Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 24

I am going to start off this post by saying I can not believe I am six months pregnant. This pregnancy is flying by!!
What is baby up to at 24 weeks? 
  • Baby is the size of a cantaloupe or over 12 inches long and weighs around a pound and a half 
  • He should steadily gain at a rate of six ounces per week
  • At 24 weeks his "see-through skin" is gradually becoming less translucent and is looking more opaque. 
24.5 weeks pregnant with Landon (sick with pre-eclampsia)
24 weeks pregnant with Oliver

As the weather for my bump pictures with Oliver got warmer, the weather with this pregnancy is getting colder. I won't be able to wear a lot of the same maternity tops but can't wait to wear over sized sweaters and leggings. Also, this is my last bump picture in our apartment before we move into our townhouse!!
24 weeks pregnant with #3
Side note: A lot of my bump pictures with Oliver were taken at night. All of my pictures this pregnancy have been taken first thing in the morning before eating. Which I think maybe the reason my belly looks smaller.

 How is mama doing?
Weight Gain: +1 pound this week putting me at 104.2lbs
Exercise: Moving/cleaning counts as exercise right?
Craving: Chocolate and peanut butter
Eating: I had a lot of bread this week I am surprised I didn't gain more than a pound, muffins, soup, bananas/apples with peanut butter, and broccoli
Maternity clothes: Wearing only maternity clothes at this point

  • Sleep: Waking up once or twice a night to use the bathroom and then having trouble getting comfortable after that.
  • Movement: All day long, does this boy ever sleep?
  • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil and coconut oil but my belly is soo itchy allll ttthhhheee time! 
  • Clumsiness: Tripping over my feet this week and running into things... It is quite embarrassing!
  • Backaches
 By the Number:
  • Days until Halloween:1
  • Days until we move:2
  • Days until our next appointment:27
  • Days until the third trimester:28
  • Days until c-section:105 or less
  • Total pounds gained:8
What I love: Making it to 6 months pregnant!!! 
Looking Forward To: Halloween! The boys are going to love Trick or Treating and look adorable in their costumes.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

24 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 24 week doctor appointment. According to their scale my weight is 105lbs, up 4 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago with a total of 7 pounds gained since I started going to the doctor. We are right on track for gaining a pound a week! My blood pressure was 98/60 which is good, kind of low for me. Baby boy was in there kicking away, heart beating at 145bpm and weighing a healthy 1 pound 7 ounces.

A comparison of all  three of our boys around 24 weeks
baby #3 profile

Here is our beautiful boy! Playing with the cord right in front of his face.

Random Fact: Oliver weighed 1 pound 5 ounces at 23 weeks
Check back tomorrow for my official 24 week pregnancy update! Happy Tuesday :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 23

What is baby up to at 23 weeks?
  • Baby is the size of a grapefruit or around 12 inches and weighs just over a pound.
  • At 23 weeks blood vessels in your baby's lungs are developing to prepare for breathing.
  • Also this week his cochlea- the inner ear mechanism that houses all components of hearing- is fully formed. Which means he can now hear what I hear just not at the same level according to BabyCenter.
23 weeks pregnant with Oliver
23 weeks pregnant with baby #3

How is mama doing?
Weight Gain: +1 pound this week putting me at 103.0lbs
Exercise: A few double stroller walks and a few YouTube pregnancy work out videos (mostly just stretches)   
Craving: Green peppers on pizza, on sandwiches, on anything and chocolate strawberries
Eating: Green peppers, pretzels, crab cakes, chocolate, grapes and peanut butter with apples/bananas
Maternity clothes: Still loving my maternity leggings!

  • Sleep: Waking up once or twice a night to use the bathroom
  • Movement: Some big rolls this week and I felt him hiccup a few times! So sweet.
  • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil and I just started using coconut oil again too (I use one or the other everyday)
  • Backache: Already having some mild backaches 
  • Crazy dreams
This past weekend we went to Cox farms with my parents. It was definitely harder this time than it was last year since both boys are running around now! Ha ha

Cox Farms 2013

Cox Farms 2012
By the Number
  • Days until our 24 week doctor appointment: 6
  • Days until Halloween: 8
  • Days until we move: 10
  • Days until c-section: 112
  • Total pounds gained: 7
What I love: Almost being 6 months pregnant :)

Looking Forward To: Our 24 weeks appointment in 6 days!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 22

Feeling a lot bigger this week!

What is baby up to at 22 weeks?
  • Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash or around 11 inches and about 1 pound!
  • At 22 weeks he has more developed eyes and lips, and is looking even more like a newborn
  • He also sleeps in cycles- about 12 to 14 hours per day according to The Bump
22 weeks with Landon
22 weeks with baby #3
22 weeks with Oliver
22 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?

Weight Gain: +1 pound this week putting me at 102.2lbs
Exercise: Not too much this week it has been rainy
Craving: Peanut butter 
Eating: Peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter with pretzels, grapes, chicken, milkkk lots of milk regular and chocolate
Maternity clothes: I have been living in my Splendid maternity leggings! They are my favorite maternity clothing item.

  • Tired: Napping during the boys nap time most days this week
  • Movement: Not as active this week but he still kicks a few times a day and they are stronger than ever.
  • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil about everyday
  • Leg/Arm falling asleep: I wake up a few times a night to an arm or a leg asleep and it actually kind of hurts a little. 
By the Number:
  • Days until our 24 week doctor appointment:13
  • Days until Halloween:15
  • Days until we move:16
  • Days until c-section:119
  • Total pounds gained:6

    What I love: Every morning when I wake up, our little guy kicks around for a few minutes... As if he is saying "I am awake too, mama!" :)

    Looking Forward To: Moving in two weeks! We finally found the perfect townhouse just a few minutes away for our growing family. Now to pack up our apartment!


