Wednesday, July 31, 2013

week 11


 What is baby up to at 11 weeks?

  • Baby is the size of a lime – or about 2 inches long
  • Growing hair follicles, fingernails, and ovaries (if she's a girl)

11 weeks with Oliver
11 weeks with baby #3











How is mama doing?

Weight Gain: I gained one pound since last week putting me at minus 2 pounds (95.0lbs)

Pregnancy Fitness: I have been able to get out and walk about everyday for 1 or 2 miles it feels good! ;)

  • Nausea: It is still happening! Not nearly as frequently and usually just at night
  • Sleep: Waking up 1 to 2 times a night to use the bathroom and having very weird/vivid dreams
  • Cravings: SALT! and lemonade 
  • Showing: Starting to show a little this week (finally)

  • Bagels
  • Bananas
  • Strawberries
  • Soup
  • Cheese
  • Candy 
*Nausea/Vomiting Update*
  • I haven't thrown up in over a week (knock on wood)
  • I am still having nausea 
  • Usually during the late afternoon, at night, or if I go more than 3 hours without eating

Looking Forward To: Feeling some flutters, announcing our pregnancy to our Facebook friends this week, and of course our 12 week ultrasound on Tuesday!

 We found our little ones heartbeat last night high 160s bpm! The sound of their heart beating is one of the best sounds in the world. So in love.

Friday, July 26, 2013


The intelligender is a gender prediction test that is meant to be a fun way to discover if you're having a boy or a girl before your 20 week ultrasound (but after being pregnant for 10 weeks). The test is about 80% accurate but like I said it is just for fun. I did intelligender with Landon and Oliver and both times it came back dark forest green which means BOY (it was correct)! So, this pregnancy I have been very excited to try it out to see what it says!

The way the test works: 
  • You must be 10 weeks or more pregnant to use the test
  • Collect your first morning urine 
  • Remove the sticky tab at the top of the test kit cup
  • Then use the syringe (provided in the kit) to dispense 20ml's of urine into the hole at the top of the collection test cup
  • Swirl (do not shake) for 10 seconds
  • Do not distrube the test for 5 mintues 
  • Read results
Dark green=Boy Orange=Girl 

Mine Said....

We will have to wait and see if it is correct in late September :)

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Double Digits!

What is baby up to at 10 weeks?

  • Your baby is now the size of a prune
  •  He/she has small indentations on their legs (soon to be knees and ankles!), and his/her tiny arms even have elbows that bend 
10 weeks with Oliver
10 weeks with #3







....still no noticeable bump this week


How is mama doing?

What I am eating: Jello, bananas, soup, popsicles, candy, string cheese, and powerade

Fitness: We went on a few 1 and 2 mile walks this week.

Weight Gain: -3 I am currently 94.2lbs

Movement: Nothing yet!

Looking Forward To: Feeling better...

Update on "morning sickness" 
  • Still having on and off all day nauseous that is the worst late afternoon/night
  • The actual getting sick has slowed down this week I probably only got sick 3 or so times!  Improvement!
  • Still having trouble gaining weight 
  • My doctor recommended BOOST nutritional drink to me I will probably buy some the next time I go to the grocery store


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

First Doctor Appointment

This afternoon was our first doctor appointment my weight was 95.2lbs and my blood pressure was 102/70.


We were very blessed to see our little angel again! I am 9 weeks and 6 days but our little one was measuring 10 weeks and 4 days. With a strong fast heartbeat of 180bpm! I was so happy to see him/her growing so well after me being so sick these last few weeks. It was amazing to be able to watch the baby kicking around its skinny little legs! It just melted our hearts and we fell even more in love.


At the end of our appointment the nurse attempted to take some blood... I was way too dehydrated from being so sick she was not able to get any blood. Our next appointment is in two weeks for our NT scan and they will try again then. Also, my doctor said she would like me to gain about a pound a week from here on out since I started "underweight" and I have only lost weight so far. It is just hard when nothing looks appetizing and I feel so nauseous... I can't wait to see baby #3 again!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week 9

What is baby up to at 9 weeks?

  • Baby is about the size of a green olive! Baby measures around .9 inches and weighs about .07 ounces
  • You’ve made it to month three, and she/he is no longer an embryo -- now she/he is a fetus
  • She/he is developing more distinct facial features  

*There is a BIG difference in my two belly pictures... NO belly with baby #3 yet. I am assuming this is because I have been so sick and I may have weighed a few pounds heavier at the start of Oliver's pregnancy.
9 weeks and 2 days with Oliver
9 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?

