are rigid.

How is mama doing?  

Weight Gain: +0 lbs this week, weighing 114.4lbs for a total of 18 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Resting as much as I can with two little boy running around! 
Craving: Nothing really this week, I had a lot of popsicles
Eating: Cinnamon buns, cereal, soup, shrimp, at least 24 popsicles... I haven't really been into red meat this pregnancy, but we went to Ruths Chris this weekend, I had to get a filet mignon. It was pretty amazing! 


  • Movement: I can tell he is running out of room. A few times a day he will stretch really hard by pushing up into my stomach with his legs and press down on my cervix. He also has the hiccups multiple times a day down low on my right side. 
  • Sleep: Most nights when I lay down, baby boy has to move around to get comfortable too. Usually this is preceded by hiccups which can last up to 20 minutes. 
  • Out of breath: When talking or going up the stairs
  • Braxton Hicks 
  • Backaches  
  • Crazy Dreams

By the Number:

  • Days until our next appointment: We have one in a few hours and then one in 7 days
  • Days until c-section: 22
  • Total pounds gained: 18

What I love: Being 9 months pregnant
Looking Forward To: Meeting our third son so soon!!! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

35 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 35 week doctor appointment. According to their scale my weight is 115lbs, up two pounds since my last appointment two weeks ago, with a total of 17 pounds gained since I started going to the doctor. My blood pressure was 104/68 which is good. We had a really fast ultrasound to check his heartbeat which was 138bpm. He is still head down and will most likely remain that way until birth. We probably will have one more ultrasound to check his weight one last time at our next appointment on Tuesday. This week the doctor started checking my cervix for dilation. He said it is short and soft but closed and he is hoping it will remain that way for two more weeks when I am considered full term. 

Week 35

4 weeks to go...
35 weeks pregnant with Oliver

35 weeks pregnant with baby #3

What is baby up to at 35 weeks?
  • He is currently the size of a coconut!
  • About 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and around 4.2 to 5.8 pounds
  • Hearing is fully developed this week, the circulatory and musculoskeletal systems are complete and his lungs are mature.

How is mama doing?  

Weight Gain: +2 lbs this week, weighing 114.0lbs for a total of 18 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Sunday was really nice out here, so we went on a mile and a half long walk with the double stroller. I also walked around the mall with a mom friend on Monday. Not much exercise besides the usual chasing after two toddlers (which is much more of a workout than walking). Ha! It also really helps the achiness to get out once a day and do something.
Craving: Pineapple slices and chocolate 
Eating: Cinnamon buns, cereal, popsicles, soup, chicken, pizza, apples with peanut butter

  • Movement: Slowed down a little this week, he is probably going through a growth spurt/running out of room.
  • Sleep: Horrible. Waking up more than ever about 5 or 6 times a night. Lots of naps during the boys nap time this week.
  • Out of breath
  • Braxton Hicks
  • Backaches 
  • Stuffy Nose

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: We have one later this morning!
  • Days until c-section: 28
  • Total pounds gained: 18

What I love: My husbands foot massages :)
Looking Forward To: Our doctors appointment!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

One Month


That is all we have left until our sweet baby boy number three makes his arrival! If he is anything like his two brothers, he will be coming before then. Though we do hope he stays put until the 12th of February, there is still so much to do. This weekend we did a few things to prepare for his birth. I scheduled our newborn/family photo shoot that we got as a lovely gift from a few of Matts family members which will take place a week after his birth on his original due date. Also, we started packing the boys overnight bags and our hospital bag! Even though I know I will pack and repack them both 100 times! Ha ha! Washing and folding his itty bitty clothes made Matt and I both so excited and feeling blessed that we have made it this far with no bumps along the way. Here is to the last four weeks being just as uneventful.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week 34

5 weeks to go...
34 weeks pregnant with Oliver
34 weeks pregnant with baby #3

What is baby up to at 34 weeks?
  • Baby is the size of a butternut squash--weighs in at about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.
  • He's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if you're singing them. 

How is mama doing?  

