Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 25

What is baby up to at 25 weeks? 
  • Baby is the size of a cauliflower and measuring around 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds.
  • Now he knows which way is up and which is down.
  • He is also growing more fat and more hair too, according to The Bump
25 weeks pregnant with Oliver on Valentines Day 2012
25 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?
Weight Gain: +1 pound this week putting me at 105.2lbs
Exercise: Moving all weekend and now that our house is three levels, I have to go up and down the stairs several times a day usually carrying a 25 pound toddler-- that is definitely a work out!
Craving: Peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips 
Eating:A lot of take out (pizza, chick-fil-a, pasta)  
Maternity clothes: Living in my maternity leggings

  • Sleep: Not terrible, but not great either considering we are in a new house and the boys are still adjusting and all.
  • Movement: Rolls and turns, not too many kicks this week.
  • Itchy belly: Still extremely itchy and my belly button on Sunday was so sore it was sticking out and rubbing against my shirt. Ouch! 
  • Backaches: I had a lot of back pain this weekend and I know it is because I over did it when we were moving.

Random Facts:

  • No signs of swelling even though I have been on my feet a lot lately
  • No stretch marks though I feel like I might get some by my belly button
  • Belly button: Is and has been an outtie
  • Landon still calls the baby a girl ha ha!
 By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment:20
  • Days until the third trimester:21
  • Days until c-section:98 or less
  • Total pounds gained:9
What I love: Feeling the big rolls
Looking Forward To:Getting all settled into our new home! :)

Also this week was Halloween. The boys had a blast trick or treating as a lion and mickey mouse! 

Happy November!


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