What I am eating: Bread, jello, bananas, soup, jolly ranchers, and popsicles

Fitness: I have been struggling a lot this week not only because of my morning sickness but because I had a cold most of the week as well.

Weight Gain: -2 I started this pregnancy at 97lbs and I am currently at 95lbs

Movement: Nothing yet! But I felt flutters with Oliver around 14 weeks I hope I can feel this baby that early too! Just a few more weeks:)

Looking Forward To: Our next appointment on Tuesday!

Update on "Morning Sickness"

Recently, I have noticed I am the worst at night. The mornings are usually the best after I have eaten something. Which is the complete opposite of my past pregnancies... Still having all day nausea but like I said it is OK in the morning most of the time. But I am still getting sick at least once a day... I can not wait to have some relief! Hopefully soon! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Home Doppler

My husband Matt recently purchased an at home doppler from We previously had rented one from for both the boys pregnancies but this time for the same price of a one month rental we could buy one.... So we desided to give it a shot! I am not sure if it is lesser quality but I was able to find what I think is our baby's heartbeat at 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I did think the heart rate might be a little higher since this is what it was at our 7 weeks ultrasound but I don't know.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Week 8

What is baby up to at 8 weeks? 

  • Baby is the size of a large raspberry
  • Her or his lips, nose, eyelids, legs, and back continue to take shape
  • Even though you can't feel it yet, baby is now making spontaneous movements as she/he twitches their tiny trunk and limb buds
8 weeks with baby #3
8 weeks and 4 days with Oliver

How is mama doing?

Weight Gain: 96.0 

Fitness: Doing better this week! We have been able to get out and go on a few 2 or 3 mile walks! :)

Cravings: Nothing yet! Still drinking a lot of ginger ale and eating a lot of bread. Also, we picked up some Preggie Pops this week that have helped a little.

  • Nausea: Still having off and on all day nausea
  • Crazy Dreams: I have been having crazy dreams since a few days before we found out we were expecting! Sooo weird!
  • Potty Breaks: Getting up to use the bathroom 1-2 times a night
  • Fatigue
  • Sore Breasts
  • Weird taste in my mouth    
  • Occasional faintness or dizziness: Especially, when waking up in the morning and get out of bed

Looking Forward To: Getting over the nausea "morning sickness" stage...

Week Goals: Try to drink more water to keep from getting dehydrated and go on more walks

Caesarean Section Update: Here is an update on my c-section that I had back on May 9, 2012. Since I have had two previous c-sections we are going to have to schedule another one a week or so before our due date. It is still numb around the scar but the scar is mostly faded. I have been very lucky to have two doctors that specialize in caesareans. I hope our third goes as smoothly as the last two!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Ha ha! Just kidding! But it totally looks like it right?! When the ultrasound tech started the ultrasound she found our sweet little baby. We saw and heard a strong healthy heartbeat of 150bpm! And our little baby is measuring right on track at 7 weeks. The tech looked around at the sac for a few minutes but assured us she thinks there is only one in there and that the other blob is the "yolk sac."

We didn't see the doctor, this was just to confirm the pregnancy and due date. We go back on July 23rd for another ultrasound and to have our first real appointment with a doctor. I guess we will find out for sure then that there is only one in there! There will be be a lot of ultrasounds because we go to a high risk doctor since I had Landon at 28 weeks because of preeclampsia.

Week 7


What is baby up to at 7 weeks?

  • Your baby is about the size of a blueberry and about 10,000 times bigger than she was at conception!
  • Most of the growth this week is concentrated in the head as new brain cells are generated at the rate of 100 per minute
  • Your baby's mouth and tongue are forming  

7 weeks with Oliver
7 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?

Weight Gain: Or lack thereof ... I am still sitting at 95.6 

Fitness: My fitness is non existent since my morning sickness hit. Except for going on a 4 mile walk for Matt's work last Friday which by the end of I thought I might pass out.

Cravings: Nothing! I have been chewing on a lot of ice chips and drinking a lot of ginger ale which sometimes helps with my nausea.

  • Potty Breaks: Getting up to use the bathroom 1-2 times a night
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Sore Breasts
  • Weird taste in my mouth  

Update on Nausea and Vomiting: This week has been a little better I have been able eat small amounts of food each day and I can keep it down 70% of the time. But I still am having all day nausea... and if I nap when the boys are napping I will wake up and need to throw up 9 times out of 10. Not fun!

Looking Forward To: Our FIRST ultrasound THIS morning! :)  Also, visiting family this weekend! Though, I am EXTREMELY nervous about traveling 4+ hours in the car with my morning sickness...

Week Goals: Try to drink more water to keep from getting dehydrated and rest as much as possible