    Wednesday, October 9, 2013

    Week 21

    What is Baby Up To At 21 Weeks?  

    • Baby is about the size of a pomegranate- or about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 12.7 ounces. 
    • His digestive system preps for the outside world.
    21 weeks with Oliver
    21 weeks with baby #3

    It is hard to tell because of the flash in Oliver's picture but this is the same shirt.
    How is Mama Feeling?
    Weight Gain: Just barely making it to +1 pound this week putting me at 101.0lbs with a total of 5 pounds gained so far. Hoping to continue to gain about a pound a week until delivery. Just 18 more weeks!
    Exercise: A few double stroller mall walks with a mom friend.
    Craving: Lettuce, not in a salad, not with dressing, just cold lettuce. Very weird.
    Eating: Bananas, cereal, tuna, soup, and chicken
    Maternity clothes: Pretty much wearing only maternity clothes! After squeezing into a size 0 dress from high school this past weekend at 21 weeks pregnant and getting dizzy... I decided its about time.
    Matt and I were able to enjoy sometime alone at a wedding this past weekend!
    • Tired: Back to napping during the boys nap time most days this week
    • Heartburn
    • Stuffy Nose
    • Back pain: This is most likely due to being in a car for 8 hours this weekend.
    • Movement: His kicks are getting stronger each day. Also, he has curled up in a ball a few times on one side and it gets rock hard. I remember this happening with Oliver... just not this early.
    • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil after showers.
    • Trouble sleeping: Been having some trouble getting comfortable.
    Random Facts:
    • No signs of swelling. Yet...
    • No stretch marks, I didn’t get any with my two other pregnancies. Though, I know I could still get them. Especially if I make it all the way to our c-section date.
    • Belly button: Is and has been an outtie for a month or so now.
    • Wearing mostly all maternity clothes at this point. 
    • Everyday around 1pm (during the boys naptime) baby #3 has a party in my belly. I am hoping that changes when he is born considering that is my only time to get anything done ha ha! 
    • Ordered baby #3 a few things off etsy this week... definitely makes it more real. 
    Here are a few of my favorites:

    mini navy heart leggings

    Nursery wall decoration (no his name is not Hunter) :)

    Newborn hipster hat

    By the Number:
    • Days until our 24 week doctor appointment: 20
    • Days until Halloween: 22
    • Days left in our apartment: 29
    • Days until c-sections: 126
    • Total pounds gained: 5
    What I love: Bonding with our baby boy and his kicks that my husband can enjoy with me.
    Looking Forward To: The Fall weather

    Wednesday, October 2, 2013

    Week 20: Halfway There

    What is Baby Up To At 20 Weeks?

    • Baby is about the size of a banana- or about 6.5 inches long and weighs about 10.6 ounces
    • This week the baby has working taste buds
    • He is gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day according to The Bump
    20 weeks with Oliver
    20 weeks with baby boy #3

    How is Mama Feeling?

    Weight Gain: +1 pound this week putting me at 100.2lbs. With a grand total of 4 pounds at the halfway mark of this pregnancy but 5 pounds according the doctors scale. The "normal" range to gain during the first 20 weeks of being pregnant is between 5-10lbs.
    Exercise: Not too much this week
    Craving: Nothing really, I have been having to eat several small meals a day. If I eat too much my stomach actually hurts and gets really hard.
    Eating: Bagels, chocolate milk, turkey sandwiches, salads, string cheese, crab soup, and cheerios
    Maternity clothes: Some maternity tops with regular bottoms during the day. Usually, by night time I switch to maternity leggings because they are so comfortable!

    • Tired: Back to napping during the boys nap time most days this week
    • Heartburn: Heartburn after eating mostly anything
    • Stuffy Nose: Especially in the morning
    • Movement: Kicks!!! He is very, very active in there. I even caught one of his smaller kicks on video this week.
    • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil about everyday
    • Headaches: Small annoying headaches that last most of the day. Ughhh
    • Pressure: A few times a day, I feel a lot of pressure around my c-section scar. I asked my doctor about it yesterday and she told me according to my ultrasound baby boy is breech and that he is just stretching his legs around that area. If it hurts, I should try to walk around and get him to switch positions. 

    What I love: BEING HALF WAY!!!! Well, technically we were half way last week since we are getting a csection a week before my due date. But still... I can't believe it... Let the countDOWN begin!

    Looking Forward To: Enjoying 19 more weeks of being pregnant! 

    Tuesday, October 1, 2013

    Anatomy Scan

    This morning was our 20 week anatomy scan. According to their scale my weight was 101lbs, up 3 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago! My blood pressure was 110/68 which is great. Baby boy was in there kicking away, heart beating at 150bpm and weighing a healthy 13 ounces. That is a little bigger than what my 20 week update estimates he should be (10.6 oz). It is a big relief for us to know he is growing so well! Everything measured right on track at 20 weeks, except for his belly which measured one week ahead. Matt and I find it so funny because at 20 weeks Oliver's belly measured one week ahead, as well! Also, something very exciting happened at our appointment. We scheduled our c-section date for February 12, 2014!!! I haven't been able to make it to either of my previous scheduled c-section dates for Landon or Oliver, so we are really hoping to make it this time!

    All my boys at 20 weeks!!! Baby #3 looks just like Landon's profile at 20 weeks (top right) Oliver is on the bottom right :)
    baby #3
    His legs!


    Is it just me or does he look like he is saying "I love you" in sign language?


    Our sweet handsome baby boy!
    20 week doctor appointment!
    Have a great Tuesday and happy October! I will be posting my 20 week update tomorrow.