The weeks just keep rolling by...
What I look like this week:
What I look like this week:
What Rose looks like this week:
This week Rose is the size of a spaghetti squash or around 11 inches and weighs about 1 pound!
Weight gain: 102lbs, up one pound this week. I am exactly the same weight I was when I was pregnant with Trent at 22 weeks. My pre-pregnancy weight this time was 94lbs, two pounds less than I was when I got pregnant with Trent (96lbs.) A total weight gain of 8lbs this pregnancy.
This week Rose is the size of a spaghetti squash or around 11 inches and weighs about 1 pound!
Sleep: Back to waking up really early around 5am. I blame it on Rose's morning dance parties. Looks like we have another early bird on our hands!
Eating: Still loving peanut butter, pancakes, fruit and ice cream. I have had a major craving for cereal this week too.
Movement: Mostly still feel her kicks in the morning after breakfast and in the evening when I can truly focus on them. During the day, I am just so active I am sure I miss a lot of her movements.
What I'm loving: Being pregnant. I love the kicks, I love the belly, I love having her with me all the time, I love everything about it. I sure am going to miss it!
Symptoms: Vivid dreams, feeling extra emotional, strange body parts are falling asleep like my knees, dry skin, heartburn and braxton hicks randomly.
Exercise: Just out of curiosity, I wore my UP band this past week to see how many miles I walk each day. Every day is different-- some days I walk a few miles with all three boys, but other days they aren't into it and we don't go on a walk. I enjoy walking, it is great exercise and it's not too hard on my knees, which running can be. Whether we have a busy day planned or we are just staying home, I am always on my feet from when my kids wake up to when they go to bed. I do my best to rest when I can, but its not easy when none of my kids go to school yet and I am literally with them 24/7. I am blessed to be able to be home with them, but it's not easy.
Wednesday- 4.7mi
Thursday- 4.6mi
Friday- 5.6mi
Saturday- 6.5mi
Sunday- 5.4mi
Monday- 6.7mi
Tuesday- 4.5mi
What I'm looking forward to: My doctors appointment next week! I love being able to see our sweet girl and how much she's grown. This time we are going to walk to my appointment weather permitting-- that is how close we live to our new doctors office. I am so excited!
Love you honey!!