Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Week 32

Merry Christmas! 

 7 weeks to go...

What is baby up to at 32 weeks?
  • Baby is the size of a squash--weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches.
  • He's getting ready for his descent -- he's likely in the head-down position now.
  • And he's probably feeling a even more cramped.
32 weeks pregnant with Oliver
32 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?  
Weight Gain: +0 lbs this week, weighing 111.4lbs, a total of 15 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Since the weather was so nice this past weekend, we were able to get out and go on a few double stroller walks!
Craving: Cookies...
Eating: Bagels, bananas, apples, chocolate, reese's trees (thanks Matt), shrimp, ham and brownies

  • Sleep: Still waking up 2 to 3 times a night to use the bathroom or just to get comfortable 
  • Movement: BIG ROLLS and he is head down, which means my ribs are getting a lot of kicks!
  • Out of breath: Walking up the stairs, walking and talking, or even if I am just telling a story
  • Discomfort
  • Heartburn
  • Braxton Hicks: I have been getting these randomly throughout the day-- nothing painful though. 
  • Veins: I forgot to mention this one last week, but the past couple weeks I have noticed sooo many lovely blue veins all over my stomach.

Random Facts:

  • Swelling in my feet if I stand for more than 30 min.
  • No stretch marks. I feel like I might get some by my belly button soon because I seem to be growing straight out this pregnancy
  • Belly button is so far out that you can see it sticking out from the side ha ha!
  • I am officially 8 months pregnant this week!
By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 9
  • Days until our wedding anniversary/New year's eve: 6
  • Days until c-section:49
  • Total pounds gained:15
What I love: Even though they are painful a lot of the time, I am soaking up every roll and kick I feel. Like most women it is what I love the most about pregnancy.
Looking Forward To: Going to a friends wedding this weekend! It will be nice to enjoy some alone time with Matt and celebrate our upcoming wedding anniversary as well!

Off to enjoy our last Christmas as a family of 4!


Friday, December 20, 2013

31 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 31 week doctor appointment. According to their scale my weight is 112lbs, up 3 pounds since my last appointment 3 weeks ago, with a total of 14 pounds gained since I started going to the doctor. My blood pressure was good, they didn't tell me what it was though, just that it was good. Baby #3 was kicking the doctor during my fast ultrasound to check his fluid level, heartbeat and positioning. His heartbeat was 140bpm, the doctor said he has a great about of fluid and is head down still. Not that it really matters... since I am having a repeat c-section. Our next appointment is in 2 weeks!

OOTD: 31 Week Doctor Appointment

Top: Splendid from a pea in a pod

Leggings: Splendid

Flats: Tory Burch

Off to the Doctors!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week 31

8 weeks or less...

What is baby up to at 31 weeks?
  • Baby is the size of a pineappleHe's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs around 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month, according to The Bump
  • He's going through major brain and nerve development
  • All five of his senses are in working order
31 weeks pregnant with Oliver
31 weeks with baby #3

I have actually had a lot of people come up to me and guess that I am having a boy because of my "pointy tummy." Supposedly girls are higher and rounder and boys are straight out and pointy... I have noticed I am definitely carrying differently this pregnancy compared to my other two boys.

Growth over the past few weeks:
from left to right: 31 weeks, 29 weeks and 27 weeks

How is mama doing?  
Weight Gain: +1 lbs this week weighing 111.0lbs, a total of 15 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Does Christmas shopping while pushing a double stroller count? Because it totally should!
Craving: Peanut butter and still chocolate of course!
Eating: Cereal, cinnamon buns, pineapple, bananas, apples with peanut butter, avacodo in a grilled cheese (amazing), and a few cheeseburgers this week while out to eat.

I feel like baby boy has gone through a growth spurt this week. Even though I didn't gain weight, I have been so uncomfortable. My back has been aching more than usual and I have been starving most of the day. He also seems to have changed his sleeping pattern ... I still always feel him kicking first thing in the morning, during the boys nap time (around 1pm) and while going to bed at night. The past few nights though, he has been kicking ALL night. My ribs ache by the morning, especially my right side. I am hoping this is going to stop this before he gets much bigger!

  • Sleep: Still waking up 2 to 3 times a night to use the bathroom or just to get comfortable again
  • Movement: BIG ROLLS and like I said above, he has been kicking my ribs
  • Out of breath: Walking up the stairs, usually carrying Oliver, really makes me out of breath these past few weeks.
  • Discomfort: By the end of the day, I am wiped out my feet hurt, my back hurts and I am exhausted! Definitely different than what I said last week...
  • Braxton Hicks: I have been getting these randomly through out the day-- Nothing painful though.

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 2
  • Days until Christmas: 7
  • Days until our wedding anniversary/New year's eve:13
  • Days until c-section: 56
  • Total pounds gained: 15
What I love: Being just 8 weeks away from meeting our little boy!
Looking Forward To: CHRISTMAS of course and our 31 week appointment on Friday
 (should be a fast one)


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 30

9 weeks or less...

What is baby up to at 30 weeks?

