Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Week 6

What is baby up to at 6 weeks?

  • Baby is the size of a sweet pea
  • Your baby's jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose are beginning to form
  • Their heart is now beating 80 times a minute (and getting faster every day)! 

6 weeks with baby Oliver
6 weeks with baby #3


How is mama doing?

Weight Gain: 0 pounds 95.4lbs

  • Out of breath
  • Potty Breaks: Getting up to use the bathroom 1-2 times a night
  • Nausea and vomiting! (more on this at the bottom)
  • Fatigue
  • Sore Breasts
  • Weird taste in my mouth
  • Bloating: No matter what I eat or how little the portion I get bloated

Cravings: Nothing! Absolutely nothing sounds good!

Nausea and vomiting!

Since about 5 weeks and 3 or 4 days I have been so sick to my stomach from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. Then, I wake up to go to the bathroom around 12 or 1am and I have such trouble falling back asleep... I just laying there feeling so sick. There are points throughout the day I feel OK but it doesn't last long the nausea comes in waves. I am not sure how long this will last since I did not have this bad "morning sickness" with my two other pregnancies. It was more right when I woke up I felt nauseous (because of my empty stomach) I would usually throw up the first thing I ate then I was fine the rest of the day. This went on for a few weeks my guess is about 3 or 4 weeks. We will just have to wait and see how long my morning sickness lasts this time...

Oh one other difference I noticed between this pregnancy and my last two is my gums don't bleed when I brush and floss. I remember how horribly my gums bleed the last two times!

Weekly goals: Keep down as much water and food as possible and rest   

Looking Forward To: Our first ultrasound in ONE week! :)

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