Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week 27

 This is my last week in the second trimester-- I cannot believe it!

What is baby up to at 27 weeks? 
  • Baby is the size of a rutabaga and measuring around 13.6 to 14.8 inches and weighs in the 1.5 to 2.5 pound range.
  • He is practicing inhaling and exhaling with his rapidly developing lungs.
  • Baby's showing brain activity! And his brain will keep on getting more complex.

27 weeks pregnant with Oliver
27 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?  

Weight Gain: +1 pound weighing 106.8lbs with a total of 10 pounds gained this pregnancy.
Exercise: A few two mile walks with the double stroller
Craving: Candy, especially reese peanut butter cups! Even though they have been making me sick, I keep eating them.
Eating: Like I had said above, I can not stay away from reese, salads, apples with peanut butter, grapes, bananas, broccoli and cheddar soup and chicken
Nausea: I think that baby boy has switched positions. There is a big lump at the top of my stomach in the middle under my ribs which I can only assume is his head or his bottom. I feel like it is his bottom because he is also kicking my stomach which has actually made me sick a few times this week.

Random side note: Before the position change, I had Five Guys this week and it was amazing. My belly definitely grew after that. It was itchy the rest of the day.


  • Sleep: Sleeping with one pillow between my legs helps. But I am having trouble falling asleep recently.
  • Movement: Twists and turns all day, especially at night. Lots of hiccups this week too-- love it!
  • Dry skin
  • Heartburn
  • Leg Cramps 
  • Stuffy Nose: Mostly when I wake up (had this symptom with Landon)

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 6
  • Days until the third trimester: 7
  • Days until Thanksgiving: 8
  • Days until Christmas: 35
  • Days until c-section: 84
  • Total pounds gained:10
What I love: Nearing the third trimester

Looking Forward To: Our 28 week/glucose test appointment in less than a week

Have a wonderful rest of your week :)

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