Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Baby #4|| Week 35

UPDATE: Matt and I packed our hospital bag this past weekend! Good thing too because we ending up there to get monitored Monday night. I was having contractions 8-12 minutes apart for a few hours my doctor was able to finally stop them after two rounds of some medicine. Fingers crossed Rose stays put for at least a few more weeks!

 Either way we will meeting our daughter THIS month! Which is so exciting!!

What I look like this week:

What Rose looks like this week: 
This week, according to BabyCenter, Rose weighs around 5 1/4 pounds (about the size of a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in my womb, she isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Weight gain: 112lbs, one pound weight gain this week-- a total of 17lbs this pregnancy.

Sleep: Sleeping is horrible! I still wake up once to use the bathroom and then like 5 or more other times either because of braxton hicks or Rose kicking around. I am having a really hard time getting comfortable recently.

Eating: I am still eating as much as I can. Small frequent meals seem to work best for me not to feel nauseous. No matter what I have for dinner most evenings I have heartburn.

Movement: Lots of kicks, rolls and hiccups mostly at night or in the morning.

What I'm loving: That we have only 4 weeks or less before we are holding Rose!

Symptoms: Still having vivid dreams, strange body parts falling asleep, dry skin, lower back pain, heartburn. 


Monday, August 31th: Morning Pure Barre 60 minute class
Tuesday, August 25th: Morning Pure Barre 60 minute class
Wednesday, August 26th: 20 minute treadmill incline walk (about a mile)
Thursday, August 27th: Morning Pure Barre 60 minute class
Friday, August 28th:  Morning Pure Barre 60 minute class
Saturday, August 29th: 20 minute treadmill incline walk (1.26miles)
Sunday, August 30th:  OFF

*With being dilated and having preterm labor I (and my doctor) think it is best to take it easy as much as possible so this will be my last week of exercise this pregnancy.

What I'm looking forward to: Our doctors appointment on Thursday and my 25th birthday on Monday! 

Comparison pictures:

Oliver on the left, Trent in the middle and Rose on the right

Trent on the left and Rose on the right


Days until our next appointment: 1 day
Days until the boys first day of school: 7 days
Days until C-Section date: 28 days

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