  • Baby is the size of a large cabbage – or about 15.7 inches and 3 pounds
  • His eye sight is continuing to develop
  • He is strong enough to grasp a finger!
30 weeks pregnant with Oliver
30 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?  
Weight Gain: +1 lbs weighing 110.2lbs, a total of 14 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Chasing after two toddlers all day.
Craving: Still chocolate! I eat it at least once a day usually, a few times a day.
Eating: Chocolate, cereal, apples, bananas, cheese with crackers, peanut butter, chicken and salad.

  • Sleep: I have been waking up a lot at night this week to use the restroom, usually 3 or 4 times.
  • Movement: Big kicks and rolls around the same time everyday, some are even becoming painful. Also, I realized that almost every night this week I have fallen asleep to him kicking.
  • Dry skin (everywhere)
  • Emotional: Mood swings
  • Stuffy Nose: Mostly when I wake up (had this symptom with Landon)

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 9
  • Days until Christmas: 14
  • Days until our wedding anniversary/New year's eve: 20
  • Days until c-section: 63
  • Total pounds gained:14

What I love: Feeling relatively comfortable at 30 weeks.
Looking Forward To: Spending the next two months with my two sons, before I have to split my attention for them three ways!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

OOTD: Snow Day!

Maternity Fashion
7 months pregnant

Top:Isabella Oliver
Jeans: Hudson
Scarf: J. Crew (old)
Booties: Tory Bunch (last year)

I have seen a lot of other mommy bloggers do posts on their maternity fashion and I thought I would give it a try. Right now all of my maternity clothes fit very well, not baggy, like they were in the first and second trimesters. Although, I know in about a month they will be a little snug in spots! Ha ha!

Enjoy the snow!


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Pictures 2013

Landon James (32 months) and Oliver Matthew (19 months)

Our two little presents!

Our last family of four Christmas picture!

30 weeks

Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you sweet boy!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

week 29

Just 10 more weeks!!! (or less)

What is baby up to at 29 weeks? 
  • Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, he weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds, but he's still got a ways to go.
  • He will triple in weight before birth
  • He's growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.
29 weeks pregnant with Oliver
29 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?  
Weight Gain: +2 pounds weighing 109.6lbs, a total of 13 pounds gained this pregnancy.
Exercise: Chasing after two toddlers all day 
Craving: Anything chocolate!
Eating: A lot of turkey, mashed potatoes, pretzel bagels, cereal, apples, pumpkin pie, pineapple

  • Sleep: Sleeping with one pillow between my legs still. Been so exhausted, I haven't had any trouble falling asleep this week.
  • Movement: Big kicks and rolls around the same time everyday. Also this week a ton of hiccups -- even got a video of some. 
  • Dry skin (everywhere)
  • Emotional
  • Backaches
  • Heartburn
  • Stuffy Nose: Mostly when I wake up (had this symptom with Landon)
Here are a few pictures from our Thanksgiving weekend: 

My boys :)
My love
We spent Thanksgiving day with the boys Great Aunt and Great Uncle in PA
Road trip with the bump
Oliver's cheese face=priceless
 So grateful for my family (the cheese face continued...)
We went to dinner with the boys Grandparents the weekend after Thanksgiving. Also, the boys are holding hands all on their own. I love that they are such great friends!
Enjoying our last Thanksgiving as a family of four!
Thanksgiving 2013

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment:16
  • Days until Christmas: 21
  • Days until our wedding anniversary/New year's eve: 27
  • Days until c-section: 70
  • Total pounds gained:13
Note: My glucose test results came back from my appointment last week they were 99 which is in the "normal range." Thank goodness I passed!!!
What I love: Knowing that in just TEN weeks (or less) we will have three little boys.
Looking Forward To: Decorating for Christmas!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

28 Week Doctor Appointment

This morning was our 28 week doctor appointment and glucose test. According to their scale my weight is 109lbs, up 4 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago, with a total of 11 pounds gained since I started going to the doctor. My blood pressure was 100/58 which is good! Baby #3 is having a lot of fun in there. His heart beat was 153bpm and weighing a healthy 2 lbs 10 oz. Also, he is head down already like I had thought he was... he is kicking my ribs and stomach all. the. time.

Oliver at 28 weeks weighing 2 lbs 15 oz
Baby #3 at 28 weeks weighing 2 lbs 10 oz
Our next appointment is in three weeks and then two weeks after that we go again.


Week 28

Hellooo third trimester!!!
 What is baby up to at 28 weeks? 
  • Baby is the size of an eggplant and measuring around 13.6 to 14.8 inches and weighs in the 1.5 to 2.5 pound range.
  • He is starting to develop more fat, so his wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
  • His lungs are mature enough that he'd probably survive if he was born now! 

Side note: This was the week Landon was born. He was 2lbs 1oz and quite the little fighter! After 10 long weeks in the NICU he came home with us. Currently he is a healthy, strong, giggly two and a half year old toddler... so thankful!

28 weeks pregnant with Oliver
28 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?  

