Weight gain/loss: 95.4lbs this morning I have gained one pound this pregnancy.
Sleep: I have been having a lot of trouble falling asleep at night and then I wake up ridiculously early and can't seem to fall back asleep.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Still not loving coffee or meat. I have been craving cheese, fruit, donuts and pancakes this week.
Movement: I haven't felt much of anything recently which I am kind of bummed about because last week I swore I felt a few flutters. Looking back at Trent's post I was feeling "definite jabs" already. Well soon enough she will be kicking my ribs full force!
Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, random nausea (it has been so much better though), emotional, exhaustion, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad as it was.
What I'm looking forward to: More flutters and to see our sweet baby girl again next week!
Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged in the 160s bpm.
Days until our next appointment: 8 days
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 0 days we made it to the second trimester!
Days until due date: 183 days
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