Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Week 28

Third Trimester! 28 weeks pregnant! 

Top left to right is Oliver, Trent then Rose, bottom left to right is Brooks, Vivian then baby #7

Trent and baby number 7

I have been so bad at documenting this pregnancy. I think a big part of it is because I'm no longer on social media so I don't have a many people following along on this pregnancy journey and don't feel as motivated to share. 

On Monday, I had my 28 week doctor appointment at 27 weeks and 5 days. Everything looked great! Fluid level was good, he was practicing his breathing and the ultrasound tech said he already has a lot of hair. He is still in the 85th percentile estimated to weigh 2lbs 15oz. Which is exactly what Oliver was at  his appointment at 27 weeks 6 days!

Craving: Sweets, but that is nothing new

Sleeping: Still waking a few times a night to use the bathroom 

Symptoms: Tired and heartburn has started in the last week at night


Christmas: 4 days
11th wedding anniversary/NYE: 10 days
Next doctor appointment: 26 days
Trent's birthday: 35 days
Brooks' birthday:63 days 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Weeks 17, 18, 19 and 20 baby #7

Nothing new to report these last few weeks. We did check baby's estimated weight at 18 weeks and 6 days he was 11oz which was the 85th percentile. My belly has really popped as well as my belly button! 

Top left to bottom right: Oliver (in Aruba for our honeymoon), Trent, Rose, Brooks, Vivian and baby #7 

Just for fun: 

At 20 weeks on the dot Trent was estimated to weigh 13oz, 67th percentile 

Brooks was estimated to weigh 11.8 oz 64th percentile at 19 weeks and 5 days

Rose at 19 weeks and 1 day estimated to weigh 10.3oz 58th percentile. 

Vivian at 19 weeks and 4 days 10.2oz 34th percentile. She was diagnosed with basically a bad cord insertion that results in low birth weight. 

October 26th- November 2nd

Today at 20 weeks baby is the size of a banana estimated to weigh 10.5 oz according to BabyCenter. 

Craving: Chili, tomato soup with grilled cheese and chicken nuggets 

Sleep: Exhausted by 8pm waking up two or three times a night to go to the bathroom. Always having weird vivid dreams. 

Movement: I’m feeling kicks everyday mostly in the morning and evening. Matt and a few of the kids have felt him kick too!

Doppler: Ranges from 145 to 155bpm. He has definitely moved up because my belly button has popped out like I mentioned above and when I listen to his heartbeat on the doppler it’s higher than it was a few weeks ago. 


Anatomy Scan: 5 days

Halloween: 5 days 

Thanksgiving: 29 days

Christmas: 60 days 


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Week 16 baby #7

I didn’t write a 15 week update, but I did take a picture. 

We saw my doctor at 15 weeks and baby measured 5oz which was the 95th percentile! I was happy to hear that he looks great and is growing very well. 

Baby boy 15 weeks 

The dress I was wearing the last two pictures made it hard to really see change each week because of the ruched fabric so I decided to switch it up, but this one is pink and since we are having a boy I’m still in search of a blue dress for future weeks! 

Sleep-  waking up anywhere from 2 to 5 times a night to go to the bathroom depending on how much I drink that day. My goal is to drink 128oz, but I always at least drink 100oz. 

Craving- now that it’s getting colder out I am craving anything warm! 
Soups, chili, warmed croissants and hot chocolate. 

Movement- I feel him kick maybe once or twice a day. It feels like a quick tap from inside. 

Symptoms- exhaustion, I’m tired all the time!! I try to stay up until 830, but it’s a struggle. I’m still having vivid, strange dreams every night. 

Doppler- Ranges between mid 140 to mid 150 BPM. 


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Week 14 baby #7


 At 14 weeks baby is the size of a navel orange.
Sleep is going okay. I drink a lot of water around 128oz a day which means I'm going to the bathroom all the time during the day and night. It's so important I stay hydrated with my irritable uterus being dehydrated will make me more likely to have contractions. Even this early on my doctor has pointed out a contraction I was having during an ultrasound. 

Nausea came in waves during the first trimester, vivid dreams and exhaustion were big symptoms for me. I wouldn't say I'm craving anything this pregnancy. It's more so that if I get something on my mind I can't stop talking about it until I have it. 

Sometimes in bed or when I'm sitting still I feel what I think is a little tap from baby boy. After looking back at week 14 with my previous pregnancies I was feeling some movement. My placenta is in the back which is great because if it was in the front it could grow into my csection scar and that would be very dangerous. Since it is in the back that means I will feel movements earlier too! 

Home doppler ranges from 152-158BPM 

I feel a huge relief making it to the second trimester and I am thankful to be carrying such a strong, healthy baby boy! 

Baby #7

Yup, you read that right! Baby number SEVEN is coming in early March 2023.

I am so excited to share my pregnancy journey on here. It is something I really cherish looking back on. Back in August I did a blood test to check for the top genetic disorders and were blessed that all came back low risk as well as the baby's gender!

We are all thrilled! I feel like I'm a pro at being a boy mom at this point. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Vivian at 15 Months Old

Vivi just had her 15 month appointment and weighs 22lbs 6oz (65th percentile) and 30.75 inches (53rd percentile) definitely one of the biggest any of our kids have been at this age! Honestly, I was a little worried she wasn't gaining weight because she can't have dairy. The usual foods like mac and cheese, grilled cheese and  yogurt that our kids always enjoyed at this age she can't have and of course not having a big bottle or sippy cup of milk a few times a day like most kids have, she can't. I've tried oat and almond milk she just pushes it away. I am still breastfeeding Vivian whenever she wants during the day she just signs to nurse and always right before bed. At night she sleeps from 6/6:30pm to 6am with no wake ups and then she naps once during the day around 11/11:30am with Brooks. 

In her 12 month post I  mentioned that we did a blood test to find out more about her allergies the results said she was now only allergic to milk and no longer had a peanut or avocado allergy. Per her allergists directions I gave Vivian a little bit of peanut butter with her morning oatmeal and she immediately broke out in hives around her mouth and shortly after her whole body was covered in the hives. At her check up yesterday Vivians pediatrician said those blood tests can be wrong unfortunately and it's best to go off of her reaction and its obvious she's allergic to peanuts. 

Vivian is walking all over the place she's so fast! It's hard to keep up with her! Vivi is constantly learning new words and can say Dada, Mama, woof woof, Bye, Hi, Wawa and Mwah! 

In other news we are moving! ... Again! 

We are moving back to where we moved from luckily we were only short term renting this house because our hearts stayed where our old home is! I have been homeschooling our kids for the past few months and now that our older four are fully vaccinated we feel as comfortable as we are going to about sending them back in person. I am excited for them and for Brooks and Vivian to get more alone time with me!

Happy Holidays! 