Weight Gain: +1 pound weighing 107.8lbs with a total of 11 pounds gained this pregnancy.
Exercise: Chasing after two toddlers all day
Craving:WATER. I am not one who drinks a lot of water, definitely less than I should be drinking especially while pregnant. No other drink helps my thirst this week. Water is all I want!
Eating:Chocolate chip muffins/pancakes, soup, turkey sandwiches with extra lettuce, apples, and bananas

Random Note: Last week and this week I have been obsessed with candy (specifically reese peanut butter cups.) Since I had my glucose test today, I cut myself off from them a few days ago in hopes that I don't fail!

  • Sleep: Sleeping with one pillow between my legs helps. Turning over has started to become a challenge recently. It really does feel like I am bringing 11 extra pounds over with me. 
  • Movement: Big kicks and rolls mostly at night and especially when one of his brothers is using him as an arm rest or a pillow! Ha ha!
  • Dry skin (everywhere)
  • Heartburn: Taking Tums most nights
  • Stuffy Nose: Mostly when I wake up (had this symptom with Landon)

Thankful-- 5 things:
  1. My sweet baby boys for making me a mommy.
  2. My loving husband who does so much for me and our children. I love and adore you.
  3. Making it to the third trimester (a healthy pregnancy thus far)
  4. Living just 20 minutes down the road from my helpful/supportive parents.
  5. Maternity leggings. Seriously, I love them!   

By the Number:
  • Days until Thanksgiving:2 
  • Days until our next appointment:24  
  • Days until Christmas: 29
  • Days until c-section: 78
  • Total pounds gained:11

What I love: Being in the third trimester!
Looking Forward To: Eating a lot the next few days ;)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week 27

 This is my last week in the second trimester-- I cannot believe it!

What is baby up to at 27 weeks? 
  • Baby is the size of a rutabaga and measuring around 13.6 to 14.8 inches and weighs in the 1.5 to 2.5 pound range.
  • He is practicing inhaling and exhaling with his rapidly developing lungs.
  • Baby's showing brain activity! And his brain will keep on getting more complex.

27 weeks pregnant with Oliver
27 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?  

Weight Gain: +1 pound weighing 106.8lbs with a total of 10 pounds gained this pregnancy.
Exercise: A few two mile walks with the double stroller
Craving: Candy, especially reese peanut butter cups! Even though they have been making me sick, I keep eating them.
Eating: Like I had said above, I can not stay away from reese, salads, apples with peanut butter, grapes, bananas, broccoli and cheddar soup and chicken
Nausea: I think that baby boy has switched positions. There is a big lump at the top of my stomach in the middle under my ribs which I can only assume is his head or his bottom. I feel like it is his bottom because he is also kicking my stomach which has actually made me sick a few times this week.

Random side note: Before the position change, I had Five Guys this week and it was amazing. My belly definitely grew after that. It was itchy the rest of the day.


  • Sleep: Sleeping with one pillow between my legs helps. But I am having trouble falling asleep recently.
  • Movement: Twists and turns all day, especially at night. Lots of hiccups this week too-- love it!
  • Dry skin
  • Heartburn
  • Leg Cramps 
  • Stuffy Nose: Mostly when I wake up (had this symptom with Landon)

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 6
  • Days until the third trimester: 7
  • Days until Thanksgiving: 8
  • Days until Christmas: 35
  • Days until c-section: 84
  • Total pounds gained:10
What I love: Nearing the third trimester

Looking Forward To: Our 28 week/glucose test appointment in less than a week

Have a wonderful rest of your week :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Weeks 26

Less than three months until we meet baby #3!

What is baby up to at 26 weeks? 
  • Baby is the size of a head of lettuce and measuring around 13.6 to 14.8 inch inches and weighs in the 1.5 to 2.5 pound range.
  • His eyes are forming, and they will soon start to open.
  • Also, his eyelashes are now grown too according to The Bump
         26 weeks with Landon (sick with pre-eclampsia) and 26 weeks with Oliver on the right

 Side note: This was my last bump picture taken before Landon was born.

How is mama doing?
Weight Gain: +0 pounds still at 105.4lbs which is the same as last week with a total of 9 pounds gained this pregnancy.
Exercise: Same as last week, just been on my feet a lot recently
Craving: I love donuts, but I think that might be a normal non-pregnancy related thing? Ha ha!
Eating: Donuts, pancakes, bananas with peanut butter, lettuce, turkey, apples, BLTs and chicken


  • Sleep: Has been going well lately, though I am still tired a lot of the time.
  • Movement: Twists and turns all day especially, at night.
  • Heartburn
  • Crazy dreams
  • Stuffy Nose: Mostly when I wake up (had this symptom with Landon)
By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 13
  • Days until the third trimester: 14
  • Days until Thanksgiving: 15
  • Days until Christmas: 42
  • Days until c-section: 91
  • Total pounds gained: 9
What I love: Being so close to the third trimester

Looking Forward To: Decorating the nursery!

Have a wonderful rest of your week :)