Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week 17

What is Baby Up To At 17 Weeks?

  • Baby is about the size of onion - or about 5.9 ounces and 5.1 inches long
  • Cartilage is now turning into bone
  • They are growing some meat on those bones -- putting on some fat.

17 weeks with baby #3
17 weeks with Oliver





How is Mama Feeling?

Weight Gain: Same as last week +1 pound putting me at 97.8 lbs
Exercise: Still going on walks in the morning/running after two toddlers all day
Craving: Lemonade, chocolate, and pumpkin anything
Eating: Cheerios, string cheese, pasta, shrimp, and chicken

  • Tired: Going to bed around 830/9pm 
  • Heartburn: Heartburn after eating especially at night when I lay down
  • Stuffy Nose 
  • Crazy Dreams
  • Sore breasts again
  • Itchy belly: Definitely growing

This week when I was making the boys lunch I felt a big kick on my left side. That was the first time I felt a kick without laying down and actually waiting to feel for movement. I couldn't help but smile! I love, love, love this part of pregnancy and I can't wait for more kicks from our little boy or girl. :)
Looking Forward To: Fall! I love leggings and over sized sweater weather. And ofcourse pumpkin muffins, pie, and bread. Yummm!

Never Forget 9/11


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