Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Week 15


What is Baby Up to at 15 Weeks?

  • He or she is about the size of an navel orange this week
  • Weighing about 2 1/2 to 3 ounces and measuring 4.5 inches long
  • Their ears have migrated to the sides of their head, and eyes are moving to the front of their face according to What to Expect.
15 weeks pregnant with Oliver
15 weeks pregnant with #3












Wearing the same shirt I wore when I was 37 weeks pregnant with Oliver! Not as big obviously... ;) 

37 weeks pregnant with Oliver

How is Mama Feeling? 

Weight Gain: I have no idea since we are on vacation. We have an OB appointment on Tuesday and will get an official update then. But most likely between half a pound and a pound.

What I am eating: Donuts, bagels, string cheese, turkey sandwiches, grapes, bananas, and crab ... lots and lots of crab!

Fitness: 1 to 2 mile family walks in the morning along with a few walks on the beach

Maternity Clothes: Not bottoms but some tanks tops

Craving: Chocolate and pickles!

Heartburn: Is not nearly as bad this week 

Movement: Same as last week random jabs in the morning and at night when I am sitting still the most and can focus on them.

Looking Forward To: Our 16 week OB appointment/ultrasound on Tuesday!


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 14

What is baby up to at 14 weeks?

  • Baby is the size of a lemon according to The Bump
  • About 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces
  • The baby can suck its thumb this week and wiggle their little toes

14 weeks with Oliver
14 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?

What I am eating: Bagels, cinnamon buns, cheerios, avocados, cheese, and soup

Fitness: Between chasing after our two toddlers and packing for the beach I haven't had too much time to exercise this week though the boys are a work out in themselves!

Weight Gain: I am back up to what I was right before getting pregnant (96.0 lbs). If I can gain about a pound a week from here on out I will be right around 120lbs when we give birth which will a healthy weight gain during pregnancy. Since I started "underweight" I should gain around 25 to 35lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Still fitting in my size 23 shorts though I did wear my maternity leggings earlier this week and I didn't want to take them off ... I always forget how comfortable maternity clothes are!!! I think in my weekly pregnancy picture with Oliver (on the left) I am wearing maternity pants already.

Craving: Candy, avocado, and lemonade 

Movement: DEFINITE jabs this week! I absolutely love this part about being pregnant well until the jabs get painful! :)

Looking Forward To: Spending a week away at the beach with our family!

Update on "Morning Sickness"

I think it is safe to say I am past the morning sickness phase! There are still some times if I go too long with out eating or something just doesn't agree with me I will get nauseous but for the most part I feel like we have moved on to the next chapter of this pregnancy. YAY!!! Though, now that that is gone I have been getting pretty annoying headaches ...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 13


  What is baby up to at 13 weeks?

  • Baby is the size of a fuzzy peach according to The Bump
  • About 2.9 inches and .81 ounces
  • Even though they are very tiny they already have fingerprints this week!

13 weeks with Oliver
13 weeks with baby #3












How is mama doing?

Happy to be in the 2nd trimester!

Weight Gain: Up .6 since last week (95.6lbs) still down one pound from pre-pregnany weight

  • Nausea: I have had a mini return of "morning sickness" this week and actually got sick a few times. 
  • Sleep: Still going to bed around 830/9pm and sometimes napping during the day while the boys have their nap.
  • Arms and legs falling asleep 
  • Headaches: I remember my migraines went away when I was pregnant with the boys so I am sad to be getting headaches this pregnancy. 
  • Heartburn: Still getting heartburn after eating certain foods (been popping TUMS)
What I love: Hitting the magical teens! And TUMS ;) 

Maternity Clothes: Not yet! I can still wear all my clothes. In the morning I don’t even look like I have that much of a bump but by the time the evening rolls around I pop out.  

  • Soup
  • Waffles
  • Strawberries
  • String cheese
  • Chocolate
  • Carrots with hummus
Fit Pregnancy: Still going on long walks a few times a week.

Craving: Pickles (typical pregnant woman) and avocado

Movement: Still too early! Though there have been a few times I thought I felt flutters. Maybe in two or three weeks... that is around when I first felt the boys kicks

Boy or Girl: No intuition just yet.

Looking forward to: Going to the beach in 10 days!

Landon's gender vote:

He also likes to talk to the baby...


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Old Wives Tales

Just for fun I have done some old wives tales this pregnancy. We do not have a preference with the gender we just want the baby to be healthy. Please take a guess at the bottom of this post on what you think baby #3 will be!

Here are the results:

  • Heartbeat above or below 140bpm --- Above 

  • Craving sweet or salty --- Both
  • Morning sickness yes or no --- Yesss!
  • Carrying high or low --- Hard to say 

Starting from the left-- Landon, Oliver, Baby #3 all around 12 weeks
  • Moody or happy --- Moody
  • Chinese chart boy or girl --- Boy (this test was wrong for both my boys maybe it will be wrong again ;) )

  • Baking soda test fizz or flat --- Flat (took this one three times)
  • Mother's age at conception and the year even or one is even and one is odd --- One is even and one is odd
  • Intelligender --- Girl result  
  • Necklace over belly test side to side or circles --- Circles

What do you think baby #3 will be? free polls 


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Week 12

 What is baby up to at 12 weeks?

  • By now, your baby weighs a full half-ounce 
  • They are about the size of a large plum
12 weeks with baby #3
12 weeks 3 days with Oliver

How is mama doing?

Weight Gain: Haven't gained anything since last week (still 95.0 lbs)

  • Nausea: Has mostly gone away though it still happens sporadically in the afternoon/evening
  • Sleep: Going to bed around 830/9pm and waking up 1 to 2 times a night to use the bathroom
  • Heartburn: I had heartburn with both my boys but I don't remembering it happening this early
  • No stamina: I am out of breath VERY quickly
  • Pretzel bagels
  • French toast
  • Bananas
  • String cheese
  • Carrots with hummus
  • Candy 
Fit Pregnancy: Walking 4 or 5 times a week about 2 miles give or take

Craving: Potato soup, broccoli soup, mozzarella sticks, and pickles

Sleep: The crazy dreams keep coming

Movement: Nothing yet! But I am looking forward to it 

Highlight: Seeing our baby at our OB appointment yesterday! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

NT Scan

This afternoon we had our NT Scan my weight was 97.0lbs and my blood pressure was 108/60. We already found out the results for our scan and everything came back in the normal range thankfully! The baby's heart rate was 180 bpm and still measuring about 4 days ahead.

 What is nuchal translucency?
  • Nuchal translucency is a collection of fluid under the skin at the back of a baby's neck. The nuchal translucency scan measures the thickness of this fluid to assess the risk of Down's syndrome. 
  • The nuchal translucency scan is usually advised in first time pregnancies, high-risk pregnancies and in pregnant women who are over 35 years of age.

Baby #3 at 12 weeks
Oliver at 11 weeks 5 days

Matt took these videos from our ultrasound... you can see in one of them the baby moving their arms around and rubbing their eyes! So sweet! We are already looking forward to our next appointment on September 3rd! Maybe we will even find out the gender then ;)
