Rose is 15 months old now, and has started the most fun stage of toddlerhood in my opinion. She is learning all sorts of words and will now nod yes or no when you ask her questions. Rose is walking (running) everywhere and trying to climb the couch every chance she gets. It is very exhausting chasing after her, but still so fun to watch Rose exploring and learning!! It has been a joy watching Rose's excitement over the Christmas tree and decorations this year. Last year at this time, Rose was just a few months old so seeing Santa was no big deal. We just went to visit the jolly old man and Rose was not a fan to say the least! Hopefully next year, we will finally get all four smiling!
Breastfeeding: Rose is still nursing around four times a day. Waking up one time anywhere from 9pm-4am when she eats and goes right back to sleep most nights--I don't mind it. Rose usually, nurses when she wakes up for the day and then before her afternoon nap and once more before bed. If Rose is sick, she nurses more often. I am sure some of you are wondering when I will be weaning her and as of now my plan is to slowly start around 18 months. I hope Rose self weans before then though, because I would prefer it to be her decision rather than mine. It is important to me to do my best to keep her healthy through this winter and breastmilk is the best thing I can giver her to do that.
Sleep: Rose is napping once a day around 12:30pm-2pm. Bedtime is around 7pm and she will wake once like I mentioned earlier to nurse and she goes back to sleep until 6:30am.
Solids: Though we have been exploring all foods since turning one, she still loves to nurse and when she is sick that is the only thing she will accept. Sadly, Rose has gotten a few colds and one double ear infection since her brothers have started school this fall which has resulted in not much weight gain since turning one in September. During her appointment last week her doctor reassured me that after turning one slow weight gain is normal and with Rose being so active since learning to walk and not being too interested in solids she is not concerned because for her height Rose's weight is normal.
Personality: Rose has really come out of her shell since my last update! Rose loves to walk around in public places and smile at everyone. If a stranger tries to talk to her, Rose is quick to turn right around and run to me.
New this month:
Clearly says "Dada" or " Dad" to Matt, "Mama" or "Mom" to me, "Papa" to my Dad and we even heard her say "hi" and"Landon" a few times! Rose is getting closer to saying "Grandma" and associates everyone with their name! More recent words are "car" and "that" (while pointing at objects)
Weight: 20lbs
Height: 29.5 inches
Clothing Size:12-18 month
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair: Brown and curly in the back straight on top
Teeth: Two top and two bottom center
Teeth: Two top and two bottom center
Dislikes: Being held by other people, being moved away from doing something naughty
Likes: Nursing, goldfish, cherrios, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth, especially her fingers
Likes: Nursing, goldfish, cherrios, showers/baths with Mommy, her brothers attention, pulling her bows over her eyes, putting everything in her mouth, especially her fingers
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