Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 19

What is Baby Up To At 19 Weeks?

  • Baby is about the size of a mango - or about 6 inches long and about 8.5 ounces
  • He is developing a protective coating over his skin, call vernix caseosa
  • Hair is sprouting!


Aruba January 2011
Rehoboth Beach Sept. 2013

Definitely carrying differently this pregnancy these were both taken around 19 weeks.

How is Mama Feeling?

Weight Gain: +3 pounds putting me at 99.6 lbs
Exercise: 1 to 2 mile walks almost every morning while the weather is still nice!
Craving: Just food in general (baby boy is definitely growing)
Eating: String cheese, carrots, chocolate ice cream, soup, and candy
Maternity clothes: Still just maternity leggings the pants don't stay up yet

  • Tired: Going to bed around 9/930
  • Heartburn: Heartburn after eating especially at night when I lay down
  • Stuffy Nose: Especially in the morning
  • Movement: Feeling random kicks through out the day now!
  • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil about everyday

What I love: Everything about being pregnant! The belly, the movement, almost being at the halfway mark. I know everyone says this but time really does fly after your first pregnancy. I feel like this one is going even faster than Oliver's went!
Looking Forward To: Our 20 week ultrasound in 6 days!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 18


What is Baby Up To At 18 Weeks?

  • Baby is about the size of sweet potato - or about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces
  • He is yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing
  • They are twisting, rolling, punching and kicking in there too! 
18 weeks pregnant with Oliver
18 weeks with baby #3

How is Mama Feeling?
Weight Gain: +2 pounds putting me at 98.4 lbs
Exercise: A few long walks in the morning 
Craving: Chocolate everything!!! And cold lettuce... very weird 
Eating: Bagels, salads, chocolate ice cream, soup, and some pumpkin pie
Maternity clothes: I started wearing mostly maternity tops this week but not bottoms yet just maternity leggings because it is annoying to constantly be pulling the jeans up.

  • Tired: Not as tired as I have been but still going to bed around 9/930
  • Heartburn: Heartburn after eating especially at night when I lay down
  • Stuffy Nose: Especially in the morning
  • Crazy Dreams 
  • Movement: Feeling daily kicks usually in the morning or at night when I am focused most on them and sitting still
  • Itchy belly: Definitely growing (using bio oil everyday usually)
What I love: Showing at all hours of the day now! Before I would wake up and barley have a bump but now there is a noticeable bump from the moment I wake up.

Looking Forward To: Going to the beach one last time as a family of FOUR for a long weekend away with family.

Last Wednesday night, Matt felt the baby kick!!! We were laying in bed watching TV and he felt 3 or 4 little kicks. I couldn't believe he would feel them this early but I felt them from the inside at the same time so I know it was the real thing. Feeling your baby kick and being able to share those moments with the one you love seriously never gets old. I can't wait for those little jabs to turn into full blown kicks. Also, I am glad to know our little boy is having a good time in there ha ha!

Here are some pictures from our recent ultrasound where we found out our 3rd baby is going to be a BOY!

And some outtakes from the reveal:

We couldn't feel more blessed and so in love already.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Yup, it's another BOY for our family!

I have to say, I am a little surprised as some of you might be too. This pregnancy could not have been anymore different than Landon or Oliver's. Goes to show that every pregnancy is different no matter the gender! With that being said we are feeling so blessed to be adding yet another awesome little man to our family. We know we want one more child in the future so there is still hope for us to one day have a daughter but for now we are loving life with our home full of boys!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week 17

What is Baby Up To At 17 Weeks?

  • Baby is about the size of onion - or about 5.9 ounces and 5.1 inches long
  • Cartilage is now turning into bone
  • They are growing some meat on those bones -- putting on some fat.

17 weeks with baby #3
17 weeks with Oliver





How is Mama Feeling?

Weight Gain: Same as last week +1 pound putting me at 97.8 lbs
Exercise: Still going on walks in the morning/running after two toddlers all day
Craving: Lemonade, chocolate, and pumpkin anything
Eating: Cheerios, string cheese, pasta, shrimp, and chicken

  • Tired: Going to bed around 830/9pm 
  • Heartburn: Heartburn after eating especially at night when I lay down
  • Stuffy Nose 
  • Crazy Dreams
  • Sore breasts again
  • Itchy belly: Definitely growing

This week when I was making the boys lunch I felt a big kick on my left side. That was the first time I felt a kick without laying down and actually waiting to feel for movement. I couldn't help but smile! I love, love, love this part of pregnancy and I can't wait for more kicks from our little boy or girl. :)
Looking Forward To: Fall! I love leggings and over sized sweater weather. And ofcourse pumpkin muffins, pie, and bread. Yummm!

Never Forget 9/11


Sunday, September 8, 2013

23rd Birthday

Yesterday was my 23rd birthday and to say my husband went above and beyond to make this day special for me would be an understatement. I am so thankful for him everyday!  I love you Matt!

Here are a few pictures from yesterday ...

My boys :)

Chocolate milk lover

View from Chart House in Alexandria, VA

Matt surprised me by inviting my parents over for cake!

Thank you to everyone who made my 23rd birthday so memorable!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

16 week Doctor Appointment

This afternoon was our 16 week doctor appointment my weight was 98lbs so up one pound since our last appointment four weeks ago and my blood pressure was good it was 108/64. The doctor didn't seem concerned about my lack of weight gain though I might try to up my calorie intake.

Everything looked great with baby #3 we sadly were not able to find out the gender today because the umbilical cord was between the babies legs. ANDDDD we didn't get any pictures!!! Ugh! At least we were able to see our healthy little one kicking up a storm in there.

Have a good Tuesday everyone!

Week 16



What is Baby Up To At 16 Weeks?

  • Baby is about the size of avocado - or about 4 ounces and 4.6 inches long
  • This week the baby can hear your voice
  • They are growing hair, lashes and eyebrows

16 weeks pregnant with Oliver
16 weeks with baby #3












How is Mama Feeling?

Weight Gain: +1 pound putting me at 97.6 lbs

Exercise: Still going on walks in the morning/running after two toddlers all day

Craving: Candy, chips with salsa/guacamole, and lemonade

Eating: Chex cereal, waffles, bananas, soup, candy, string cheese, and chicken

  • Tired: Going to bed around 830/9pm 
  • Headaches: Getting headaches at least once a week
  • Heartburn: Heartburn after eating especially at night when I lay down for bed
  • Stuffy Nose: Mostly just at night/when I wake up (had this symptom with Landon)

So I don't know if this is some type of record but my belly button went from an innie to an outie already!!!

Looking Forward To: Our 16 week appointment/ultrasound today!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Bethany Beach 2013

We had such a wonderful time with our family! 

Now we are looking forward to HOPEFULLY find out the gender of baby #3 TOMORROW!!!