Weight Gain: +0 lbs this week, weighing 112.6lbs for a total of 16 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Same old running around after two toddlers and picking up the house
Craving: Reese's peanut butter cups like usual... I am pretty sure come February, I will give birth to one big peanut butter cup... :)
Eating: Bagels, cereal, bananas, apples, avocados, chicken, smores, popsicles and pineapple slices

  • Movement: Lots of hiccups this week
  • Sleep: Better this week than last week but still not as good as it was 
  • Out of breath
  • Braxton Hicks

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 7
  • Days until c-section: 35
  • Total pounds gained:16

What I love: My new minivan! Ha ha never thought I would say that.
Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery together

Friday, January 3, 2014

33 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 33 week doctor appointment. According to their scale my weight is 113.5lbs, up one and a half pounds since my last appointment two weeks ago, with a total of 15 and a half pounds gained since I started going to the doctor. My blood pressure was 116/60 which is good. In the waiting room I inhaled two Reese's Peanut Butter Hearts my mom gave me. The ultrasound tech said baby #3 must have liked them because his heart was racing at 175bpm which was much higher than the 140bpm it was last time! He is currently still head down and will most likely remain that way until birth. We are happy to hear he is growing so well and is estimated to weigh 4 pounds 13 ounces! If he continues to grow at the rate of half and pound a week he will be around 8 pounds at birth. Our next appointment is in two weeks and then it is weekly after that until he makes his arrival!

I sadly didn't get any pictures from our appointment but I do have this ultrasound picture from Oliver at 32 weeks and 6 days he was estimated to weigh 4 and a half pounds at that point. 

Oliver at 32 weeks and 6 days

Have a nice weekend! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Week 33

Happy New Year! 
6 weeks to go...

33 weeks pregnant with Oliver
33 weeks with baby #3
What is baby up to at 33 weeks?
  • Baby is the size of a durian fruit--weighs in at about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.
  • He may grow up to a full inch this week! 
  • Baby is starting to coordinate his breathing with his sucking and swallowing.

How is mama doing?  
Weight Gain: +1 lbs this week, weighing 112.6lbs for a total of 16 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Not too much this week, I have been trying to rest more often to keep my feet from swelling.
Craving: Cake, candy and cookies... I blame this on the holidays. 
Eating: Donuts, pineapples, bananas, apple slices with peanut butter, chicken, cheeseburgers, and candy.

  • Movement: Sometimes I look down and see a foot poking out by my ribs
  • Sleep: I can't sleep on my back, I obviously can't sleep on my stomach and my hips have been aching so sleep has not been going very well this week. 
  • Out of breath 
  • Discomfort
  • Braxton Hicks: I have been getting these randomly throughout the day-- nothing painful though. 
  • Swollen feet: This is due to me having to drive a lot this week and not drinking enough water

This Week:

Charlie Horse: I had my first charlie horse this weekend. I was deep asleep and it was around 3am. I remember feeling like a knife was being twisted into my right calf. I was almost in tears! It woke Matt up, he had to rub my muscle and it went away pretty fast thank goodness because it hurt so badly. All the next day my muscle was super sore. I don't know what triggered muscle spasm but I really hope to never have one ever again! I read online that one cause can be dehydration, so I am trying my best to drink more water.

New Car: This past weekend once we got home from a close friends wedding. Matt and I traded in his white jetta for another white car... though this one is a little bigger! Ha ha! We bought a new Honda Odyssey EX-L! It is sooo spacious and I can't wait to get more used to driving it/parking it.

Wedding Anniversary: Matt and I celebrated our wedding anniversary last night. We got married on New Year's Eve two years ago. We had a lovely dinner, just the two of us and went to see The Wolf of Wall Street. A big thank you to my parents for watching our boys so we could enjoy what most likely was our last date night out for a long time!   

Hospital Bag: I will probably start making a list of the things we will need for our stay at the hospital soon and start packing. Both our boys came earlier than their scheduled c-section dates-- Landon was 11 weeks early and Oliver was 2 weeks early. We really do hope to make it to February 12th!

Just For Fun:

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 2 
  • Days until c-section: 42
  • Total pounds gained:16

What I love: Being able to say I am due next month!!!
Looking Forward To: Matt scheduled me for my first prenatal massage at Red Door Spa this week. I always wanted one! He is so thoughtful! I am also looking forward to my doctors appointment/ultrasound on Friday :)
